Windows and Mac (iOS) version

There is no smartChord version for PC. But you can run Android and thus smartChord on a PC. Please have a look at this page:

Windows 11 supports Android apps, but you’re limited to using the Amazon Appstore. But with a little work, it’s possible to get the Google Play Store up and running on your Windows 11 PC.

With the Google Play Store running, you should be able to use smartChord with all your purchased features.

Please see this page for instructions:

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‘Song’ sync does ignore categories and favorites

The ‘Song’ sync does ignore categories, as it is foreseen to sync songs with band mates and every band mate can have other categories. If we would add all categories of all other users, you would have probably too many of them. The other problem is the content of the categories. How could you get the items of new categories? There is just the selected item in the song. And what should happen if your band mate does have the same category, but more or other entries in his categories? Because of these unsolved questions, we decided to ignore categories in the ‘Song’ sync.

Imagine an “I can play this song” category. If we would sync the categories, your band mate would get it tagged “I can play this song”, even if he can’t play the song.

The same applies to favorites. Would you expect that your songs are tagged as favorite, just because your band mate loves this song? Favorites are in our opinion also personal settings and not meant to be shared.

The ‘smartChord’ sync is foreseen to sync the own devices and it also syncs the categories and favorites:

Continue Reading‘Song’ sync does ignore categories and favorites

Use on multiple devices

A purchased version of smartChord can be easily reinstalled or used on multiple devices. You don’t have to pay twice. Just install it on your devices. It is important to use the same Google Play account with which you have bought smartChord. If it was an in-app payment, that’s enough. If it was a separate s.mart app, just install it on your device. You can find your bought apps in the order history:

You can check if everything is installed correctly:
‘Info’ -> ‘Your products’.
Your purchased products are listed there.

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Move to a new phone

Normally the producer of your new device provides a tool to move the data from the old device to the new device (e.g. ‘Smart switch’ from Samsung). Also Google can do the job with the backup and restore feature.

And last but not least, smartChord has also different possibilities to synchronize data. If you want to do it with smartChord.

The best way is to copy a backup file
1. Go to smartChord on your old device
2. Send the backup file from the backup screen with the share
button to your new device. (You’ll get to the backup screen by the navigation menu in the left upper corner)
3. Copy a backup file to the backup folder on your new phone. The backup folder is something like /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/de.smartchord.droid/files/backup where ‘0’ can differ on your device.
4. Go to the the backup screen and restore the backup

Or you can use the synchronization:

1. Use the ‘Synchronize smartChord’ feature to store your content in the cloud
2. Add the Google Play account to the new phone. It’s the account with which you have bought smartChord or a s.mart app
3. Install smartChord on all s.mart apps you have bought on the new phone.
4. Use the ‘Synchronize smartChord’ feature on your new phone to restore your content from the cloud

Continue ReadingMove to a new phone

Mirror smartChord to the TV

Yes you can. Casting your Android screen lets you mirror your Android device to the TV so you can enjoy your content exactly as you see it on your mobile device – only bigger.

Please see:

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Fire phone

You can use smartChord on a Fire phone, but you have to install Google Play on a Fire phone. Please see how to do this:

Continue ReadingFire phone

Edit songs

There are three ways to edit the songs of your songbook:

  1. Edit your songs directly on your device. No need to be online. There is a video that shows you how:
  2. Edit the songs comfortably in the browser of your computer. There is another video that shows you how:
  3. Synchronize your songs with your cloud. Edit them in your cloud and start the synchronization again
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