smartChord V11.10


◾ Song Structure support:
▫ Define the sections of your song with simple headings
▫ Allows notation with square brackets: [Verse] [Chorus] …
▫ Allows notation with colon behind the heading: Verse: Chorus: …
▫ Each section starts with a heading and ends with a blank line or another section
▫ Section headings are shown in bold
▫ A section is colored as a block according to your Songbook color scheme
▫ Option to map song section header names to the songbook color scheme
📖 Documentation

◾ Emphasize individual words:
▫ Bold: surround it with double asterisks (*). ▫ Italics: surround it with a tilde and an asterisk (~).
▫ Underline: surround it with an underline and an asterisk (_*).
▫ You can also combine Italics and Underline with Bold
📖 Documentation

◾ New directive {new_page}
▫ It forces a new page to be generated when a song is printed
▫ Songbook editor menu supports this directive
▫ Reference:
📖 Documentation

◾ Songbook editor:
▫ The ChordPro-Multiline-transformation also transforms sections: e.g. {start_of_verse:Verse 1} <-> Verse 1:
▫ Toolbar for quick insertion of the chords and sections of the song and frequently used characters like bracket pairs [] and {}
▫ Toolbar can be disabled in the settings
📖 Documentation

◾ Option in ‘Lyrics’ mode that activates a proportional font to improve readability and enhance aesthetics
📖 Documentation

✔ Metronome: Buttons to increase and decrease the tempo in steps of 5 and 10 BPM

✔ Other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Darryl Brooks, Gian Müller, Ken Cowie, Michael Fischer, Michele De Pascalis, Mike Ellis, Milan Kofron and Paul Aussem for their contribution to this version

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smartChord V11.9

⭐ Songbook

◾ The songbook editor allows you to combine short chord, lyrics, and TAB lines into longer lines

◾ Internet song search: combines short chord, lyrics, and TAB lines from ultimate-guitar into longer lines

◾ The songbook editor lets you transform chord and lyric lines into either ChordPro or Multiline format

Option for page-by-page scrolling: Either a full page is scrolled, or a portion of the current page remains visible for better orientation

✔ Other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Felipe Scherer, Henk Oostrom, Jon Hoekstra, Michael Fischer and Thomas Just for their contribution to this version

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smartChord V11.8

⭐ Set List:
◾ Possibility to maintain these properties also for PDFs and images:
▫ Album
▫ Arranger
▫ Composer
▫ Copyright
▫ Dance
▫ Duration
▫ Genre
▫ Key
▫ Lyricist
▫ Tags
▫ Tempo
▫ Time signature
▫ Tuning
▫ Year
◾ Possibility to edit these songs’ properties directly in the Set List
◾ Option to customize, which information is visible for songs, PDFs and images
◾ Option to disable the swipe gesture to switch between the entries
◾ Possibility to replace an entry
◾ Shows the duration of the break

⭐ Songbook data maintenance
◾ Automatic maintenance:
▫ Add Key: automatically defines the key of your songs, provided the key isn’t defined already
▫ Repair Key: automatically replaces the key if the Key Identifier determines a different key

Editor: Pinch gesture to change the font size

Fretboard Trainer: Shows the correct answer after a timeout

✔ Other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Dirk Brundelius, Mike Ellis, Peter Smith , Philibob Gossimer and Vittorio Bernardini for their contribution to this version

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smartChord V11.7

Songbook data maintenance

◾ Comfortable way to edit multiple songs at once:
▫ Album
▫ Arranger
▫ Composer
▫ Copyright
▫ Dance
▫ Genre
▫ Key
▫ Lyricist
▫ Tags
▫ Tempo
▫ Time signature
▫ Year
▫ Youtube

Automatic maintenance:
▫ Attach audio: automatically links your songs to an audio file on your device, provided the song doesn’t already have a link and the names are the same
▫ Attach video: automatically links your songs to an video file on your device, provided the song doesn’t already have a link and the names are the same
▫ Repair audio: automatically replaces links in your songs to non-existing audio files, if there is a another audio file, which can be automatically attached
▫ Repair video: automatically replaces links in your songs to non-existing video files, if there is a another video file, which can be automatically attached

🕮 Documentation Songbook data maintenance

🕮 New documentation: Settings

🐞 Songbook ‘Intelligent line break‘: Workaround for Android changes. On some devices, the length of the text line does not fit exactly

❀ Special thanks to Lars Janzik, Matto Monte, Paul Schoonderwoerd and Thomas Just for their contribution to this version

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smartChord V11.6

⭐ Set List

◾ Scrolling PDF and images:
▫ Auto-scroll works for PDF and images, for which a duration has been specified
▫ Option to activate auto-scroll for PDF and images
▫ ‘Start’ button to start the auto-scroller if the option is not active

