smartChord V10.13

✔ Settings are searchable. The keyword search provides a quick overview of the available settings

✔ Chord name:
◾ Fingering colors follow the color scheme binding for the selected chord
◾ Optional notes of a chord are marked in red

✔ Chord in mode ‘Scale’: Click on the scale name to change the scale. Click on the scale icon to open the scale in the scale tool

✔ Songbook: Chord gallery new long-click option to add or to remove the fingering from favorites

✔ Set list: Layout optimizations

✔ New documentation:

◾ General appearance:
◾ Piano:

🐞 Songbook: Automatic scroll speed after editing a songtext

🐞 Songbook: Key Identifier and Scale Name called with the wrong chord order

🐞 Songbook internet search: Workaround to handle corrupt song pages on

🐞 Categories have been lost when you save a song that is running the set list

🐞 Rootless chords didn’t enforce to have the bass note in slash chords

✔ A lot of other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Alberto Torres Gutiérrez, Marcel Brouillet, Rob D. Schaefer, Stefan Manns, Thomas Fiebich and William G. Jordan for their contribution to this version

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smartChord V10.12

Chord diagrams: Option to mark open strings with a rectangle

Fretboard Trainer:
◾ Possibility to select single scales with tonic
◾ More scale selection possibilities (
◾ Optimized layout for large answer lists

Set list:
◾ Import is possible from an arbitrary folder on the device
◾ Larger font

◾ Possibility to show the note names on all keys belonging to a chord or scale
◾ Possibility to change the base note of a chord or the tonic of a scale

Notepad: More scale selection possibilities (

File importer: Menu entry to set smartChords app specific folders for import

✔ We have dedicated a separate chapter to chord inversions:

🐞 Set list: Export and print showed a blank page when ‘No content’ was selected

✔ A lot of other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Alberto Torres Gutiérrez, Anshela Sanabria, Monkey Do, Patrick Senac, Rob D. Schaefer, Ron Rijnenberg and Somsavath Norindr for their contribution to this version

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smartChord V10.11.1

🐞 Major fixes in chord diagrams for lefties
🐞 Songbook: Workaround to handle corrupt song pages on Ultimate-Guitar
🐞 Songbook: Transposing failed in some cases after transposing several times
🐞 Set list import listed the contents multiple times
🐞 Fretboard Trainer: Training mode ‘Lab after Lab’ asked correct answered notes too often
✔ Other minor fixes
❀ Special thanks to Jon Hoekstra, Laurent Haricot, Victor Rodt and Vittorio Bernardini for their contribution to this version

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smartChord V10.11

◾ Optimized print and share
◾ Possibility to print and share a song with one of the Songbook color schemes: Light, Dark, Printout
◾ Workaround to handle corrupt song pages on Ultimate-Guitar
◾ Workaround to handle duplicate song texts on Ultimate-Guitar

Set List:
◾ Add Notes as set list entries. Use a note entry to make a joke or address the audience, or indicate a change of instrument, tuning adjustments, equipment requirements, or other specific details
◾ Optimized set list export and print
◾ Export ‘Internal’ does include now the images and PDF files beneath the songs
◾ Menu item to print a set list
◾ Possibility to export and print a set list with the Songbook color schemes: Light, Dark, Printout

Editor: Text capacity increased

✔ New documentation:

Set List
Song Analyzer
Fretboard Explorer
Key Identifier
Lyrics Pad

🐞 Notepad: Link to songs opened Chords screen instead of Songbook. Link to Chords screen uses now protocol ‘scrd’: Chord: F5

✔ A lot of other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Burkhard Brodda, Jon Hoekstra, Jürgen Schulz-Ohlberg, Keith Layton, Konstantin Paus and Roy Sanchez for their contribution to this version

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smartChord V10.10

✔ Notepad:
◾ Add Images
◾ Add YouTube videos
◾ Menu items to collapse or expand all notes
◾ New editor menu items to add links to chords, scales, picking patterns

✔ Scale:
◾ New button to define scale favorite
◾ More scale favorites visible on large screens

✔ Songbook: internet search optimized

🐞 Editor made problems on some devices (song editor, lyrics pad, song writer, notepad)

🐞 Scale favorites: Drag’n’drop works again

✔ Other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Alberto Torres Gutiérrez, Anthony Steele-Perkins, Arjen Westdijk, Glenn Holmes, Jonathan Olson, Konstantin Paus, Lynne Whitehorn, Marcello Casali, Nick Gassman, Paul Schoonderwoerd and Victor Osaka for their contribution to this version

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smartChord V10.9

✔ Notepad:
◾ New way to organize notes for different items
▶ Watch our video about the notepad and the notes

✔ New documentation:
Fretboard trainer

? Set list: Problems to add songs into an empty set list

✔ Other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to John Madsen and Levin Laysor for their contribution to this version

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smartChord V10.8

✔ Chord and Chord details: Option to display a resizable piano, which shows either the respective chord or fingering

