smartChord V6.16
⭐ Songbook
▫ Optional metronome integrated:
◾ Enter song specific tempo by BPM dialog with tap tempo functionality
◾ Select song specific time signature from list
◾ Optionally flash
◾ Optionally mute
◾ Optionally vibrate

▫ Determine capo and key when searching songs on Ultimate Guitar
▫ Capo is now also part of the collapsed info section
▫ Toolbar vanishes on start
▫ New arranged buttons in toolbar
▫ Different content for the ‘Online song viewer’:
◾ Provide the lyrics for your audience or the whole song for your band mates
◾ Present your song in any browser at
◾ Our video shows the handling for the ‘Online song viewer’:

✅ ‘Table of content’ allows fast scrolling by dragging the scrollbar

✅ Metronome: Option to flash the screen on every beat
✅ Notepad:
▫ Add links to your store items: chord progressions, songs, set lists, exercises, patterns, metronome and tone generator settings
▫ You can use it to document your exercises or create your exercise plan

✅ Chord name:
▫ Improved determination of slash chords
▫ Fix: ‘Change tuning’ does now update the fretboard view
✅ Practice: Option to show note names
✅ Minor changes/fixes
❀ Special thanks to Aklan Akdağ, Benno Schoppel, Gina Millis, Henk Oostrom, Jacob Pemberton, jmboof1, Jonathan Boughton, Marc Barten, Roberto Quaciari and Thomas Wenselowski for their contribution to this version.