smartChord V11.15 – 2024-12-17
⭐ s.mart Ear Trainer ⭐
▫ In a pre-release version for subscribers and UNLIMITED customers
▫ Teaches you to recognize intervals, notes, chords and scales in a playful and effective way
▫ Different input modules: Fretboard, Piano or Text
▫ Statistics to check your training progress or to identify the chords or notes you have to focus on
▫ Share your quizzes with your friends, other musicians or students
▫ Menu item to link your quizzes within the notepad
▫ Synchronize Ear Trainer quizzes
▫ Option for full-screen mode
📖 Documentation: https://smartchord.de/docs/ear-trainer/ear-trainer-overview/
✔ Fretboard Trainer:
▫ Option for full-screen mode
▫ Possibility to answer quizzes ‘Identify chord’ and ‘Identify scale’ by piano
▫ Possibility to answer quizzes ‘Identify note’ with a notes list
📖 Documentation: https://smartchord.de/docs/songbook/song-presentation/
🐞 Click on toolbar caused crash on some devices
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Andrés López, Austin Geraci, Dirk Brundelius, Jackson Fernando, John W Farquhar, Julian Haas, Laura Grammegna, Nico Rieske, Renato A. Trujillo Quiroz, Ulco Kleinhout and Vito Piscitelli for their contribution to this version
smartChord V11.14 – 2024-11-26
⭐ Songbook
◾ The songbook editor lets you merge chords, lyrics, and TAB lines into longer lines, which can then be adjusted to break at a specified line width
◾ Ideal for optimizing screen space usage
◾ Especially useful in columns mode
📖 Documentation: https://smartchord.de/docs/songbook/edit-songs/#optimize-line-length
✔ Set list/Songbook: Option to change the scroll duration. It’s the time to scroll up or down when using your pedal or MIDI device
✔ Option to export to a folder of your choice, allowing you to easily access it using your preferred method
📖 Documentation: https://smartchord.de/docs/general/save-and-organize/#export
✔ Chord details: Chord inversion overview
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Alberto Torres Gutiérrez, Benno Schoppel, Burkhard Brodda, Derek Lichter and Thomas Just for their contribution to this version
smartChord V11.12 – 2024-10-28
⭐⭐⭐ GoogleDrive ⭐⭐⭐
◾ Access is significantly faster, only takes place via a restricted scope (‘drive.file’) and according to current specifications. This results in:
▫ Restricted and granular access to files and folders
▫ Improved data protection and security
▫ User-friendliness and compatibility
▫ Reduced risk of access to sensitive data
▫ No need to use a browser for login, also on Chromebook
▫ Also works smoothly on Chromebook
📖 Documentation: https://smartchord.de/docs/general/cloud
✔ A lot of improvements in embedding the cloud
✔ Android 15 compatibility
✔ Option to save the latest backup also in a folder of your choice, allowing you to easily back it up using your preferred method
📖 Documentation: https://smartchord.de/docs/general/backup-restore/
🐞 Chord name: Usage in landscape mode
🐞 Not all checkboxes were clearly visible for every theme
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Axel Klag, Matt Busikool, Scott Noroozi, Sergei Nikiforov, Simon Brotherton, Uwe Gieseke and Victoria Dunfee for their contribution to this version
smartChord V11.11 – 2024-09-23
⭐ Chord name for Piano
▫ Option to switch between the piano and a stringed instrument
▫ Get the name for every possible chord
▫ Shows the notes, missing optional notes, and the intervals for a selected chord
▫ Piano uses the color scheme binding for a selected chord
▫ Open ‘Chord detail’ for the selected chord
▫ Open ‘Arpeggio’ for the selected chord
▫ Add a chord type to the favorites
▫ Add a chord to the chord progression
▫ Add a chord to the playground
▫ Create a custom chord if you prefer a different name
▫ Handle to resize the piano
▫ Option to activate the sound of the piano
📖 Documentation: https://smartchord.de/docs/chords/chord-name/
✔ Songbook with extended Song Structure support:
▫ Each section starts with a heading and ends with a blank line or another section
▫ Blank lines between the heading and the first lyrics or chords line are part of the section
📖 Documentation: https://smartchord.de/docs/songbook/songbook-appearance/#song-structure
✔ Pattern:
◾ Change the instrument, tuning or capo
◾ Support for tunings with capo
✔ Songbook song search: song detection for Chordie improved
✔ Synchronize: Better overview through the ability to expand and collapse the categories of items to be synchronized
🐞 Drum machine: Background mode didn’t work on some devices
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Alwin Brauns, Darryl Brooks, Eric Damien, Michael Gleß and Tobias Flint-Bozeman for their contribution to this version
smartChord V11.10 – 2024-09-03
⭐ Songbook
◾ Song Structure support:
▫ Define the sections of your song with simple headings
▫ Allows notation with square brackets: [Verse] [Chorus] …
▫ Allows notation with colon behind the heading: Verse: Chorus: …
▫ Each section starts with a heading and ends with a blank line or another section
▫ Section headings are shown in bold
▫ A section is colored as a block according to your Songbook color scheme
▫ Option to map song section header names to the songbook color scheme
📖 Documentation: https://smartchord.de/docs/songbook/songbook-appearance/#song-structure
◾ Emphasize individual words:
▫ Bold: surround it with double asterisks (**).
▫ Italics: surround it with a tilde and an asterisk (~*).
▫ Underline: surround it with an underline and an asterisk (_*).
▫ You can also combine Italics and Underline with Bold
📖 Documentation: https://smartchord.de/docs/songbook/song-text-format/#emphasize-words
◾ New directive {new_page}
▫ It forces a new page to be generated when a song is printed
▫ Songbook editor menu supports this directive
▫ Reference: https://www.chordpro.org/chordpro/directives-new_page/
📖 Documentation: https://smartchord.de/docs/songbook/print-songs/#page-break
◾ Songbook editor:
▫ The ChordPro-Multiline-transformation also transforms sections: e.g. {start_of_verse:Verse 1} <-> Verse 1:
▫ Toolbar for quick insertion of the chords and sections of the song and frequently used characters like bracket pairs [] and {}
▫ Toolbar can be disabled in the settings
📖 Documentation: https://smartchord.de/docs/songbook/edit-songs/#edit-on-device
◾ Option in ‘Lyrics’ mode that activates a proportional font to improve readability and enhance aesthetics
📖 Documentation: https://smartchord.de/docs/songbook/songbook-for-singers/
✔ Metronome: Buttons to increase and decrease the tempo in steps of 5 and 10 BPM
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Darryl Brooks, Gian Müller, Ken Cowie, Michael Fischer, Michele De Pascalis, Mike Ellis, Milan Kofron and Paul Aussem for their contribution to this version
smartChord V11.9 – 2024-08-13
⭐ Songbook
◾ The songbook editor allows you to combine short chord, lyrics, and TAB lines into longer lines
◾ Internet song search: combines short chord, lyrics, and TAB lines from ultimate-guitar into longer lines
◾ The songbook editor lets you transform chord and lyric lines into either ChordPro or multiline format
◾ Option for page-by-page scrolling: Either a full page is scrolled, or a portion of the current page remains visible for better orientation
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Felipe Scherer, Henk Oostrom, Jon Hoekstra, Michael Fischer and Thomas Just for their contribution to this version
smartChord V11.8.1 – 2024-07-18
◾❗ Behaviour change: ‘Edit information’ does not allow to edit the name anymore. Use menu ‘Folder ->Rename’ instead
🐞 Songbook: ‘Edit information’ led to a crash
❀ Special thanks to Dario Montefalco for his contribution to this version
smartChord V11.13 – 2024-11-11
⭐ Chord inversion overview:
◾ Provides a quick reference to all chord inversions for each chord type
◾ Chord inversions allow you to add tonal variety, create smoother transitions and unlock new textures
📖 Documentation: https://smartchord.de/docs/chords/chord-inversions/#chord-inversion-overview
🐞 Timer didn’t stop
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Alpesh Gondaliya and Shaun Campbell for their contribution to this version
smartChord V11.12.1 – 2024-11-04
✔ GoogleDrive: autxomatic login if the user has not logged out
🐞 Songbook: Replace chord (enter fingering)
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Dylan Pendrigh, Gerardo Rinaldi, Scott Belcher and John Syke for their contribution to this version
smartChord V11.8 – 2024-07-15
⭐ Set List:
◾ Possibility to maintain these properties also for PDFs and images:
▫ Album
▫ Arranger
▫ Composer
▫ Copyright
▫ Dance
▫ Duration
▫ Genre
▫ Key
▫ Lyricist
▫ Tags
▫ Tempo
▫ Time signature
▫ Tuning
▫ Year
◾ Possibility to edit these songs’ properties directly in the Set List
◾ Option to customize, which information is visible for songs, PDFs and images
◾ Option to disable the swipe gesture to switch between the entries
◾ Possibility to replace an entry
◾ Shows the duration of the break
⭐ Songbook data maintenance
◾ Automatic maintenance:
▫ Add Key: automatically defines the key of your songs, provided the key isn’t defined already
▫ Repair Key: automatically replaces the key if the Key Identifier determines a different key
✔ Editor: Pinch gesture to change the font size
✔ Fretboard Trainer: Shows the correct answer after a timeout
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Dirk Brundelius, Mike Ellis, Peter Smith , Philibob Gossimer and Vittorio Bernardini for their contribution to this version
smartChord V11.7.1 – 2024-07-01
🐞 Table of Contents: Missing buttons in toolbar
✔ Few minor fixes
❀ Special thanks to Andreas Hoppe, Paul Schoonderwoerd and Ricardo Zalba for their contribution to this version
smartChord V11.7 – 2024-06-25
⭐ Songbook data maintenance
◾ Comfortable way to edit multiple songs at once:
▫ Album
▫ Arranger
▫ Composer
▫ Copyright
▫ Dance
▫ Genre
▫ Key
▫ Lyricist
▫ Tags
▫ Tempo
▫ Time signature
▫ Year
▫ Youtube
◾ Automatic maintenance:
▫ Attach audio: automatically links your songs to an audio file on your device, provided the song doesn’t already have a link and the names are the same
▫ Attach video: automatically links your songs to an video file on your device, provided the song doesn’t already have a link and the names are the same
▫ Repair audio: automatically replaces links in your songs to non-existing audio files, if there is another audio file, which can be automatically attached
▫ Repair video: automatically replaces links in your songs to non-existing video files, if there is another video file, which can be automatically attached
🕮 Documentation: https://smartchord.de/docs/songbook/songbook-data-maintenance/
🕮 New documentation: https://smartchord.de/docs/general/settings-reference/
🐞 Songbook ‘Intelligent line break’: Workaround for Android changes. On some devices, the length of the text line does not fit exactly
❀ Special thanks to Lars Janzik, Matto Monte, Paul Schoonderwoerd and Thomas Just for their contribution to this version
smartChord V11.6.1 – 2024-06-04
🐞 Set List scrolling images
❀ Special thanks to Louis Poels for his contribution to this version
smartChord V11.6 – 2024-06-03
⭐ Set List
◾ Scrolling PDF and images:
▫ Auto-scroll works for PDF and images, for which a duration has been specified
▫ Option to activate auto-scroll for PDF and images
▫ ‘Start’ button to start the auto-scroller if the option is not active
🕮 Documentation: https://smartchord.de/docs/set-list/auto-scroll-songs-images-and-pdfs/
◾ Improved image viewer:
▫ Images are zoomable and movable
▫ Scrolling by fingers, Bluetooth or MIDI devices
▫ Double tap to fit into screen
◾❗ Behaviour change: The toolbar of the Songbook remains displayed if it is pinned and no full screen mode is active
🕮 Documentation:
◾ https://smartchord.de/docs/chord-progression/chord-progression-overview/
◾ https://smartchord.de/docs/chord-progression/how-to-use-chord-progressions/
🐞 Set List PDF viewer scrolling pages for some PDFs
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Frits Boogaarts, Gerrit Horeis, Manuel Almonacid, Marcos Perico Lospalotes, Michelle Croissant and Steve Clerckx for their contribution to this version
smartChord V11.5 – 2024-05-21
⭐ Set List PDF viewer:
◾ We have significantly improved the display of PDF files. The new version also fully supports multi-page PDF files.
◾ ❗ Unfortunately, the zoom factor of the new version is not compatible with the old version.
◾ ❗ If you have zoomed PDF files, they will no longer be displayed identically with the new version and you will have to correct the zoom factor in each case.
