Songbook for piano
Piano mode
The songbook provides the Piano mode for piano players. It also offers all the great features of the Songbook at your disposal but you’ll get the piano chord charts with the fingerings for the chords in a song.

If you have enabled the Piano mode in the settings, it activates the Songbook for piano and you’ll always get piano chord charts. This applies to all songs without exception. No matter for which string instrument and tuning they have been used so far. In Piano mode, you cannot switch to any other string instrument or tuning. If you deactivate Piano mode again, your songs will be available for your string instrument again.
Piano chord charts
Use the Piano toggle button in the toolbar to show/hide the piano chord charts with the fingerings for the song’s chords.

The piano chord charts are either shown in a zoomable (pinch gesture) grid or in a horizontally scrollable gallery. You can switch between the gallery and the grid with the arrow triangle. The size can be adjusted by the handle above. Click on a piano chord chart to play the chord (see general Sound settings).

Piano chord chart dialog
Whenever you click on a chord in the song text, a dialog with the piano chord chart appears. You can use it to play the chord or to replace the chord with another (see Chords and fingerings).