◾ Improved image viewer:
▫ Images are zoomable and movable
▫ Scrolling by fingers, Bluetooth or MIDI devices
▫ Double tap to fit into screen

◾❗ Behaviour change: The toolbar of the Songbook remains displayed if it is pinned and no full screen mode is active

✔ New documentation:
Chord progression overview
How to use chord progressions

🐞 Set List PDF viewer scrolling pages for some PDFs

✔ Other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Frits Boogaarts, Gerrit Horeis, Manuel Almonacid, Marcos Perico Lospalotes, Michelle Croissant and Steve Clerckx for their contribution to this version

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smartChord V11.5

⭐ Set List PDF viewer:
◾ We have significantly improved the display of PDF files. The new version also fully supports multi-page PDF files.
◾ ❗ Unfortunately, the zoom factor of the new version is not compatible with the old version.
◾ ❗ If you have zoomed PDF files, they will no longer be displayed identically with the new version and you will have to correct the zoom factor in each case.
◾ ❗ We will support both versions for a transitional period and you can switch between them in the settings

⭐ Set List supports the online song viewer:
◾ Sing with your audience and show them the song or just the lyrics in any browser
◾ Present the songs of the Set List in any browser at (e.g. the one of your smart TV)
◾ Shows automatically the current song
◾ Different themes for daylight or in the dark pub
◾ Optimized text size by one to four columns

⭐ Set List supports automatic lookup for audio files if their location has been changed

🐞 Chords: Enter ‘aug’ chords

✔ Other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Blaise Ardouin, Frank Dreibrodt, Josh Bezaire, Manuel Almonacid and Raz Kandel for their contribution to this version

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smartChord V11.4

⭐⭐⭐ Triads is released ⭐⭐⭐

◾ Fretboard view showing the whole neck with all the triad positions

◾ Option in settings to allow muted strings

◾ Option in settings to limit the notes of the triad to the range of one octave

◾ Option to limit the triads to a subset of strings shows the names of the strings

◾ A click on a chord chart or the piano plays the notes of the triad

◾ Available in the shop

s.mart Triads released


✔ A lot of other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Brian Witowski, Dmitry Borodin, Kevin Lewellen, Manuel Almonacid and Mark Heathcote for their contribution to this version

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smartChord V11.3

⭐⭐⭐ Triads feature as pre-release for subscribers and unlimited customers ⭐⭐⭐

◾ Triads allow you to simplify complex harmonies, understand musical structure, train your musical ear and create diverse soundscapes

◾ Triads for
▫ major, minor, augmented and diminished chords
▫ root position, first inversion or second inversion

◾ Option to limit the triads to a subset of strings

◾ Get the triads either in
▫ a horizontally scrollable gallery
▫ a zoomable grid
▫ the overview screen

◾ Works for every instrument and tuning

◾ Optional piano to see chord or inversion

◾ The chord charts show either
▫ Notes
▫ Intervals
▫ Relative notes
▫ Fingerings

◾ Triads can also be defined as fingering favorites


✔ Piano: Note name and degrees according to the ‘Names’ setting Fretboard info
◾ Notes (Settings): Note names according to your settings
◾ Notes (Theory): Note names according to the music theory
◾ Intervals
◾ Relative notes

✔ Home-screen: Menu item to sort the tools by name

✔ Tools selection: The tools are sorted by name

✔ Songbook: Three new fonts (AzeretMono)

✔ Documentation:
Transpose songs

🐞 Set List, Songbook: Title bar was visible in full-screen mode

✔ Other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Adriano Maria Elena, Brian Witowski, Eugene W. Maxwell, Frank Dreibrodt, Jim Winery, Mario Ravlić, Mark Heathcote, Simone Denaro, Viorel Postica and Wolfgang Göttler for their contribution to this version

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smartChord V11.2

✔ Chord Pad
Transpose the pad
Sort the pad
Remove duplicate chords
◾ Piano shows the notes of chords
◾ Available in the shop
s.mart Chord Pad released

✔ Tap BPM
◾ Tap tempo dialog is now available as tool for the home screen
◾ A quick way to calculate tempo by tapping along with the rhythm

✔ Song Analyser: Complete support for Solfege and Nashville Number System

🐞 Songbook: Problems to replace a chord if the song was in Solfege

✔ Other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Adriano Maria Elena, Dave Schneider, Ernst Wolf and Tommy Illgner for their contribution to this version

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smartChord V11.1

⭐ Chord Pad

◾ Multi-purpose tool to
▫ compose and experiment with chord progressions
▫ accompany a song
▫ jam around and have fun 🙂