◾ ❗ We will support both versions for a transitional period and you can switch between them in the settings
⭐ Set List supports the online song viewer:
◾ Sing with your audience and show them the song or just the lyrics in any browser
◾ Present the songs of the Set List in any browser at http://www.smartchord.de/song (e.g. the one of your smart TV)
◾ Shows automatically the current song
◾ Different themes for daylight or in the dark pub
◾ Optimized text size by one to four columns
🕮 Documentation: https://smartchord.de/docs/set-list/present-your-set-list-to-your-audience/
⭐ Set List supports automatic lookup for audio files if their location has been changed
🐞 Chords: Enter ‘aug’ chords
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Blaise Ardouin, Frank Dreibrodt, Josh Bezaire, Manuel Almonacid and Raz Kandel for their contribution to this version
smartChord V11.4 – 2024-04-29
⭐⭐⭐ Triads is released ⭐⭐⭐
◾ Fretboard view showing the whole neck with all the triad positions
◾ Option in settings to allow muted strings
◾ Option in settings to limit the notes of the triad to the range of one octave
◾ Option to limit the triads to a subset of strings shows the names of the strings
◾ A click on a chord chart or the piano plays the notes of the triad
◾ Available in the shop
◾ s.mart Triads released: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.smartchord.droid.plug.chord.triad
◾ Documentation: https://smartchord.de/docs/triads/triads-overview/
✔ A lot of other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Brian Witowski, Dmitry Borodin, Donny Dorfel, Kevin Lewellen, Manuel Almonacid and Mark Heathcote for their contribution to this version
smartChord V11.3 – 2024-04-16
⭐⭐⭐ Triads feature as pre-release for subscribers and unlimited customers ⭐⭐⭐
◾ Triads allow you to simplify complex harmonies, understand musical structure, train your musical ear and create diverse soundscapes
◾ Triads for
▫ major, minor, augmented and diminished chords
▫ root position, first inversion or second inversion
◾ Option to limit the triads to a subset of strings
◾ Get the triads either in
▫ a horizontally scrollable gallery
▫ a zoomable grid
▫ the overview screen
◾ Works for every instrument and tuning
◾ Optional piano to see chord or inversion
◾ The chord charts show either
▫ Notes
▫ Intervals
▫ Relative notes
▫ Fingerings
◾ Triads can also be defined as fingering favorites
◾ Documentation: https://smartchord.de/docs/triads/triads-overview/
✔ Piano: Note name and degrees according to the ‘Names’ setting ‘Fretboard info’ (https://smartchord.de/docs/general/appearance/#fretboard-info)
◾ Notes (Settings): Note names according to your settings
◾ Notes (Theory): Note names according to the music theory
◾ Intervals
◾ Relative notes
✔ Home-screen: Menu item to sort the tools by name
✔ Tools selection: The tools are sorted by name
✔ Songbook: Three new fonts (AzeretMono)
✔ Documentation:
◾ Tools: https://smartchord.de/docs/general/tools/
◾ Transpose songs: https://smartchord.de/docs/songbook/transpose/
🐞 Set List, Songbook: Title bar was visible in full-screen mode
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Adriano Maria Elena, Brian Witowski, Eugene W. Maxwell, Frank Dreibrodt, Jim Winery, Mario Ravlić, Mark Heathcote, Simone Denaro, Viorel Postica and Wolfgang Göttler for their contribution to this version
smartChord V11.2 – 2024-03-25
✔ Chord Pad
◾ Transpose the pad
◾ Sort the pad
◾ Remove duplicate chords
◾ Piano shows the notes of chords
◾ Available in the shop
◾ s.mart Chord Pad released: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.smartchord.droid.plug.chord.pad
✔ Tap BPM
◾ Tap tempo dialog is now available as tool for the home screen
◾ A quick way to calculate tempo by tapping along with the rhythm
✔ Song Analyser: Complete support for Solfege and Nashville Number System
🐞 Songbook: Problems to replace a chord if the song was in Solfege
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Adriano Maria Elena, Dave Schneider, Ernst Wolf and Tommy Illgner for their contribution to this version
smartChord V11.1.1 – 2024-03-20
✔ Minor improvements and fixes
smartChord V11.1 – 2024-03-18
⭐ Chord Pad
◾ Multi-purpose tool to
▫ compose and experiment with chord progressions
▫ accompany a song
▫ jam around and have fun 🙂
◾ Add single chords or add the chord set from a song or chord progression
◾ Choose from 100 instruments for the sound of each chord
◾ The volume can be selected individually for each chord
◾ Multi-touch support to play several chords at the same time
◾ Easily rearrange with drag and drop
◾ Colors according to your color scheme
◾ Optional full-screen mode
◾ Optional Piano to play melodies. Together with the piano, the result is something like an accordion
◾ Storage to save and organize your pads including the Table of Contents
◾ Share your pads with your bandmates or friends
◾ Sync your pads between your devices
◾ Add links to a pad in songs and notes
◾ Open the Chord Pad with the chords of a song, chord progression, Circle of Fifths, Song Writer…
◾ Documentation: https://smartchord.de/docs/chord-pad/chord-pad-overview/
✔ Songbook: Option to define the default player which will be shown when no specific player or player input has been selected
✔ Home screen tools definition
◾ Tools are filterable by categories: Composing, Dictionary, Learning, …
◾ Buttons to select or deselect all
✔ Table of Contents: Search field with auto-completion from history of previous searches
🌈 Home screen:
◾ Possibility to set the color of the tool icons
◾ Documentation: https://smartchord.de/docs/general/appearance/home-screen
✔ Documentation:
◾ Getting started with smartChord: https://smartchord.de/docs/getting-started/smartchord-getting-started/
◾ Getting started with smartChord: https://smartchord.de/docs/getting-started/smartchord-getting-started/
🐞 Capo: The fingerings were not updated in every case when the capo was changed
🐞 Key Identifier: Problems removing a chord
🐞 Chords: Note buttons shows also Solfege and Nashville Number System again
🐞 Simplify chords: Shows also chords according to Solfege and Nashville Number System
✔ A lot of other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Adriano Maria Elena, Ken Cowie, Lena Schütten, Manfred Leitner, Marcos Galletero Romero and Scott Noroozi for their contribution to this version
smartChord V11.0 – 2024-02-26
⭐ Customizable toolbar:
◾ Customise a toolbar to have quick access to your favorite functions
◾ Available on nearly every screen like Songbook, Song-Writer, Chords, Editor or even the home screen
◾ Available on Android 7 or later
◾ Toolbar customizing screen:
▫ Reachable on every screen via menu ‘⁝ -> Toolbar’
▫ Add, move or remove the tools via drag’n’drop
▫ Activate-/deactivate the toolbar
◾ Documentation: https://smartchord.de/docs/general/toolbar/
✔ Android 14 compatibility
🐞 Chord Progression: Change capo
🐞 Circle of Fifths: music sheet wasn’t always updated correctly with naming method ‘Solfege’
✔ A lot of other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Björn Wilde, Hagler Ducley Brito, Henk Oostrom, Scott Noroozi, Tonio Ene, Vittorio Bernardini and William Liu for their contribution to this version
smartChord V10.16.2 – 2024-02-13
🐞 Songbook on old Android versions
❀ Special thanks to Remco Bekkema for his contribution to this version
smartChord V10.16.1 – 2024-02-12
🐞 Songbook internet search
✔ Other minor fix
❀ Special thanks to Krisztián Vida and Mario Ravlić for their contribution to this version
smartChord V10.16 – 2024-02-05
⭐ Songbook: song search improved
◾ Optimized song detection
◾ Bookmarks for your inspiration
▫ Predefined list of song pages with the top-rated songs and artists
▫ Screen to maintain your own bookmarks with your favorite song pages
◾ Progress bar shows when song recognition is complete
◾ ‘Reload’ button, in case the song recognition does not work the first time
◾ Quick switch to search for ‘Chords’ or ‘TAB’ (tablature)
✔ Documentation:
◾ List of recently created or modified articles so you can stay up to date: https://smartchord.de/docs/general/recent-articles/
◾ Getting started with the Songbook: https://smartchord.de/docs/songbook/getting-started/
◾ Songbook for singers: https://smartchord.de/docs/songbook/songbook-for-singers/
🐞 Songbook: Workaround for Android before 6.0
🐞 Table of Contents: Wrong filter preset
✔ Minor improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Alberto Torres Gutiérrez, François Amaral, Harry Fehlemann, Jonathan Olson and Keith Layton for their contribution to this version
smartChord V10.15 – 2024-01-22
⭐ Songbook for piano:
◾ Get the piano chord charts with the fingerings for the song’s chords
◾ Get the piano chord either in a zoomable grid or horizontally scrollable gallery
◾ Clicking on a chord in the song text opens a dialog with the piano chord chart
◾ Possibility to change the chord in the song
◾ Clicking on a piano chord chart plays the chord
◾ The option ‘Piano mode’ activates the ‘Songbook for piano’
◾ Documentation: https://smartchord.de/docs/songbook/piano/
⭐ Song Writer:
◾ Get the piano chord charts with the fingerings for the song’s chords
◾ Clicking on a piano chord chart plays the chord
◾ The option ‘Piano mode’ shows the piano chord chart in the chord gallery
◾ Documentation: https://smartchord.de/docs/song-writer/song-writer-instruments/
✔ Piano: Fine-tune the number of keys with +/- buttons
✔ Chords: Clicking on the piano plays the chord
✔ Chord details: Clicking on the piano plays the chord
✔ Circle of fifths:
◾ Clicking on the chord diagram plays the chord
◾ Clicking on the piano plays the chord
✔ Instrument translator:
◾ Clicking on the chord diagram plays the chord
◾ s.mart Instrument Translator is released on Google Play
✔ Scale screens: Menu items to show the scale in the playground or piano
🐞 Chord Progression: Transpose works again
🐞 Notifications on Android 13 and newer
✔ A lot of other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Andreas Arbeit, Cristian Rauta, Marcos Giovane, Peter Fresser and Somrata Sarkar for their contribution to this version
smartChord V10.14 – 2024-01-08
⭐ Instrument translator:
◾ Translates the fingering from one instrument or tuning to another instrument or tuning
◾ It’s easing the learning process for musicians who are proficient in one instrument and want to learn or switch to another
◾ It allows you to enter the notes or fingering on the instrument you are familiar with
◾ The reverse chord finder finds the resulting chords for the notes entered
◾ The chord dictionary presents the possible fingerings for the resulting chords
◾ It translates from one of the approx. 40 supported string instruments and the piano to another
◾ It supports any tuning
◾ The reverse chord finder is configurable and also looks for inversions, slash chords, incomplete or rootless chords
◾ The note colors follow the color scheme and the selected chord
◾ Documentation: https://smartchord.de/docs/instrument-translator/instrument-translator-overview/
🐞 Songbook internet search: Workaround to handle corrupt song pages on cifra
🐞 Songbook: Scrolling on rare conditions
🐞 Chord name: Not all note names were visible without a selected chord
🐞 Play chord sounds in some screens
✔ A lot of other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Andreas Arbeit, Daniel Ruíz Mojica, Marcos Giovane, Martin Wiesenhofer, Peter Fresser and Yves Sancho Oliver for their contribution to this version
smartChord V10.13 – 2023-12-19
✔ Settings are searchable. The keyword search provides a quick overview of the available settings
✔ Chord name:
◾ Fingering colors follow the color scheme binding for the selected chord
◾ Optional notes of a chord are marked in red
✔ Chord in mode ‘Scale’: Click on the scale name to change the scale. Click on the scale icon to open the scale in the scale tool
✔ Songbook: Chord gallery new long-click option to add or to remove the fingering from favorites
✔ Set list: Layout optimizations
✔ New documentation:
◾ General appearance: https://smartchord.de/docs/general/appearance/
◾ Piano: https://smartchord.de/docs/piano/piano-overview/
🐞 Songbook: Automatic scroll speed after editing a songtext
🐞 Songbook: Key Identifier and Scale Name called with the wrong chord order
🐞 Songbook internet search: Workaround to handle corrupt song pages on chords-and-tabs.net
🐞 Categories have been lost when you save a song that is running the set list
🐞 Rootless chords didn’t enforce to have the bass note in slash chords
✔ A lot of other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Alberto Torres Gutiérrez, Marcel Brouillet, Rob D. Schaefer, Stefan Manns, Thomas Fiebich and William G. Jordan for their contribution to this version
smartChord V10.12 – 2023-11-28
✔ Chord diagrams: Option to mark open strings with a rectangle
✔ Fretboard Trainer:
◾ Possibility to select single scales with tonic
◾ More scale selection possibilities (https://smartchord.de/docs/scales/scale-selection/)
◾ Optimized layout for large answer lists
✔ Set list:
◾ Import is possible from an arbitrary folder on the device
◾ Larger font
✔ Piano:
◾ Possibility to show the note names on all keys belonging to a chord or scale
