Create and edit a set list

Use the Folder menu to create a new set list.
Use the ⋮ menu (vertical ellipsis) to add information like name, location, date or notes to the set list.
Add entries
Use the Add button (+) to include one of the following entries:
- Songs from your songbook. Please note, that the songs are not included but just referenced and identified by their name. If you change the name of a song, the song will no longer be found in the set list.
- Images and PDF sheet music files from your device. The images and PDF can be longer than one page. They are scrollable either automatically, manually or with a Bluetooth or MIDI device.
- Breaks have a duration like the songs and may contain a note. Maybe a speech to the audience with organizational details
- Notes can be used to make a joke or address the audience, or to indicate a change of instrument, tuning adjustments, equipment requirements, or other specific details. Notes do not have a duration.
Edit entries
The Edit button let you edit:
- the properties of the set list like location or date
- the selected entry.
- For Songs, it allows to edit the song in the Songbook
- For PDFs and images, it offers to open in in an image or PDF editor or viewer app
- For Breaks, it allows you to set the duration of the break or to edit the name of the break
- For Notes, it allows you to edit the note
- the notes for the selected entry
- the properties for the selected entry like tuning or time signature
Long press on an entry to edit, move, replace, delete or share it.
Save changes
When you have started a Set list and you change a song, the Songbook do not ask to save a changed song, as we assume, that you probable playing a gig and don’t want to be disturbed. You have explicitly call Save in the menu of the songbook.
If you call Save in the menu of the Set list, just the Set list will be saved, but not the songs.
You can activate the option ‘Auto save’ in the settings of the Songbook and the Set list, so you don’t have to care about saving. BTW: The ‘Auto save’ option is available for all features where you can save items like in the drum machine or the notepad.
Edit entry properties
Activate the Info toggle button (i), so the properties of the song, image and PDF entries are faded in.
- Album
- Arranger
- Composer
- Copyright
- Dance
- Duration
- Genre
- Key
- Lyricist
- Tags
- Tempo
- Time signature
- Tuning
- Year
This information can be very useful to plan the order of the songs. You can add and edit this information for songs, as well as for images and PDFs. Please note that the properties of songs are maintained in the Songbook. Therefore, you need to acknowledge that you want to edit the properties directly within the set list too.
A break does only have a duration. Use the edit button or click directly on the property to change it. If no property is maintained, You’ll see a dash (-) which you can click on.
The Edit button opens a context menu. It’s contents depend on the selected item.

Define the properties you are interested in
In the settings, you can open the configure information screen, where you can customize, which information is visible for songs, PDFs and images. Use the ‘+’ and ‘-‘ buttons to add or delete rows and columns of the information table, which shows the properties. Use the spinners to select the property for the table cell.