✔ Chord dictionary: Add and remove chord types from favorites

✔ Chord name: Selecting a chord name will change the note names and intervals accordingly

✔ Songbook:
◾ Easily add songs from not supported web pages: Select the song text and use the context menu ‘Create song’
◾ The elapsed scroll time is now the time taken to reach the current line

✔ Cloud folders are sorted by name

✔ Cloud- and File-explorer: Switch to the parent folder with the back key

? Cloud- and File-Explorer: Icons visible also on bright themes

✔ Other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Alberto Torres Gutiérrez, Ginger Hawkins, Henk Oostrom, Luiz Marcos, Marcel Brouillet, Martin P. Daniels and Paolo Ventafridda for their contribution to this version

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smartChord V10.7.2

✔ Songbook:
◾ The scrolling time is displayed in the upper right corner. By tapping it you can change the duration of the song
◾ By tapping on the seconds of the scroll delay you can change it
◾ Possibility to import songs from an arbitrary folder on Android 13 and newer
? Corrections for manual scrolling and optimization for auto-scrolling

✔ Other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Abel Castilhos, Alberto Torres Gutiérrez, Dave Schneider, Davy Houpert, Henk Oostrom, Jesse Cabell, Sergio Jover, Stefan Heinze and Volker Kratschmann for their contribution to this version

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smartChord V10.7.1

✔ Metronome: Shows the total duration of an exercise with Speed-trainer

✔ Songbook: Internet song search improved for devices older than Android 8

? Songbook: Some songs could not be opened

✔ Other minor improvements

❀ Special thanks to Andrés Lopéz, Jean-Pierre Martin, Justin Billington, Rolando Chicas and Stefan Heinze for their contribution to this version

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smartChord V10.7

◾ Editor colors blocks and instructions to make the song text clearer
◾ Editor appearance according to background, block and text colour settings
◾ Scroll bars are shown when scrolling so that the position of the visible text in the song is clear
◾ ChordPro annotations [] (e.g. [Coda]; see

Piano: Option to show scales and chords on the keys

✔ We have dedicated a separate chapter to the CAGED system:

? Songbook: Corrections for auto scroll

? Octavation corrected in some tunings

? Settings: Long setting titles were not fully visible

? Fretboard trainer: The names of the white piano keys were unrecognizable on large screens

✔ Other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Alberto Torres Gutiérrez, Aleksey Parasotskiy, Andrés López, Chris Drexler, Dr. Willi Streitz, Henk Oostrom, Mario Ravlić, Mark D Baker, Michael Fischer, Nick Gassman, Sergio Jover and Simone Sapienza for their contribution to this version

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smartChord V10.6.1

? Songbook: Scrolling no longer works for songs without a duration specified

? Circle of fifths: Legend colors were wrong when the appearance setting ‘Color scheme binding’ was activated

✔ Other improvement

❀ Special thanks to Andy Lopéz, Jesse Cabell and Ricardo Castro for their contribution to this version

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smartChord V10.6

✔ Songbook scroll control behavior

  • Possibility to control the scrolling by defining a time from start when automatic scrolling reaches the line
  • Scroll time markers can be set by the context menu directly in the songbook or the menu of the song editor
  • Scroll time markers directive {x_sccrd_stm:01:20} which determines the time in minutes and seconds
  • Scroll time markers are visible and highlighted. A tap on the scroll time marker lets you change the time
  • Read our documentation to learn how to scroll

✔ Table of contents: Selects the last used item

❗❗ Behavior change: When you exit a feature in which you have changed the store item (like a song), you must decide whether to save or discard

? Songbook: When using ‘Replace chord’ and the song was already transposed, the new chord was not transposed

? Songbook: Internet song search had sometimes problems with artist pages e.g. on guitartabs

✔ Other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Andreas Arbeit, Carsten Bruns, Gerrit Horeis, Guy Togbenou, Hans Sta, Javier Barraza and Nick Levyn for their contribution to this version

▶ Watch our video to learn how to scroll:

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smartChord V10.5.1

? Circle of fifths: Switching the key by dragging works again

✔ Other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Gerhard Karl and Márcio Rezende for their contribution to this version

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smartChord V10.5

⭐ Song Writer ⭐
Drag’n’drop support to easily replace chords
Drum Machine integrated for parallel playback to the player
Metronome integrated for parallel playback to the player
◾ The diatonic chords in the selection view are colored according to the color scheme
History button to go back to the last used scales
◾ Player can also be used in edit mode
◾ Text editor allows adding the signs for rest and bar line from the menu
◾ Menu item to open the playground with the notes of the scale highlighted

✔ Chords screen: The chords in Scale mode are colored according to the color scheme

✔ Chord colors updated after scale or key change

✔ Scale-circle: History button to go back to the last used scales

❗❗ The hash sign (#) is now allowed in names

? Song Writer: Size of Circle of Fifths is limited
? Piano: Color scheme ignored the color scheme binding

✔ Other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Andy Arbeit, David King, Dr. Willi Streitz, Ernest Young and Phil Spector for their contribution to this version

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