◾ Possibility to change the base note of a chord or the tonic of a scale
✔ Notepad: More scale selection possibilities (https://smartchord.de/docs/scales/scale-selection/)
✔ File importer: Menu entry to set smartChords app specific folders for import
✔ We have dedicated a separate chapter to chord inversions: https://smartchord.de/docs/chords/chord-inversions/
🐞 Set list: Export and print showed a blank page when ‘No content’ was selected
✔ A lot of other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Alberto Torres Gutiérrez, Anshela Sanabria, Monkey Do, Patrick Senac, Rob D. Schaefer, Ron Rijnenberg and Somsavath Norindr for their contribution to this version
smartChord V10.11.1 – 2023-11-21
🐞 Major fixes in chord diagrams for lefties
🐞 Songbook: Workaround to handle corrupt song pages on Ultimate-Guitar
🐞 Songbook: Transposing failed in some cases after transposing several times
🐞 Set list import listed the contents multiple times
🐞 Fretboard Trainer: Training mode ‘Lab after Lab’ asked correct answered notes too often
✔ Other minor fixes
❀ Special thanks to Jon Hoekstra, Laurent Haricot, Victor Rodt and Vittorio Bernardini for their contribution to this version
smartChord V10.11 – 2023-11-14
✔ Songbook:
◾ Optimized print and share
◾ Possibility to print and share a song with one of the Songbook color schemes: Light, Dark, Printout
◾ Workaround to handle corrupt song pages on Ultimate-Guitar
◾ Workaround to handle duplicate song texts on Ultimate-Guitar
✔ Set List:
◾ Add Notes as set list entries. Use a note entry to make a joke or address the audience, or indicate a change of instrument, tuning adjustments, equipment requirements, or other specific details
◾ Optimized set list export and print
◾ Export ‘Internal’ does include now the images and PDF files beneath the songs
◾ Menu item to print a set list
◾ Possibility to export and print a set list with the Songbook color schemes: Light, Dark, Printout
✔ Editor: Text capacity increased
✔ New documentation:
◾ Scales: https://smartchord.de/docs/scales/scales-overview/
◾ Set List: https://smartchord.de/docs/set-list/set-list-overview/
◾ Song Analyzer: https://smartchord.de/docs/song-analyzer/song-analyzer-overview/
◾ Fretboard Explorer: https://smartchord.de/docs/fretboard-explorer/fretboard-explorer-overview/
◾ Key Identifier: https://smartchord.de/docs/key-identifier/smart-key-identifier/
◾ Lyrics Pad: https://smartchord.de/docs/lyrics-pad/lyrics-pad-overview/
🐞 Notepad: Link to songs opened Chords screen instead of Songbook. Link to Chords screen uses now protocol ‘scrd’: <a href=’scrd:F5′>Chord: F5</a>
✔ A lot of other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Burkhard Brodda, Jon Hoekstra, Jürgen Schulz-Ohlberg, Keith Layton, Konstantin Paus and Roy Sanchez for their contribution to this version
smartChord V10.10 – 2023-10-30
✔ Notepad:
◾ Add Images
◾ Add YouTube videos
◾ Menu items to collapse or expand all notes
◾ New editor menu items to add links to chords, scales, picking patterns
✔ Scale:
◾ New button to define scale favorite
◾ More scale favorites visible on large screens
✔ Songbook: internet search optimized
🐞 Editor made problems on some devices (song editor, lyrics pad, song writer, notepad)
🐞 Scale favorites: Drag’n’drop works again
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Alberto Torres Gutiérrez, Anthony Steele-Perkins, Arjen Westdijk, Glenn Holmes, Jonathan Olson, Konstantin Paus, Lynne Whitehorn, Marcello Casali, Nick Gassman, Paul Schoonderwoerd and Victor Osaka for their contribution to this version
smartChord V10.9 – 2023-10-09
✔ Notepad:
◾ New way to organize notes for different items
▶ Watch our video about the notepad and the notes: https://youtu.be/hMIqXNRPniw
✔ New documentation:
◾ Notepad: https://smartchord.de/docs/notepad/notepad-overview/
◾ Fretboard trainer: https://smartchord.de/docs/fretboard-trainer/fretboard-trainer-overview/
◾ Piano: https://smartchord.de/docs/piano/piano-overview/
🐞 Set list: Problems to add songs into an empty set list
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to John Madsen and Levin Laysor for their contribution to this version
smartChord V10.8 – 2023-10-02
✔ Chord and Chord details: Option to display a resizable piano, which shows either the respective chord or fingering
✔ Chord dictionary: Add and remove chord types from favorites
✔ Chord name: Selecting a chord name will change the note names and intervals accordingly
✔ Songbook:
◾ Easily add songs from not supported web pages: Select the song text and use the context menu ‘Create song’
◾ The elapsed scroll time is now the time taken to reach the current line
✔ Cloud folders are sorted by name
✔ Cloud- and File-explorer: Switch to the parent folder with the back key
🐞 Cloud- and File-Explorer: Icons visible also on bright themes
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Alberto Torres Gutiérrez, Ginger Hawkins, Henk Oostrom, Luiz Marcos, Marcel Brouillet, Martin P. Daniels and Paolo Ventafridda for their contribution to this version
smartChord V10.7.2 – 2023-09-20
✔ Songbook:
◾ The scrolling time is displayed in the upper right corner. By tapping it you can change the duration of the song
◾ By tapping on the seconds of the scroll delay you can change it
◾ Possibility to import songs from an arbitrary folder on Android 13 and newer
🐞 Corrections for manual scrolling and optimization for auto-scrolling
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Abel Castilhos, Alberto Torres Gutiérrez, Dave Schneider, Davy Houpert, Henk Oostrom, Jesse Cabell, Sergio Jover, Stefan Heinze and Volker Kratschmann for their contribution to this version
smartChord V10.7.1 – 2023-09-14
✔ Metronome: Shows the total duration of an exercise with Speed-trainer
✔ Songbook: Internet song search improved for devices older than Android 8
🐞 Songbook: Some songs could not be opened
✔ Other minor improvements
❀ Special thanks to Andrés Lopéz, Jean-Pierre Martin, Justin Billington, Rolando Chicas and Stefan Heinze for their contribution to this version
smartChord V10.7 – 2023-09-12
✔ Songbook:
◾ Editor colors blocks and instructions to make the song text clearer
◾ Editor appearance according to background, block and text colour settings
◾ Scroll bars are shown when scrolling so that the position of the visible text in the song is clear
◾ ChordPro annotations [*] (e.g. [*Coda]; see https://smartchord.de/docs/songbook/song-text-format/#articleTOC_4)
✔ Piano: Option to show scales and chords on the keys
✔ We have dedicated a separate chapter to the CAGED system: https://smartchord.de/docs/chords/caged-system/
🐞 Songbook: Corrections for auto scroll
🐞 Octavation corrected in some tunings
🐞 Settings: Long setting titles were not fully visible
🐞 Fretboard trainer: The names of the white piano keys were unrecognizable on large screens
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Alberto Torres Gutiérrez, Aleksey Parasotskiy, Andrés López, Chris Drexler, Dr. Willi Streitz, Henk Oostrom, Mario Ravlić, Mark D Baker, Michael Fischer, Nick Gassman, Sergio Jover and Simone Sapienza for their contribution to this version
smartChord V10.6.1 – 2023-08-25
🐞 Songbook: Scrolling no longer works for songs without a duration specified
🐞 Circle of fifths: Legend colors were wrong when the appearance setting ‘Color scheme binding’ was activated
✔ Other improvement
❀ Special thanks to Andy Lopéz, Jesse Cabell and Ricardo Castro for their contribution to this version
smartChord V10.6 – 2023-08-22
✔ Songbook scroll control behavior:
◾ Possibility to control the scrolling by defining a time from start when automatic scrolling reaches the line
◾ Scroll time markers can be set by the context menu directly in the songbook or the menu of the song editor
◾ Scroll time markers directive {x_sccrd_stm:01:20} which determines the time in minutes and seconds
◾ Scroll time markers are visible and highlighted. A tap on the scroll time marker lets you change the time
◾ Read our documentation to learn how to scroll: https://smartchord.de/docs/songbook/scrolling
▶ Watch our video to learn how to scroll: https://youtu.be/Aj6Zlc1gsJY
✔ Table of contents: Selects the last used item
❗❗ Behavior change: When you exit a feature in which you have changed the store item (like a song), you must decide whether to save or discard
🐞 Songbook: When using ‘Replace chord’ and the song was already transposed, the new chord was not transposed
🐞 Songbook: Internet song search had sometimes problems with artist pages e.g. on guitartabs
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Andreas Arbeit, Carsten Bruns, Gerrit Horeis, Guy Togbenou, Hans Sta, Javier Barraza and Nick Levyn for their contribution to this version
smartChord V10.5.1 – 2023-08-07
🐞 Circle of fifths: Switching the key by dragging works again
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Gerhard Karl and Márcio Rezende for their contribution to this version
smartChord V10.5 – 2023-07-18
⭐ Song Writer
◾ Drag’n’drop support to easily replace chords
◾ Drum Machine integrated for parallel playback to the player
◾ Metronome integrated for parallel playback to the player
◾ The diatonic chords in the selection view are colored according to the color scheme
◾ History button to go back to the last used scales
◾ Player can also be used in edit mode
◾ Text editor allows adding the signs for rest and bar line from the menu
◾ Menu item to open the playground with the notes of the scale highlighted
✔ Chords screen: The chords in Scale mode are colored according to the color scheme
✔ Chord colors updated after scale or key change
✔ Scale-circle: History button to go back to the last used scales
❗❗ The hash sign (#) is now allowed in names
🐞 Song Writer: Size of Circle of Fifths is limited
🐞 Piano: Color scheme ignored the color scheme binding
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Andy Arbeit, David King, Dr. Willi Streitz, Ernest Young and Phil Spector for their contribution to this version
smartChord V10.4 – 2023-06-27
⭐⭐⭐ Song Writer is released ⭐⭐⭐
◾ https://smartchord.de/docs/song-writer/overview/
🛒 Shop:
◾ The Song Writer is now available as an in-app purchase
◾ The Lyrics Pad is now available as an in-app purchase
◾ The Key Identifier is now available as an in-app purchase
◾ Menu item to compare the products of the shop
◾ Menu item to get your purchased products
◾ Menu item to get your enabled features
◾ Menu item to get the order history
◾ Improved product comparison
✔ Scale: Option to show a resizable piano which also shows the name of the notes of the scale
🐞 Internet song search: Workaround for the changed response from Ultimate Guitar
🐞 Internet song search: Warning when browser blocks access
🐞 Song Writer: Scale wasn’t stored
🐞 Table of contents and Backup: Long names weren’t completely readable
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Andy Arbeit, James Jam, Heiko Sommer, Joshua C. Mcgough and Matt Buiskool for their contribution to this version
smartChord V10.3 – 2023-06-13
⭐⭐⭐ Song Writer ⭐⭐⭐
✔ Possibility to get the key of every line or block or the whole song and the option to change the scale to it
✔ Possibility to loop a single song block in the player
✔ Menu item to open the piano. It shows the name of the notes in the scale
✔ Chord colors updated after scale or key change
✔ The documentation is ready. It shows you how to …
◾ get started
◾ write a song
◾ develop the song structure
◾ find the right chords
◾ find your chord progression
◾ evaluate your chord progression
◾ find a melody
◾ write the lyrics
◾ fine-tune your song
◾ perform your song
◾ edit your song textually
◾ https://smartchord.de/docs/song-writer/overview/
⭐ smartChord received a 5 stars review at the Educational App Store: https://www.educationalappstore.com/app/smart-chords
🐞 Song Writer: Fixes e.g. replacing chords
🐞 Songbook: Crashed on older devices (Android 4.x)
🐞 There was a short delay after a count-in
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Carsten Bleisch, Glenn Homes, Jonathan Olson and Leandro de Oliveira for their contribution to this version
smartChord V10.2.2 – 2023-05-24
▶ New video gives an overview of the Song Writer, which makes writing songs a breeze for everyone: https://youtu.be/NHsyVKCjrXo
✔ New documentation on https://smartchord.de/docs/
✔ Internet song search
◾ New ‘Close’ button in preview screen will show the originally loaded web page
◾ Improved error handling
🐞 Song Writer: Fixes move and delete chords
🐞 Set list: Crashed on older devices (Android 4.x)
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Francisco José Vela Roncero, Jonathan Olson, Joshua C Mcgough and Leandro de Oliveira for their contribution to this version
smartChord V10.2.1 – 2023-05-15
✔ Notepad: Rename audio recordings
🐞 Songbook: YouTube search didn’t work since last update
🐞 Songbook: Transpose preserves the spacing between chords
🐞 Drum Machine: Workaround for an Android bug on older devices (out of memory error)
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Alain Texier, Carsten Bleisch, Scott Noroozi, Thomas Karstens and Thorsten S. for their contribution to this version
smartChord V10.2 – 2023-05-09