◾ Add single chords or add the chord set from a song or chord progression

◾ Choose from 100 instruments for the sound of each chord

◾ The volume can be selected individually for each chord

◾ Multi-touch support to play several chords at the same time

◾ Easily rearrange with drag and drop

◾ Colors according to your color scheme

◾ Optional full-screen mode

◾ Optional Piano to play melodies. Together with the piano, the result is something like an accordion

◾ Storage to save and organize your pads including the Table of Contents

◾ Share your pads with your bandmates or friends

◾ Sync your pads between your devices

◾ Add links to a pad in songs and notes

◾ Open the Chord Pad with the chords of a song, chord progression, Circle of Fifths, Song Writer…


✔ Songbook: Option to define the default player which will be shown when no specific player or player input has been selected

✔ Home screen tools definition
◾ Tools are filterable by categories: Composing, Dictionary, Learning, …
◾ Buttons to select or deselect all

✔ Table of Contents: Search field with auto-completion from history of previous searches

🌈 Home screen:
◾ Possibility to set the color of the tool icons
◾ Documentation:

✔ Documentation:
Getting started with smartChord

🐞 Capo: The fingerings were not updated in every case when the capo was changed

🐞 Key Identifier: Problems removing a chord

🐞 Chords: Note buttons shows also Solfege and Nashville Number System again

🐞 Simplify chords: Shows also chords according to Solfege and Nashville Number System

✔ A lot of other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Adriano Maria Elena, Ken Cowie, Lena Schütten, Manfred Leitner, Marcos Galletero Romero and Scott Noroozi for their contribution to this version

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smartChord V11.0

⭐ Customizable toolbar:
◾ Customise a toolbar to have quick access to your favorite functions
◾ Available on nearly every screen like Songbook, Song-Writer, Chords, Editor or even the home screen
◾ Available on Android 7 or later
◾ Toolbar customizing screen:
▫ Reachable on every screen via menu ‘⁝ -> Toolbar’
▫ Add, move or remove the tools via drag’n’drop
▫ Activate-/deactivate the toolbar
Toolbar documentation

✔ Android 14 compatibility

🐞 Chord Progression: Change capo

🐞 Circle of Fifths: music sheet wasn’t always updated correctly with naming method ‘Solfege’

✔ A lot of other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Björn Wilde, Hagler Ducley Brito, Henk Oostrom, Scott Noroozi, Tonio Ene, Vittorio Bernardini and William Liu for their contribution to this version

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smartChord V10.16

⭐ Songbook: song search improved

Optimized song detection

Bookmarks for your inspiration
▫ Predefined list of song pages with the top-rated songs and artists
▫ Screen to maintain your own bookmarks with your favorite song pages

◾ Progress bar shows when song recognition is complete

◾ ‘Reload’ button, in case the song recognition does not work the first time

◾ Quick switch to search for ‘Chords’ or ‘TAB’ (tablature)

✔ Documentation:

◾ List of recently created or modified articles so you can stay up-to-date

Getting started with the Songbook

Songbook for singers

🐞 Songbook: Workaround for Android before 6.0

🐞 Table of Contents: Wrong filter preset

✔ Minor improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Alberto Torres Gutiérrez, François Amaral, Harry Fehlemann, Jonathan Olson and Keith Layton for their contribution to this version

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smartChord V10.15

Songbook for piano:

◾ Get the piano chord charts with the fingerings for the song’s chords

◾ Get the piano chord either in a zoomable grid or horizontally scrollable gallery

◾ Clicking on a chord in the song text opens a dialog with the piano chord chart

◾ Possibility to change the chord in the song

◾ Clicking on a piano chord chart plays the chord

◾ The option ‘Piano mode’ activates the ‘Songbook for piano’


Song Writer:

◾ Get the piano chord charts with the fingerings for the song’s chords

◾ Clicking on a piano chord chart plays the chord

◾ The option ‘Piano mode’ shows the piano chord chart in the chord gallery


✔ Piano: Fine-tune the number of keys with +/- buttons

✔ Chords: Clicking on the piano plays the chord

✔ Chord details: Clicking on the piano plays the chord

✔ Circle of fifths:
◾ Clicking on the chord diagram plays the chord
◾ Clicking on the piano plays the chord

✔ Instrument translator:
◾ Clicking on the chord diagram plays the chord
s.mart Instrument Translator is released on Google Play

✔ Scale screens: Menu items to show the scale in the playground or piano

🐞 Chord Progression: Transpose works again

🐞 Notifications on Android 13 and newer

✔ A lot of other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Andreas Arbeit, Cristian Rauta, Marcos Giovane, Peter Fresser and Somrata Sarkar for their contribution to this version

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