⭐ Songbook improvements:
▫ Allows song info section also in full screen mode
▫ ‘Back to start’ starts with a delay if defined
▫ Smoother zooming
▫ Extra lines removed after TABs
▫ Direct link to the current ‘Set list’ via navigation menu
▫ Support for large online song imports via ‘s.mart Online Songbook Importer’ (http://www.smartchord.de/song/import)
⭐ Picking patterns
▫ Find picking patterns easier: filter the huge list (429) by entering a pattern finger sequence
▫ Favor picking patterns also in the picking pattern dialog

✅ Set list: Direct link to the current song of the ‘Songbook’ via navigation menu
✅ Scales: Option to choose scales with or without tonic

✅ Tuner: Tune your instrument with the capo set

✅ Tuning is shown everywhere with capo position if capo is set
✅ Possibility to translate tips and hints
✅ Chord progression, Fretboard quiz, Practice: Screen keeps on bright (no dimming anymore)
✅ New picking patterns:
▫ PP 4/4 405 v2
▫ PP 4/4 405 v2 r
▫ PP 4/4 405 v2 r ab
▫ PP 4/4 424 v5
▫ PP 4/4 467 v2
▫ PP 4/4 492
▫ PP 4/4 493
▫ PP 4/4 494
▫ PP 4/4 495
▫ PP 4/4 496
▫ PP 4/4 497
▫ PP 4/4 498
▫ PP 6/8 636
▫ PP 6/8 637
✅ Fixes Songbook:
▫ Conversion of German musical nomenclature for lines in ChordPro inline chord notation
▫ Remove whitespaces from song name on online import
▫ Show in ‘Playground’
✅ Other changes and fixes
⭐ Preparation for Android 11 privacy improvements
❀ Special thanks to Henk Oostrom, Ian Hiscoe, Karlheinz Mackel, Martin Porubsky and Richard G. Riley for their contribution to this version.