⭐⭐⭐ Song Writer ⭐⭐⭐
◾ Player to automatically play song chords
▫ Set the beats per minute (BPM) for a song. It will influence the duration of the played chord
▫ Set the time signature for a song. It will also influence the duration of the played chord
◾ Possibility to set the duration of chords and rests within a bar. It allows using variations of rhythm patterns like syncopes
◾ Add or replace a chord by entering the name of the new chord
◾ Possibility to change the instrument and tuning for the song (the tuning is used to build the chords and thus the sound)
✔ Circle of Fifths and Scale-Circle: Piano is playable
✔ Set list: PDF and image screens got wake lock to keep the device awake and prevent it from falling asleep
✔ Scale: Unusable scale patterns removed
🐞 Internet song search: Problem to detect the songs on older devices
🐞 Scale Name and Key Identifier: Notes are scrollable now and visible by a tooltip
🐞 Fingering favorites for custom chords couldn’t be deleted
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Carsten Bleisch, Diego Bazan, GodZoo, Howard Rosario, John Mc Innes, Jonathan Olson, Markus Weber-Frede and Stefan Heinze for their contribution to this version
smartChord V10.1.1 – 2023-04-19
🐞 Circle Of Fifths was hidden
❀ Special thanks to Diorgenes Carvalho, Luis Gutierrez and Mark Hamilton for their contribution to this version
smartChord V10.1 – 2023-04-18
⭐⭐⭐ Song Writer ⭐⭐⭐
◾ Option to display and use the diatonic chords of the selected scale as a complement to the circle of fifths
◾ Option to show the chord charts in the gallery
◾ Option to show the scale on the fretboard
◾ Long click on a chord chart in the gallery opens a menu to e.g. show the chord details or replace the fingering
◾ Menu item to open the Scale screen
◾ Menu item to show the fingerings for the chords of the song on a dedicated screen
◾ Split chord to create multiple chords in a bar
❗❗ It’s not fully featured at the moment, but worth checking out
❗❗ The same applies to the documentation. It’s under construction: https://smartchord.de/s-mart-song-writer/
❗❗ The pre-release version is limited to subscribers and UNLIMITED customers for the time being
✔ Piano view: Multiple options to determine which note names are displayed: None, All, Active, Scale
✔ Song search: Prevents redirection from ultimate-guitar to the Google Play Store
✔ Fretboard trainer:
◾ New option to hide fret numbers
◾ Larger fingerboard for ease of input on small screens
🐞 Set list: Reordering of set lists with duplicate entries
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Andy Witmyer, Gerrit Horeis, Jonathan Olson, Pavel Studecký and Rob Schoonhoven for their contribution to this version
smartChord V10.0 – 2023-03-29
⭐⭐⭐ Song Writer ⭐⭐⭐
◾ The new ‘Song Writer’ makes it uniquely easy to write and arrange songs. The Song Writer helps you to find the chords that sound good together and write lyrics with the right words
◾ See the comprehensive online documentation</a>
◾ It is the best example of how the various smartChord tools work together:
▫ The ultimate chord library provides the chords and fingerings for any instrument
▫ The scale tools offer with several hundred scales an almost inexhaustible fund of inspiration and show which chords harmonize best
▫ The Circle of Fifths presents the different keys and their corresponding chords in a familiar and reliable way
▫ The Scale-circle transforms the concept of the circle of fifths to several hundred other scales
▫ The Song Analyzer analyzes and provides the chord progressions of any song
▫ The Key Finder provides the key and any deviating chords
▫ The Lyrics Pad with its word finder helps to find the right words
▫ The piano and/or fretboard provides melodies, basslines or solos
▫ The Songbook and the Set-list keep the songs ready for use on stage or in the rehearsal room
❗❗ It’s not fully featured at the moment, but worth checking out
❗❗ The same applies to the documentation. It’s under construction: https://smartchord.de/s-mart-song-writer/
❗❗ The pre-release version is limited to subscribers and UNLIMITED customers for the time being
✔ Subscriptions are available again! Either annually or quarterly
✔ Circle of Fifths and scale-circle: Option to show the key’s accidentals or just the selected chord’s accidentals
✔ New themes: Waikawa Dark + Waikawa Light
🐞 Chord: Lists all chord types again, that are in principle playable with the number of strings
🐞 Set List: New Library with incompatibilities to old Android versions produced crash
🐞 Translations
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Jake Garrett, Rob D. Schaefer, Sergei Nikiforov and Vladimir Morozov for their contribution to this version
smartChord V9.9.1 – 2023-03-13
✔ Themes: Colors of toggle buttons have been changed for more contrast
🐞 Songbook: Analyze song with the Song Analyzer
🐞 Circle of Fifths and Scale-Circle: Signs weren’t complete for some scales
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Anthony Steele-Perkins, Carsten Bleisch, Nathan Tacsik, Rob D. Schaefer, Sergei Nikiforov and Thomas Daniel for their contribution to this version
smartChord V9.9 – 2023-02-20
✔ Circle of Fifths and scale-circle:
▫ New piano setting to mark the keys belonging to the scale with its note name
▫ Option to allow/disallow the rotation of the circle to switch the key
▫ Option to keep the display active even without touching it
▫ Improved sound
✔ Piano: New positions for the notes to make them visible even if when the key is pressed
✔ Themes:
▫ Colors of toggle buttons have been changed for more contrast
▫ Color of the menus in the color of the theme
🐞 Scales: Root is now shown with different color again if no color scheme is selected
🐞 Circle of Fifths and scale-circle: ‘Show chords’ screen produced the same sound for all chords
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Konstantin Paus, Mick Malkemus, Ronald Jonnes, Sean Avis, Sergei Nikiforov, Thomas Daniel and Zach Simmons for their contribution to this version
smartChord V9.8 – 2023-01-31
✔ Custom color scheme:
▫ You can create your own color scheme
▫ Define the color for each degree or note. The color of the text can also be adjusted
▫ Whether the color is bound to the degree or the note is determined by the general appearance setting ‘Color scheme binding’
▫ The color scheme is used in:
◾ Chord diagrams
◾ Circle of fifths
◾ Fretboard representations
◾ Piano
◾ Scale-circle
✔ Predefined color schemes:
▫ 10 new color schemes
▫ Some text colors have been changed for more contrast
✔ Scale-circle: Option to limit the scales to the church modes
🐞 Problems in lookup audio files on Android 13
🐞 Support for MIDI devices that do not meet the specification
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Guy Togbenou, Jesper Clausen, Konstantin Paus, Lari Natri, Mat Botica, Mike Marshall, Roy Young and Sergio Tamburini for their contribution to this version
smartChord V9.7.1 – 2023-01-24
✔ Android 13 compatibility
✔ Set-List-Link: Permission for ‘Location’ was needed for WifiDirect, but isn’t needed in Android 13 anymore
✔ Lyrics pad: Ability to search for ‘Meaning like’
▶ Our video shows the use of the Lyrics pad: https://youtu.be/IwCTPSkHzqc
🐞 Lyrics pad: Correct handling of spaces in the Word-finder
🐞 Tips: Checkbox to deactivate tips wasn’t visible anymore
🐞 Circle of fifth: Wrong text color if setting ‘Color scheme binding’ was active
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Bill Liddell, Carsten Bruns, Fred Worm, Lothar Email and Piet Thecrank for their contribution to this version
smartChord V9.7 – 2023-01-17
✔ Fretboard trainer: New option with which you have to specify chords for any fingering
✔ Tables of contents: New option to sort the entries by the part of the name after the ‘-‘. This can be useful if you build your entries e. g. according to the scheme ‘title – artist’ and want to sort by artist
✔ Songbook YouTube player: Changing the playback speed also affects the scrolling speed
🐞 Lyrics pad: Word-finding result was sometimes not visible
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to David Sansó, Jens Martin, Manfredo Leitner, Philip A Edyvean, Richard Riley and Roland Schippmann for their contribution to this version
smartChord V9.6.1 – 2023-01-12
✔ Songbook:
▫ Possibility to import songs from an arbitrary folder on Android 11 and newer
▫ IP address for online tools is also visible when using large system fonts
▫ IP address also listed in the help
🐞 Songbook editor: monospaced font
❀ Special thanks to Henk Oostrom, Max Welte and Tomasz Cichawa for their contribution to this version
smartChord V9.6 – 2023-01-10
⭐⭐⭐ Lyrics pad ⭐⭐⭐
▫ The new Lyrics pad is an inspiring tool for poets, rappers, lyricists and songwriters. With it you’ll easily keep all your ideas and the Word-Finder will help you with the right words. No matter if you are looking for a rhyme, a synonym, an antonym or even a word with a certain meaning or beginning or end.
▫ Unfortunately, the Word Finder supports only English and Spanish. However, word databases with several million words are available for these languages.
▫ In a pre-release version for subscribers and UNLIMITED users
▫ For your effective work the search results are sorted by their rating and the number of syllables sorted
▫ You can use keywords to better structure the text
▫ You can easily print or share your lyrics
▫ The Word-Finder allows to search for:
◾ Adjectives
◾ Antonyms
◾ Consonant match
◾ Homophones
◾ Kind of
◾ Near rhymes
◾ Nons
◾ Part of
◾ Rhymes
◾ Similar sounds
◾ Synonyms
◾ Words by pattern
✔ Songbook: The Word-Finder can be used in the song edit screen too
✔ Notepad: The Word-Finder can also be used in the notepad edit screen
✔ Translations for all languages
🐞 Songbook: transposition of slash chords
🐞 Improved media search with just one character
🐞 Problems to share files via GoogleDrive when changing the folder
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Andrea Bazzani, Michael Taube, Rudy Gamberini and Werner Albert-Schneider for their contribution to this version
smartChord V9.5 – 2022-12-13
⭐ Songbook:
▫ New option to transpose a song using the capo and keep the fingerings
▫ New option to enable swipe gesture left and right to switch to the next or previous song
▫ Directives to repeat blocks:
◾ ‘Block’ directives can be used to select a special block by naming it (e.g. {verse:Verse 1})
◾ Please see https://smartchord.de/s-mart-songbook/#Repeating_blocks
◾ Song editor menu with new items to repeat blocks
▫ Dependent on the ‘Songbook ‘mode’, relevant options are disabled (e.g. ‘Show chords’ in mode ‘Just chords’)
🐞 Updated categories were not visible in the table of contents
🐞 Open ‘Song analyzer’ didn’t select the current song of the songbook
🐞 To change the metronome setting it was necessary to open the songbook again
✔ Themes:
▫ Dedicated screen for switching between the 36 themes – including a preview
▫ 22 new light and dark themes with the following colors:
◾ Alien
◾ Coral
◾ Cornflower
◾ Gold
◾ Grey
◾ Laurel
◾ Lavender
◾ Meteorite
◾ Mushroom
◾ Mustard
◾ Royal
🐞 Some buttons did not show that they were disabled
✔ Other minor improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Gerrit Horeis, Luiz Fernando Laux, Luiz Marcos, Pete Koschnick and Scott Noroozi for their contribution to this version
smartChord V9.4.2 – 2022-11-24
🐞 Set list: Problems to open a set list
🐞 Songbook: Wrong sound for chords when tuning has a capo
✔ Other minor fixes
❀ Special thanks to Billy Griffin, Louis Poels, Michele Gilli, Rick Tucker and Scott Noroozi for their contribution to this version
smartChord V9.4.1 – 2022-11-23
✔ Scale fretboard screen: The fretboard range can be changed if none of the ‘Pattern’ modes is selected
🐞 Songbook: The ‘Printout’ color scheme is used again for printing
🐞 Circle of fifths: Correct chord variants for ‘Show chords’ and ‘Add to chord progression’
🐞 Missing E in C Dominant 7th scale
🐞 With some themes, the text of slide switches was hardly or not at all readable
✔ Other minor fixes
❀ Special thanks to Christ Deva, Harry V. Boggan, Henk Oostrom, Paji Can, Paul Schoonderwoerd and Scott Noroozi for their contribution to this version
smartChord V9.4 – 2022-11-07
⭐ Songbook:
▫ Predefined color variants for the blocks (‘Verse’, ‘Chorus’,…)
▫ Preview screen for the color variants
▫ 21 predefined color variants for the dark mode
▫ 20 predefined color variants for the light mode
▫ 2 predefined color variants for the printout
▶ Our video shows how to make your songs more beautiful and clearer: https://youtu.be/okp1BFHFs0w
✔ Scale Name and Key Identifier:
▫ Option to show also the scales/keys which are not complete
✔ Song analyzer:
▫ Ability to enter a song text or edit it in the text editor
▫ Option to paste the song text from the clipboard
▫ New plugin app released: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.smartchord.droid.plus.songanalyzer
✔ Chord: Now you can also enter “add” and “dim” chords in the text field
🐞 Create or edit an existing note in the notepad with a link to your item from each ‘Folder’ menu. Use it for instance to document your ideas about certain items.
▫ Chord progression
▫ Fretboard Trainer
▫ Metronome
▫ Pattern
▫ Playground
▫ Practice
▫ Set list
▫ Songbook
▫ Tone generator
🐞 Chord progression: Adding a special fingering was not possible under certain conditions
🐞 Songbook: Marking text did not work on some Android versions
✔ A lot of other improvements and fixes
▶ You can reach us on YouTube via the new YouTube alias @smartChord: https://www.youtube.com/@smartChord
❀ Special thanks to Charles Boehnlein, John Glass, Jod R. Leio, Lena Schütten, Roan Vandermeer and Tiemo Norman for their contribution to this version
smartChord V9.3 – 2022-10-20
✔ Circle Of Fifths and Scale Circle:
▫ Option to show the piano to visualize the chords
▫ Optimized sound: the chords are played as long as you tap the chord
▫ Option to enable playing chords
▫ Chord gallery, piano, staff and the circle are synchronized and the selection is visible
✔ New sound options for all instruments
▫ Acoustic Grand Piano
▫ Bright Acoustic Piano
▫ Electric Grand Piano
▫ Church Organ
▫ Reed Organ
▫ Rock Organ
✔ A further set of chord notations mainly used in South America
✔ Table of contents: Possibility to add categories
✔ Possibility to add single chords or chords from chord progressions and songs:
▫ Chord Progression
▫ Fretboard Trainer
▫ Key Identifier
▫ Scale Name
✔ Home screen: Instruments icon shows the currently selected instrument
🐞 Drum Machine: Workaround for an Android bug on older devices
✔ A lot of other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Gerd Altmann, Joachim Grams, Louis Poels, Luiz Fernando Laux, Manuel Almonacid and Stefan Heinze for their contribution to this version
smartChord V9.2 – 2022-10-04
⭐⭐⭐ World first: Song analyzer is released ⭐⭐⭐
⭐ New ‘Song analyzer’ detects the chord progressions and keys of every song
⭐ Write your songs based on the chord progressions of successful songs
▫ It analyzes the songs in your songbook or any other song found by the internet search
▫ It shows the set of chords and the key of a song
▫ It shows the chord progressions and also their keys
▫ It lets you create your chord progressions based on the ones detected
▶ Our video shows the use of the ‘Song analyzer’: https://youtu.be/Whj8has0Sb4
⭐ A further set of chord notations mainly used in South America
▫ (#4), (11/b5), (11/b9), (13/#11), (13/b9), (4/7), (b13/b5), (b9/#5)
▫ 7(#11), 7(#9/#5), 7(11), 7(4), 7(9/#11), 7(9/#11/13), 7(9/#5), 7(9/11), 7(9/b5)
▫ 7(b5/#9), 7(b5/b13), 7(b5/b9), 7(b9/#5), 7(b9/13), 7+(#11), 7+(#11/13)
▫ 7+(#5), 7+(#9), 7+(11), 7+(13), 7+(13/#11), 7+(2), 7+(2/4), 7+(4), 7+(6), 7+(6/9)
▫ 7+(9/#11), 7+(9/#11/13), 7+(9/13), 7+(9/4), 7+(b5), 7+(b5), 7+(b9), 7+(b9), 7+(sus), 9(#11), 9(4)
▫ m(#11), m(#13), m(#4), m(#6), m(#9), m(11), m(13), m(2), m(2/4), m(4), m(6), m(6/11), m(6/9)
▫ m(7), m(7+), m(9), m(9/11), m(9/b5), m(b11), m(b11/b9), m(b13), m(b4), m(b5), m(b6), m(b7), m(b9)
▫ m(sus), m7(11), m7(4), m7(6), m7(9/#5), m7(9/11), m7(9/b5), m7(add4)
▫ m7(b5/b9), m7(b9/b5), m7+(#9), m7+(9), m7+(b9)
▫ They improve, among other things, the chord recognition in the songbook
✔ Songbook: Improved parsing of chord lines with brackets
✔ Synchronisation screens with uniform operation in terms of the cloud:
▫ Click on the ‘Folder’ button or the folder name to switch the folder
▫ Click on the cloud provider logo to switch between the cloud providers
🐞 Cloud: Handling of invalid folder names
🐞 Edit screen: Use of the floating action button crashed the app
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Alexey Molchanov, Emil Sinclair, Jonathan Olson, Luiz Fernando Laux, Martin P. Daniels, Nuno Moura and Steve Battig for their contribution to this version
smartChord V9.1 – 2022-09-27
⭐ A new set of chord notations mainly used in South America
▫ (#11), (#13), (#5), (#9), (b11), (b13), (b5), (b7), (b9)
▫ 11(b5), 11(b9), 4(7), 6(11), 6(9), 6(add9)
▫ 7(#5), 7(#9), 7(6), 7(9), 7(b13), 7(b5), 7(b9), 7+(9), 7/#9, 7/b9, 7M, 7sus(13), 7sus(9), 7sus(b9)
▫ 9(#5), 9(b5)
▫ augmented, b9(#5), dimb9, diminished
▫ j#9, j7, j7b5, j7sus, j7sus2, j7sus24, j7sus4, j9, jb9
▫ m#7#9, m#7b9, m(maj11), m(maj13), m(maj7), m(maj9), m6(9), m7(#9), m7(9), m7(b5), m7(b9), m7/b9/b5, m7M, mM7
▫ maj6, major, min, min11, min7, minor, sus24, sus42
▫ M, M(9), M11, M13, M6, M7, M7#5, M7#9, M7b5, M7b9, M7sus, M7sus2, M7sus24, M7sus4, M9, Mb9
▫ °#7, °11, °13, °9, Ø7
▫ They improve, among other things, the chord recognition in the songbook
✔ Improved synchronization:
▫ Synchronization can now be done in one step
▫ Comparison is done automatically
▫ The upload can be defined by an option
▫ The comparison result is shown as an overview view
▫ The detailed list with the items to be synchronized can be shown optionally
▫ The cloud provider can be selected in the general settings and in the settings of the synchronization
▫ The login and logout are also possible in these settings
✔ Songbook:
▫ Open ‘Song analyzer’ for the current song
▫ Menu restructured
▶ Our video shows the use of the ‘Song analyzer’: https://youtu.be/Whj8has0Sb4
✔ Table of contents: Timestamps are now hidden by default, but can be displayed using the new option
🐞 Song synchronization: We accidentally changed the extension of the song file in the last update. It is now ‘sccrd’ again
🐞 Chords: Link ‘Change filter’ was broken
✔ Minor improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Andrew Mitterholzer, Bruce Reirden, Luiz Fernando Laux and Henk Oostrom for their contribution to this version
smartChord V9.0 – 2022-09-14
⭐⭐⭐ World first: Song analyzer ⭐⭐⭐
⭐ New ‘Song analyzer’ detects the chord progressions and keys of any song
⭐ Write your songs based on the chord progressions of successful songs
❗❗ It is a pre-release version that is limited to subscribers and UNLIMITED customers for the time being
▫ It analyzes the songs in your songbook or any other song found by the internet search
▫ It shows the set of chords and the key of a song
▫ It shows the chord progressions and also their keys
▫ It lets you create your chord progressions based on the ones detected
✔ Backup: Option to additionally store the backup in the cloud
✔ Choose chord: Allows to enter the complete chord name including slash chords
✔ General settings ‘Names’: New option to hide or show the octaves for the notes in the tuning (E-A-D-G-B-E or E2-A2-D3-G3-B3-E4)
✔ Table of contents: Pre assignment of the category dialog with the values of the selected items
✔ Set list: A changed duration of a break is deposited in the set list
✔ Songbook: internet search optimized
🐞 Workaround for an Android bug: Popup menus do not appear for the first items in some lists e.g. in the Key Identifier
✔ Other minor improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Chris Drexler, David Carv, Luiz Marcos, Martin P. Daniels and Scott Noroozi for their contribution to this version
smartChord V8.22.2 – 2022-08-16
🐞 Workaround for incompatibilities on devices with Android 4.x
✔ Circle of fifths: Alignment to the traditional one
✔ Other minor improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Brigitte Laskowski, Cristian Navarrete, Glenn Weaver, Juan Tafur and Luiz Marcos for their contribution to this version
smartChord V8.22.1 – 2022-07-27
🐞 Chord diagrams without chord names
❀ Special thanks to Christ Deva, David Morales and Harry V. Boggan for their contribution to this version
smartChord V8.22 – 2022-07-25
✔ Scale Name with context menu to:
▫ investigate a scale in the scale screen
▫ show the diatonic chords for the scale
▫ show the scale in the Fretboard Explorer
▫ add a scale to the scale favorites
▫ add a scale to the scale blacklist
✔ Key Identifier with context menu to:
▫ investigate a key in the scale screen
▫ show the diatonic chords for the key
▫ show the key in the Fretboard Explorer
✔ Circle of fifths:
▫ Menu item to show the fingerings for the chords on a dedicated screen
▫ Menu item to add the chords to the current chord progression
✔ Optimized chord diagram size
✔ Songbook: Optimized TAB detection
✔ Corrected scale D Dorian b9: Contains A instead of Ab
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Christ Deva, Luiz Marcos, Michael Fischer, Scott Noroozi, Tobi Gelz and Uwe Fischbach for their contribution to this version
smartChord V8.21.1 – 2022-07-12
✔ Technical release with minor improvements and fixes like:
✔ Scale: Predefined filter for the ‘church modes’ and the most common scales
✔ Scale Name and Key Identifier: Fretboard range can be changed in the mode ‘Notes’ and on large screens
✔ Optimized chord diagram size
🐞 Fretboard trainer: Missing signs in staff
🐞 Chord name: Shortened 5th string can be muted again
❀ Special thanks to Emilio Polog, Hans-Peter Wegner, Leonid Shokarev, Manolo Ramirez Padilla, Robert Price, Scott Noroozi, Tobi Gelz, Uwe Fischbach and Uwe Tantz for their contribution to this version
smartChord V8.21 – 2022-06-27
⭐ Scale name:
▫ Determines the scale for a song or a chord progression
▫ Determines the scale also for an arbitrary set of chords or notes
▫ The set of chords can be entered as text or picked from the chord dictionary
▫ The notes can be entered either on the fretboard or on the piano
▫ If the scale cannot be determined unambiguously, the resulting list shows you:
◾ which scales are possible
◾ which notes are missing
◾ which notes do not belong to the scale
▶ Our video explains the Key Identifier, but the ‘Scale name’ works the same way: https://youtu.be/McveJtbFV2E
⭐ Songbook
▫ The musical key is automatically determined by the Key Identifier:
◾ For every new song from the internet
◾ If you click on the musical key in the info section
◾ On ‘Edit information’
▫ New directives to repeat blocks:
◾ New directive {bridge} shows the previous bridge block defined by {start_of_bridge} and {end_of_bridge}
◾ New directive {interlude} shows the previous interlude block defined by {start_of_interlude} and {end_of_interlude}
◾ New directive {pre_chorus} shows the previous pre_chorus block defined by {start_of_pre_chorus} and {end_of_pre_chorus}
◾ New directive {verse} shows the previous verse block defined by {start_of_verse} and {end_of_verse}
◾ New directive {tab} shows the previous tab block either defined by {start_of_tab} and {end_of_tab} or automatically detected
◾ Editor and online editor are supporting the new directive
◾ https://smartchord.de/s-mart-songbook/#Repeating_blocks
✔ Chord progression: Button to replace chord or fingering
✔ New Tuning: Russian Open G
🐞 Add/replace a chord did work just the first time
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Frank Müller, Haisam Ido, Isidro Zúñiga, James Thomas, Paul Schoonderwoerd and Simone Sapienza for their contribution to this version
smartChord V8.20 – 2022-06-09
⭐ New tool: Key Identifier
▫ Determines the key for a song or a chord progression
▫ Determines the key also for an arbitrary set of chords or notes
▫ The set of chords can be entered as text or picked from the chord dictionary
▫ The notes can be entered either on the fretboard or on the piano
▫ If the key cannot be determined unambiguously, the Key Identifier shows you:
◾ which keys are possible
◾ which notes are missing
◾ which notes do not belong to the key
▶ Our video explains the Key Identifier: https://youtu.be/McveJtbFV2E
✔ Songbook:
▫ Menu item to open the Key Identifier with the chords of the song
✔ Chord progression:
▫ Menu item to open the Key Identifier with the chords of the chord progression
✔ Fretboard trainer: Plays notes in quizzes of the mode ‘Note’ (if the ‘Play sound’ option is active)
🐞 Sharing: The share link didn’t open smartChord on some devices
🐞 Scale name: Fixed sound
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Hakkie de Groot, Hans Kaiser and Philip Fagét for their contribution to this version
smartChord V8.19.1 – 2022-05-23
✔ Technical release with minor improvements and fixes
✔ Chords: Favorites are marked with a star in the ‘Simplify chords’ dialog
✔ We have updated the manual describing the handling of chords and fingerings in smartChord: https://smartchord.de/chords
❀ Special thanks to André Giroud, Colin Coutts and Miguel Pires for their contribution to this version
smartChord V8.19 – 2022-05-18
⭐ Redesign of the ‘Chords’ screen – the chord reference:
▫ Clearer user interface
▫ Chord dictionary integrated so that more than 1200 chord types are available
▫ Enter the root and bass by the ‘note circle’
▫ Always visible text field to enter the chord type or to filter the chord type list
▫ New spinner to filter the chord types:
◾ Dictionary
◾ Expert
◾ Advanced
◾ Beginner
◾ Custom
◾ Favorites
◾ Augmented
◾ Diminished
◾ Suspended
◾ 13th
◾ 11th
◾ 9th
◾ 7th
◾ 6th
▫ Your custom chords are always appended when a filter is applied
✔ Circle of fifths:
▫ A click on the scale view shows the scale in the ‘Scale’ screen
▫ Chord names completed for Major/Ionion scale when showing triads
✔ New option for small devices to make the home-screen scrollable and the texts readable in any case
❗❗ Only general settings are still accessible via the home-screen
🐞 Songbook: Sometimes the drum machine played the wrong sounds
🐞 Fretboard trainer & Circle of fifths: Fixed musical notation on large devices
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Gustaf Norman, Hans Sta, Jakov Gacina, Piotr Czerniejewski, Scott Noroozi, Sergei Nikiforov and Stefano Tranchini for their contribution to this version
smartChord V8.18 – 2022-04-26
⭐ Fretboard trainer:
▫ Three new quiz types to learn scales:
◾ Identify scales
◾ Locate all notes of a scale
◾ Locate all fretboard positions of a scale
▫ Get the chords and scales optionally represented in musical notation and learn them along the way
▫ Learn the fretboard string by string with the new option to limit quizzes to a subset of strings
✔ Scale:
▫ Uniform way to select a scale
▫ New option for direction: Ascending – Ascending & descending – Descending
✔ Uniform use of the note circle for note selection
❗❗ Basic chords list reduced
🐞 Circle of fifths crashed on some selected tunings
🐞 Songbook: Remove capo did not work in every case
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Andy Lopez, Dominique Portalier, Lena Schütten, Philibob Gossimer, Pisarev Oleg, Scott Noroozi and Stefano Tranchini for their contribution to this version
smartChord V8.17 – 2022-04-11
⭐ Scale:
▫ Modes for each scale
▫ ‘Note-circle’ to visualize the distribution of a scale
▫ Select the scale either from your favorites, the modes or the whole scale list
▫ Swipe gesture on the musical notation changes the scale
▫ Button to show the scale in the scale-circle
✔ New ‘Note-circle’ view to select the root notes e.g. for the scales
✔ Home-screen:
▫ Dialog to define the tools on the home-screen in one step
▫ Short description for each tool
✔ Songbook: Support for changes on chords-and-tabs.net
✔ Picking pattern: Improved handling of muted strings
✔ 13 new 8-string tunings for Lap Steel Guitar
✔ Screenshot is automatically created for an error report initiated from the menu
✔ Other improvements and fixes
▶ Our new video shows how to get any song with chords & tabs – in 10 seconds: https://youtu.be/N23Jr1IPl7M
❀ Special thanks to Emilio Polog, Glenn Homes, Henk Oostrom, Keray Rainer, Konstantin Paus, Lena Schütten and Xavier Fornari for their contribution to this version
smartChord V8.16.1 – 2022-03-24
⭐ Songbook: New supported website for chords & tabs: https://acordesweb.com
🐞 Circle of fifths and scale-circle: Empty chord gallery and a lot of error toasts when using solfége
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Doug Kutzli, Henk Oostrom, Jared Garcia, Jackie Oriol, Mike Williams and Peter Edlund for their contribution to this version
smartChord V8.16 – 2022-03-21
❗❗ ‘Choose chord’ screen starts always in mode ‘Chord type’, except it is started from the ‘Scales’ screen
⭐ Practice: Add new exercises to existing exercises
▫ Add arpeggio patterns to existing exercises
▫ Add scale patterns to existing exercises
▫ Add picking patterns to existing exercises
▫ Combine any exercise with existing exercises
✅ Chord simplification improved
✅ Songbook: Detects all chords from the chord dictionary
✅ Songbook YouTube search: Additional button to extend search text by ‘acoustic’, ‘cover’, ‘lesson’, …
✅ ‘Show arpeggio’ added to menus in chord screens and on long-press on a chord diagram
✅ Get the latest from smartChord also on our new channel on https://www.instagram.com/smartChord
✔ Many other improvements and fixes
▶ Our new video gives a quick overview of the Songbook: https://youtu.be/J5-mJTL4R24
❀ Special thanks to Emilio Polog, Glenn Homes, Henk Oostrom, Markus Schwarz and Rolf Puchtinger for their contribution to this version
smartChord V8.15.1 – 2022-02-28
✅ Scale: Size optimized view
✅ Scale: Scale chart is resizable
✅ Color scheme is active even if ‘Diagram info’ is set to ‘Nothing’
🐞 Songbook: video player covered song text
✔ Minor improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Philibob Gossimer, Sean Hartigan and Stefano Tranchini for their contribution to this version
smartChord V8.15 – 2022-02-25
⭐ Circle of fifths
▫ Option to get triads, 7th or 9th chords
▫ Option to show the chord charts
▫ Option to show the scale on the fretboard
▫ Shows sheet music for the chords
⭐ ‘Scale-circle’. New innovative mode of the Circle of fifths
▫ It shows the chords for all 7 degrees: either triads, 7th or 9th chords
▫ It can be used with each scale which does have all 7 degrees
▫ There are more than 300 scales beneath the modes of the major scale like Dorian, Lydian or Mixolydian
✅ Songbook: Automatically creates custom chords when not built-in chord types are used
✅ Songbook: Support for chord names with brackets and comma (e.g. C7(no3,b5))
🐞 Songbook: Crashed on devices with Android 4.1.x
🐞 Problem to create custom chords starting with a note name
🐞 Fingering favorites where ignored in some cases
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Alberto Ruiz Ibargüengoitia, Christ Deva, Glenn Homes, Joshua Loflin, Nathan Brooks, Tariq Abdus-Salaam and Thomas Güttler for their contribution to this version
smartChord V8.14 – 2022-01-31
⭐ Simplify chords
▫ Choose chord: Possibility to simplify chords
▫ Normally a simplified chord is easier to play but less colorful and interesting
⭐ Songbook: Optimized transpose functionality immediately shows the changes in the song
✔ Chord chart galleries are resizable
✔ ‘Black bright’ and ‘Black dark’ theme
✔ Dialogs are movable by dragging the title bar
✔ Songbook: Support for ‘N.C.’ (abbreviation for ‘no chord’)
✔ Transposer with color scheme support
✔ Scale and arpeggio fretboard: Allows portrait mode also on medium-sized devices
✔ A tap on the name of a stored item (song, set list, quiz, …) opens the ‘Table of contents’
✔ Long press on a chord in the chord chart gallery opens a menu to show the chord in the Fretboard Explorer
✔ Charango tunings: Charango Hatun (six course and seven course)
✔ New color scheme
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Alois Gillhofer, Benno Schoppel, Dmitry Prokopenko, Paco del Mar, Philibob Gossimer and Vittorio Bernardini for their contribution to this version
smartChord V8.13.2 – 2022-01-17
🐞 Chord details: Gallery scrolling problem
🐞 Fretboard trainer: Problems to create new quizzes or to show statistic
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Glenn Homes, Konstantin Paus, Lutz Behnke, Rolando Chicas, Thomas Andrews and Thomas Suntinger for their contribution to this version
smartChord V8.13.1 – 2022-01-10
✅ Android 12 compatibility
✅ 5 new color schemes
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Florian Jäger and Steve Stine for their contribution to this version
smartChord V8.13 – 2021-12-28
⭐ Fingering explorer to find the best fingerings for your needs
▫ Change the relevant chord settings and get the fingerings immediately in the gallery
▫ Define your fingering favorites, so they are always visible, independent from the chord settings
▫ Apply the new chord setting changes or discard them at the end of your exploration
✅ Songbook:
▫ Fingering explorer is used to replacing a fingering
▫ New directives to embed links to images and PDF files
▫ Songbook editor supports these new directives. Image and PDF pickers are used to add them
✅ Technical release with graphical improvements like better support for large fonts
✔ Fix: Chord name UI refresh after instrument change
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Bob Crowder, Kalle Mackel and Olav Stüwe for their contribution to this version
smartChord V8.12.1 – 2021-12-08
✅ Technical release with graphical improvements
✅ Open a chord in the fretboard explorer by the context menu of a chord gallery
✔ Other minor improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Jonathan Olson and Philibob Gossimer for their contribution to this version
smartChord V8.12 – 2021-11-29
⭐ Songbook: Replace a chord or fingering by direct input on the fretboard
⭐ Improved handling of fingering favorites
▫ Fingering favorites are always visible independent from the chord settings
▫ Fingering favorites for major, minor and seventh chords are automatically created for every instrument and tuning
⭐ 5-string Banjo with improved chord algorithm
✅ Set list: Possibility to add PDF or image files from GoogleDrive
✅ Scale favorites are now part of the synchronization
🐞 Save and restore favorite instruments
🐞 Fretboard explorer used with settings ‘Solfège’ and ‘Theory notes’
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Armin Schmitt, Carsten Bleisch, Jörg Dengler, Luiz Marcos Wal, Ricardo Zalba, Rudolf Stetulic and Teddy McGibbie for their contribution to this version
smartChord V8.11 – 2021-11-14
⭐ History is filterable to speed up access to the entries like songs
✅ Songbook: MIDI support extended
▫ Control a MIDI device within the song text
▫ New directive to add MIDI commands which are sent to a MIDI receiver: {x_sccrd_midi:<midiCommand1>, <midiCommand2>, …}
▫ The directive appears as grey ‘MIDI’ line in the song
▫ The commands are automatically sent to a MIDI receiver when
◾ the scroller passes the ‘MIDI’ line
◾ the user taps on the ‘MIDI’ line
▫ Documentation: https://smartchord.de/s-mart-songbook/#Control_a_MIDI_device
✅ Songbook: Scroll breaks are recognizable as such and show the duration of the breaks in seconds
✅ Possibility to change the folder for import and search when ‘Read storage’ permission is granted
🐞 Online song editor, importer, viewer: HTTPS support completed
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Angela Müller, Armin Schmitt, Jean-Pierre Martin, Jens Martin, Jörg Dengler, Stefan Balaz and Uwe Fischbach for their contribution to this version
smartChord V8.10 – 2021-11-08
⭐⭐⭐ ‘Set list link’ released ⭐⭐⭐
▫ Connects different devices of your bandmates during rehearsals and live performances
▫ Mirrors the set list of the ‘Leader’ to the devices of the ‘Followers’
▫ Opens, starts and stops the song on the follower devices in synchronization with the leader so everyone is on the same song
▫ Mirrors also songs, images and PDF files, even if they are not present on a follower device
▫ ‘Leader’ options:
◾ A secret code to prevent strangers from registering as ‘Followers’
◾ Need to acknowledge each ‘Follower’
▫ ‘Follower’ options:
◾ View the song of the leader or the own song with the same name
◾ Scale the songs to fit on a different display size
▫ Uses ‘Wifi Direct’ and works on Android Lollipop (5.0) or newer
▫ No need for a dedicated Wifi router
▫ Please see documentation: https://smartchord.de/set-list-link
▶ There is a video about the ‘Set list link’: https://youtu.be/poGkYtaWE3g
✅ Online song editor, importer, viewer:
▫ HTTPS for all supported Android versions
▫ New ‘troubleshooting’ page: https://www.smartchord.de/song/troubleshooting.html
✅ Fretboard trainer: Game is resumed, if it is accidentally interrupted
🐞 Menus were just partly visible after fullscreen mode
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Frits Boogaarts, Hakkie de Groot, Harry Fehlemann, Jörg Dengler, Markus Knell and Philibob Gossimer for their contribution to this version
smartChord V8.9.2 – 2021-10-31
🐞 HTTPS support for some Android versions
smartChord V8.9.1 – 2021-10-29
✅ Online song editor, importer, viewer:
▫ Chrome is supported again
▫ HTTPS support: To secure internet connections and protect sensitive data, we have switched our online tools to HTTPS. This has also slightly changed the addresses
❗❗ They now start with https. E.g. https://www.smartchord.de/song/ ❗❗
✅ Set list
▫ Export: Links in the table of contents to jump directly to the song
▫ Optimized performance on large set lists
🐞 File access on some device
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to André Messerschmidt, Carsten Bleisch, Emory Keller, Gianluca Banchetti, Marc van Westerlaak, Reinhard Miottke, Robert Dampier, Roy Young, Sean Hartigan and Lino Velletri for their contribution to this version
smartChord V8.9 – 2021-10-21
⭐ Migration to Android 11 is now complete
❗❗ PLEASE CHECK your set lists for errors ❗❗
▫ Permission to write storage can now be withdrawn (Android 6 or newer)
▫ Android 11 has a focus on privacy improvements and protecting user data
▫ smartChord meets Androids 11 API level requirements
▫ For more information please see:
◾ https://developer.android.com/about/versions/11/privacy
◾ https://www.neowin.net/news/android-11-the-new-privacy-and-security-features-to-know-about
◾ https://www.androidauthority.com/android-11-privacy-1161814
✅ Create or edit an existing note in the notepad with a link to your item from each ‘Folder’ menu. Use it for instance to document your ideas about certain items.
▫ Chord progression
▫ Fretboard Trainer
▫ Metronome
▫ Pattern
▫ Playground
▫ Practice
▫ Set list
▫ Songbook
▫ Tone generator
✅ Set list:
▫ Share songs, images and PDF files directly from the set list
▫ Adding PDF and image files using the system PDF and image picker
🐞 Set list: Search panel hides list
✔ A lot of other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Anke Kellermann, Carsten Bleisch, Hotte Schmiegelt, Jens Martin, Mario Ravlić, Rainer Schediwak and Stefano Tranchini for their contribution to this version
smartChord V8.8.2 – 2021-10-08
🐞 Fix for ‘Set list link’ on Chromebook
❀ Special thanks to Leonardo Salvatore and Shaun Powell for their contribution to this version
smartChord V8.8.1 – 2021-10-07
🐞 Fix for ‘Set list link’
❀ Special thanks to Klaus Piegeler Leonardo Salvatore and Thomas Gorniak for their contribution to this version
smartChord V8.8 – 2021-10-06
⭐⭐⭐ Set list link ⭐⭐⭐
▫ Connects different devices of your bandmates during rehearsals and live performances
▫ Mirrors the set list of the ‘Leader’ to the devices of the ‘Followers’
▫ Opens and starts the song on the follower devices in synchronization with the leader so everyone is on the same song
▫ Mirrors also songs, images and PDF files, even if they are not present on a follower device
❗ It is a pre-release version for ‘Songbook’ customers (invisible for all others)
▫ ‘Leader’ options:
◾ A secret code to prevent strangers from registering as ‘Followers’
◾ Need to acknowledge each ‘Follower’
▫ ‘Follower’ options:
◾ View the song of the leader or the own song with the same name
◾ Scale the songs to fit on a different display size
▫ Uses ‘Wifi Direct’ and works on Android Lollipop (5.0) or newer
▫ No need for a dedicated Wifi router
▫ Please see documentation: https://smartchord.de/set-list-link
✅ Set list: Reorder button replaced by a menu item in the ‘Edit’ menu
✅ Option to hide the hints also in setting dialogs
✅ New Russian 7-string tunings
🐞 Backup: some settings were not restored
✔ A lot of other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Carsten Bleisch, Haisam Ido, Klaus Brockt, Ramon Haack and Wolfgang Kienberger for their contribution to this version
smartChord V8.7 – 2021-08-17
⭐ Further internal privacy improvements to protect your data
✅ Set list: Automatic lookup for images or PDFs, if the location has been changed or if the location is different on synchronized devices
🐞 ‘Table of contents’: Problems to open items with spaces at the beginning or end of the name are solved
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Anke Kellermann, Eric Gump and Simone Sapienza for their contribution to this version
smartChord V8.6 – 2021-08-05
⭐ Privacy improvements to protect your data
▫ Links to image and PDF files in set lists are migrated to links to Androids MediaStore
⭐ New instrument: Viola Caipira with predefined 19 tunings
⭐ Songbook:
▫ Possibility to show all chord charts at once
▫ Audio recordings from notepad can be used in the audio player
✅ Songbook & Set list:
▫ Option that allows that the ‘Information’ area will not be hidden in full-screen mode
▫ Option that allows that the ‘Player’ (Video, Audio, …) will not be hidden in full-screen mode
✅ Edit screen and text dialogs support voice recognition to enter the text
✅ Backup: Restore your data directly from a backup file in your cloud
✅ Set list: Dialog to print the set list
✔ A lot of smaller improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to A’Athiel Va’ Da’ath, Anke Kellermann, Dave Murray, Kenneth Calpito, Manfredo Leitner, Markus Knell, Simone Sapienza and Victor Osaka for their contribution to this version
smartChord V8.5 – 2021-07-08
⭐ Privacy improvements to protect your data
▫ Songbook does not need storage permission anymore
▫ Links to audio and video files in songs are migrated to links to Androids MediaStore
✅ New instrument: 9-string guitar with nine predefined tunings
✅ Notepad: Manage your favorite YouTube videos in the Notepad. Use the menu ‘Link -> YouTube’ in the edit screen to add links to YouTube videos
✅ Audio-, video and YouTube-search: Use voice recognition to enter the search term
✅ Backup: Save multiple backups at once by sending them to a save place
✔ Other changes and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Fausto Hernandez, Ginger Hawkins and Victor Osaka for their contribution to this version
smartChord V8.4 – 2021-06-28
✅ Set list:
▫ Edit duration, key, tempo and time signature for PDFs and images
▫ Edit duration for notes and breaks
▫ Option to fade in the key, time signature, BPM and duration for the set list entries
▫ Duration of the set list is automatically calculated by the duration of the songs
▫ ‘Break’ screen with countdown timer. The timer is automatically started if the set list setting ‘Auto start’ is activated
❗ Edit set list information is now possible by menu
✅ Songbook: Option to refresh Androids MediaStore if audio or video file could not be found
✅ Scales: Option to change scale without changing the key
✅ New instrument: Waldzither with predefined 12 tunings
✅ New chord type 7/b13
▶ There is a new songbook video: https://youtu.be/BCd8yJ7Nxb4
🐞 Share lists: Some share links made problems and couldn’t be imported
🐞 Scales: Fixed update TAB and fretboard view after scale change
🐞 Table of Contents: Preview prevented the selection
🐞 Table of Contents keeps selection when entered again
✔ Other changes and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Brooks Van Buren, Carlos G Santos, Dirk Klamerek, Eric Gump, Rob D. Schaefer and Santi Chacon for their contribution to this version
smartChord V8.3.1 – 2021-06-15
🐞 Songbook: Chord change removed the text where the text and chords were in one line
🐞 Synchronization: Error message, if there were files in the cloud folder with identical names
🐞 Other minor changes and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Alex Bogdan, Vic Gil and William Liu for their contribution to this version
smartChord V8.3 – 2021-06-09
⭐ Songbook enhanced with a contextual menu to make things much faster:
▫ Edit the song in the songbook itself without the detour through the edit screen
◾ Mark blocks like chorus or bridge to highlight them with the color of your choice
◾ Insert and delete scroll breaks
▫ Select a chord that is not recognized and create a custom chord
▫ Translate the selected text into your language
▫ Copy the selected text to the clipboard
▫ Use a ‘long press’ on the song text to get the contextual menu
✅ Scroll breaks:
▫ Scroll breaks are now visible and represented by a grey line
▫ Tap on the grey line to change the duration of the scroll break
✅ Restore from file: Backup got a new menu item to select a backup file via the file explorer
✅ New picking patterns:
▫ PP 4/4 460 v1: PIMAIMIM
▫ PP 4/4 497 v1: PIMA_MIM
▫ PP 4/4 499: PIPI
▫ PP 6/8 603 v2 ab: PIMPMI
🐞 Song synchronization set the current date as modification date
🐞 Custom instrument vanished after restart
🐞 Fingering selection got lost when changing the screen
▶ There is a video editing songs: https://youtu.be/QGxaxAS6Dwk
✔ Other changes and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Christian Engelking, Edgar Millena, Nico Rieske, Rob D. Schaefer and Thomas Keppeler for their contribution to this version
smartChord V8.2 – 2021-05-18
⭐ Songbook enhancements
▫ Video player
◾ ‘A-B repeat’ to practice a special section in a loop
◾ Accelerate or slow down the playback speed and practice at a slower tempo. It affects the video play speed as well as the scroll speed
◾ Changed size of the player is restored
▫ Scale factor:
◾ To change the default text size
◾ Lets you share songs between devices with different sized displays without having to adjust the text size with the pinch gesture in each case
▫ ‘Add song to set list’ lets you specify to which set list the song is added
▫ Open attached songs in emails directly in the Songbook
▫ Internet search: Use voice recognition to enter the artist/song
▫ Player is automatically visible, if audio, drum pattern, video or Youtube video changes
▫ Easier adjustment of slow manual scroll speed
▫ Scroll break directive ({x_sccrd_sbr}) can now be used in manual scroll mode
✅ Table of contents: Use voice recognition to enter the search term
✅ Chord dictionary: improved integration into ‘Choose chord’ screen
❗❗ Set list behavior change: Metronome isn’t an automatically selected player anymore
🐞 Drum machine: Crashed with active timer in background mode
🐞 Scale fix: Open diatonic chords from scales screen
🐞 Timer fix: Active timer opened practice screen instead of drum machine or chord progression
✔ Other changes and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Christian Jaydn, Christophe Doveil, David Naylor, Emilio Polog, Henk Oostrom, Mario Guggenberger and Zach V. Simmons for their contribution to this version
smartChord V8.1.1 – 2021-04-30
✅ New tuning Mandolalin
✅ Help does support links to features and the internet
🐞 Songbook fix: Crashes on unusual text sequences
❀ Special thanks to Mox Gowland and William Liu for their contribution to this version
smartChord V8.1 – 2021-04-27
⭐⭐⭐ Chord dictionary ⭐⭐⭐
▫ The chord dictionary lists every possible chord without exception
▫ Add any chord as ‘custom chord’ into smartChord to be used in every feature e.g. the songbook
▫ Get details for any chord
▫ Get every possible voicing for every tuning and every instrument
✅ Songbook allows chord names that contain brackets ()
✅ Instrument favorites: New setting to define your favorites
✅ Custom chord: Fingering favorite is automatically defined when creating a custom chord
✅ Arpeggio: Menu item to switch to the Fretboard Explorer
✅ Tuner and Pitch Pipe: Tap on the instrument head to switch the instrument
🐞 Songbook fix: Replace chord keeps original chord positions
🐞 Chord name fix: Range slide didn’t adjust when capo was removed from tuning
✔ Other changes and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Edgar Millena, Emilio Polog, Gian Müller, Henry Gerbrandt, Jeffrey Pina, Leopold Müller and Martin P. Daniels for their contribution to this version
smartChord V8.0 – 2021-04-13
⭐ Privacy improvements to protect your data
▫ Need for general external storage access removed. The permission is now requested if it is needed (e.g. file search, import, export)
▫ Automatic backup does not need storage permission anymore. Backup files are migrated to the new Android 11 app folder structure
▫ Notepad does not need storage permission anymore. Audio files are migrated to the new Android 11 app folder structure
▫ New option to enable/disable automatic backups
▫ Navigation menu entry to the File Explorer
▫ smartChord uses now the new folder structure from Android 11
◾ New: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/de.smartchord.droid/files
◾ Old: /storage/emulated/0/smartChord
◾ ‘0’ can differ on each device
▫ For more information please see:
◾ https://www.neowin.net/news/android-11-the-new-privacy-and-security-features-to-know-about/
◾ https://www.androidauthority.com/android-11-privacy-1161814/
◾ https://thehackernews.com/2020/09/android-11-security-privacy.html
⭐ Fretboard Explorer as a customizable learning interface
▫ Focus on the things that are important at the time
▫ Focus on a chord or a scale
▫ Disable strings and notes
▫ Limit the fretboard range
▫ Choose the key of the chord or the scale
▫ Choose the info on the fretboard: ‘Notes’, ‘Intervals’ or ‘Relative notes’
▫ Choose between 40 instruments and thousands of tunings
▫ Choose between 20 color schemes
❀ Very special words of thanks go to Matthew Faris. He convinced us to implement his idea of a Fretboard Explorer, accompanied the development and made this very comprehensive video: https://youtu.be/GQPrWGVPhKQ. It was a pleasure to work with him.
✅ Scale fretboard screen: Spinner to change the key of the scale
✅ Fretboard trainer: All instruments are listed when configuring a new quiz
✅ Notepad: New menu item to show the recorded audio files in the file explorer
✅ Backup: New menu item to show the backup files in the file explorer
✅ File explorer: Button to share files
✅ Fretboard view: Color scheme is also applied if ‘fretboard info’ setting is ‘fingering’
🐞 Songbook fix: Double click in song view to start or stop
🐞 Chord Progression fix: Chords were removed on changing the instrument or the tuning
✔ Many other changes and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Bryson Jack, Dmitry Arkhipov, Hotte Schmiegelt, Javier Martínez, Matthew Faris and Prem Lojong for their contribution to this version
smartChord V7.19 – 2021-03-22
⭐⭐⭐ ‘Chord name’ is now complete (aka reverse chord finder) ⭐⭐⭐
▫ Get the chord name for every possible voicing, every tuning and every instrument
▫ Shows intervals beside the notes
❗ New sort order: no distinction between the normal, inverse, rootless, slash and incomplete chords
❗ Initially, the strings are muted now
▫ Add a chord type to the favorites
▫ Add a fingering to the fingering favorites
▫ Add a chord to the chord progression
▫ Add a chord to the playground
▫ Create a custom chord if you prefer a different name
▫ Request a chord, if a chord type is missing
✅ ‘Choose chord’ screen: Key of scale is changeable without the need to switch to the scale screen
✅ Other changes and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Juan Larocca, Phil Hetrick, Richard G. Riley and Sarah Schüle for their contribution to this version
smartChord V7.18 – 2021-03-08
❗❗ We had to switch to a new Google Play Billing Library version
▫ Please contact us if you have trouble accessing your paid features: bug@smartChord.de
❗❗ Major bug fix: Simplify chords sometimes showed a blank screen
⭐ Songbook supports local videos
▫ Embedded video player to play your videos
▫ Well integrated with the other players (Drum Machine, Metronome, Audio- and YouTube-player)
▫ Comfortable search to find the videos for your songs on your device
▫ Duration of a song is automatically set by the duration of a video
▫ New directive to link the video file {x_sccrd_vf:}
⭐ Drum machine:
▫ 508 drum patterns: You shared your drum patterns with us. We have collected them and made them available for download
✅ Handlebar to customize the size of the video- and YouTube-player
▫ Setting to hide the handlebar to save space on a small smartphone screen
✅ Notepad: Share single note or recording
✅ Metronome: New time signatures for 10/8
✅ Option to enter the shared link directly in smartChord. Please see https://smartchord.de/share
✅ Songbook: Improved logic to select the player for a song (Drum Machine, Metronome, Audio-, Video- and YouTube-player)
✅ Songbook workaround: Ultimate-Guitar provides sometimes incomplete songs
✅ Songbook fix: Uses search engine from settings again
✅ Timer fix: Plays sound again when timer was in background
✅ Other changes and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Andy Hayloft, Ernie Cacciaglia, Fernando Nahuel Angélico, François Amaral, Glenn Homes, Harry Fehlemann, Henning Otte, Knut Beese, Leopold Müller and Sean Hartigan for their contribution to this version
smartChord V7.17 – 2021-02-16
⭐ Songbook with extended MIDI support
✅ Select a song by a MIDI device
▫ Songbook switches your songs on MIDI commands SongSelect
▫ New directive to define the song number {x_sccrd_midiSongSelect:<number>}
✅ Control a MIDI device from the Songbook
▫ New directives to add MIDI commands which are sent to a MIDI receiver when
◾ opening a song: {x_sccrd_midiOpen:<midiCommand1>, <midiCommand2>, …}
◾ closing a song: {x_sccrd_midiClose:<midiCommand1>, <midiCommand2>, …}
▫ New setting to define the MIDI receiver
✅ New ‘MIDI’ setting category, which embraces the MIDI settings valid for the ‘Songbook’ and ‘Set list’
▫ MIDI device which sends events to control the ‘Songbook’ and ‘Set list’
▫ Mapping between the MIDI events and the actions to control the ‘Songbook’ and ‘Set list’
▫ MIDI device which receives commands from the ‘Songbook’
▫ New option to deactivate MIDI connections
✅ New simple ‘MIDI test’ tool. It shows the MIDI messages received from a MIDI device or allows to send messages to a MIDI device
✅ Songbook editor supports new midi directives
✅ New documentation for the MIDI support: https://smartchord.de/s-mart-songbook#midi-control
✅ Share your chord progressions with friends, other musicians or students
▶ There is a video about: https://youtu.be/i9ECUnEfhag
✅ Auto completion from history
▫ Song internet search
▫ YouTube video search
✅ Undo and redo in editor for songs and notes
✅ Scale name fix: Change of tuning didn’t update the fretboard
✅ Other minor changes and fixes
✅ Online song editor update (V1.6) with support for midi directives (http://www.smartchord.de/song/edit)
❀ Special thanks to Antonio Guerra, Con Tastsidis, Guillaume Rodriguez, Jorgo De Groof and Thomas Karstens for their contribution to this version
smartChord V7.16.1 – 2021-02-04
✅ Fix: Sorting in ‘Table of contents’ with active category filter
✅ Fix: Number of printed chords were limited in Songbook
✅ Fix: Timer wasn’t readable on some devices
✅ Other minor changes and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Gian Müller, Glenn Homes and Nikolai Bardukow for their contribution to this version
smartChord V7.16 – 2021-02-01
⭐⭐⭐ Songbook with support to simplify chords ⭐⭐⭐
▫ New screen ‘Simplify chords’ shows the chords of a song and their simplified chords
▫ Complex chords do have multiple possible simplifications
▫ Simplification level can be selected individually for each chord
▫ Pre-selected are the simplest chords or your favorite chords (according to settings)
▫ Simplification can be made undone by calling the menu item ‘Simplify chords’ again
✅ Gesture support:
▫ Home screen:
◾ Swipe left: Open last screen
◾ Swipe right: Open ‘Navigation menu’
◾ Swipe up: Open ‘Add tools’ screen
◾ Swipe down: Open ‘Settings’
▫ Table of contents:
◾ Swipe right: Back
◾ Swipe left: Open selected item
▫ Notepad:
◾ Swipe right: Back
◾ Swipe left: Delete selected item
▫ Arpeggio and Scale fretboard:
◾ Swipe right: Previous pattern or back if not in ‘Pattern’ mode
◾ Swipe left: Next pattern
◾ Swipe down: Open ‘Settings’
▫ Other screens without scrolling elements do have gesture support for ‘Back’ and/or ‘Settings’
✅ New chord types and fixed ‘-‘ chord
✅ Fix: Metronome was shown too narrow in the songbook
✅ Lot of minor changes and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Gian Müller, Glenn Homes, Hotte Schmiegelt, Hubert Egger, Jan Hovancik, Matthew Heinly, Philibob, Ramon Haack, Roland Schippmann and Stefano Tranchini for their contribution to this version
smartChord V7.15.1 – 2021-01-18
✅ Notepad: Text wrap button and broader border
✅ Fix: Categories were limited to 3 items
✅ Fix: Mixolydian Pentatonic Scale
✅ Other minor changes and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Emilio Polog, Gian Müller, Hubert Egger and Jérôme Tarbouriech for their contribution to this version
smartChord V7.15 – 2021-01-14
⭐ Songbook internet search:
▫ More clear user interface
▫ Song preview option
▫ Option to exclude certain chord sites from the song search
▫ Reload button for the case that the found song was incomplete
▫ Improved search for instrument specific TABs
▫ Support for chords-and-tabs.net
▫ Support for ukutabs.com
⭐ Drum machine:
▫ 422 drum patterns: You shared your drum patterns with us. We have collected them and made them available for download
✅ Metronome: Number of cycles and elapsed time added
✅ Tooltips for most of the buttons (long press on the button)
✅ Songbook: Printed and shared PDF gets name of the song
✅ Other changes and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Edson Ferreira de Siqueira, Jasper Peñaredondo, Knut Beese, Lili Wass, Leopold Müller, Orange Gossimer, Peter B. Schmidt, Werner Lukanek and Wim Lemmens for their contribution to this version
smartChord V7.14 – 2020-12-22
✅ Notepad:
▫ Option to improve audio recording quality
▫ Expandable and collapsible notes
▫ Support for copy & paste
▫ Audio player is now part of the toolbar
▫ Starts editing at the end of the note
✅ Create notes in the notepad with a link to your item from each ‘Folder’ menu. Use it for instance to document your ideas about certain items.
▫ Chord progression
▫ Fretboard Trainer
▫ Metronome
▫ Pattern
▫ Playground
▫ Practice
▫ Set list
▫ Songbook
▫ Tone generator
✅ Songbook:
▫ New directives to embed links to your item like chord progressions, notes, exercises, …
▫ Editor got menu items to create these links
▫ New color options to define the text and background colors for the {highlight:} directive
▫ Fix: Replace chord didn’t update the song text
▫ Fix: Switching player to ‘automatic’ shows the right player again
✅ Custom tunings with just two strings are allowed (could make sense with activated setting ‘Rootless chord voicings’)
✅ Favorite fingerings are always preferred during sorting
✅ Chord name fix: Range switched accidentally
✅ Other changes and fixes
▶ There is a new video that explains the fretboard trainer: https://youtu.be/qhAHvyRHiF0
❀ Special thanks to Dominik Janiec, Eric Snoddy, Glenn Homes, Josef Metzger, Martin Hägerås and Paul Aussem for their contribution to this version
smartChord V7.13 – 2020-12-07
⭐⭐⭐ Rootless chord voicings ⭐⭐⭐
▫ Consider the new option to allow rootless chord voicings if…
◾ you play instruments with fewer strings like a Cigar Box Guitar or a Ukulele
◾ you’re playing in a band and the bass player will play the root note
◾ you like this ‘jazzy’ sound
▫ Rootless chord voicings…
❗❗ are active by default for instruments with four or three strings
◾ are shown in the features ‘Chord’ and ‘Choose chord’ if the option is activated
◾ can be allowed by option in ‘Chord name’
◾ can be added to the fingering favorites
◾ are valid in the ‘Fretboard trainer’ if the option is activated
◾ are used in the ‘Songbook’ if the option is activated
⭐ There is a new manual describing the handling of chords in smartChord: https://smartchord.de/chords
⭐ Chord name
▫ Option to allow rootless chords
▫ Possibility to add rootless chord voicings to fingering favorites
▫ Replaced context menu by buttons in the toolbar
❗ New sort order of the chord name list
⭐ Drum machine:
▫ 311 drum patterns: You shared your drum patterns with us. We have collected them and made them available for download
✅ Songbook: New section in documentation ‘how to get the best fingerings’: https://smartchord.de/s-mart-songbook#chords
✅ Other changes and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Rolf Puchtinger, Ron Beaver and Sébastien Streit for their contribution to this version
smartChord V7.12 – 2020-11-24
⭐ Songbook:
▫ Different ChordPro style delimiters to be able to see the chords more clearly: Brackets ‘[Am]’, spaces ‘ Am ‘ or underscores ‘_Am_’
▫ Predefined color schemes for normal and dark background (‘Songbook appearance -> Reset’ for existing users)
▫ Optimized scrolling if the intelligent line break isn’t active
▫ There is new documentation for the s.mart Songbook. It is worth a glance: https://smartchord.de/s-mart-songbook
⭐ Drum machine:
▫ 234 drum patterns: You shared your drum patterns with us. We have collected them and made them available for download
▫ Covers a lot of genres: Blues, Disco, Funk, Jazz, Pop, Reggae, Rock, …
▫ ‘Download’ button in the ‘Table of contents’ to download and import the drum pattern collection
▫ Preview in the ‘Table of contents’ of the drum machine makes it much easier to select an adequate drum pattern
▶ Our video shows how to use the drum machine: https://youtu.be/Klu5uIO_WLQ
✅ Table of Contents: More natural sort order especially if the item name contains numbers
✅ Speed trainer: Possibility to reduce the speed
✅ Fix: Select ‘cloud’ as ‘data source’ for song import
✅ Fix: Color scheme preview
✅ Other changes and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Harry Fehlemann, Marilyn Leahy, Marius Bleeke, Serkan Gürses, Stepan Efremov, Tom Geldner and Troy Cox for their contribution to this version
smartChord V7.11 – 2020-11-09
⭐ Songbook: Options to get the whole song on one screen
▫ Multi column layout
◾ Option to present a song in 1, 2, 3 or 4 columns
◾ It is song specific and can differ from song to song
◾ Supports intelligent line break with zooming
◾ Needs Android 7 or newer
▫ Compact song view mode
◾ New ‘Mode’ presents the song in ChordPro style, where the chords are in the same line of the lyrics
▫ Buttons for ‘Info’, ‘Line break’, … are staying visible in ‘Just chords’ or ‘Lyrics’ mode
❗ Fix: DropBox synchronisation
❗ Fix: Update the song when changing the mode
✅ Simple ‘drum kit’ to jam around. Just for fun 🙂
▫ Use up to 16 percussion instruments in parallel
▫ Choose between more than 40 percussion instruments
▫ Create multiple drum kits and sync them between your devices
✅ Drum machine:
▫ Possibility to use the same instrument with different volume or velocity
▫ Button to get a drum kit for the drums in the drum machine
✅ Metronome: New lower limit of 4 BPM
✅ Other changes and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Eugene Mih, Henk Oostrom, Jose Climent, Lee Lawrence and Mike Mountain for their contribution to this version
smartChord V7.10.1 – 2020-10-20
✅ Optimized gallery and grid sizes for chords, scales and arpeggios
✅ Optimized printout for chords, scales and arpeggios
❗ Scale freeze: Workaround for Android bug on some devices
❀ Special thanks to Fernando G. Rojjas, Neil Stretton, Santi Chacon and Wayne Minor for their contribution to this version
smartChord V7.10 – 2020-10-16
⭐ Changes in appearance of chords, scales, arpeggios and the circle of fifths
▫ New option to apply the color scheme either to intervals or notes. With the new option, you can get always the same color for the same note
▫ New option to show semitones on the fretboard smaller. This helps your orientation on the fretboard a lot
▫ Consistent coloring according the chord and scale formula
⭐ Three new arpeggio pattern modes:
▫ 2 notes per string pattern
▫ 3 notes per string pattern
▫ 4 notes per string pattern
❗ Now there is just one general setting for what kind of information is shown on the fretboard. It’s the same for chords, scales and arpeggios
❗ New setting groups ‘Name settings’ and ‘Appearance’. Some settings have been moved to the new groups
✅ Scale and Arpeggio with improved usability and optimized pattern overview
✅ Synchronize categories
✅ Piano: Option to show color scheme together with the note name
❗ Scale: Fixed patterns with fret range bigger than 12
❗ Scale: Fixed update screen after scale change
❗ Arpeggio: Fix for more complex chords like 13sus4
✅ Fix: Keep categories when synchronizing songs or set lists
✅ Many other changes and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Christoph Lanz, Henk Oostrom, Leo Müller, Liam Gotch and Santi Chacon for their contribution to this version
smartChord V7.9 – 2020-10-05
⭐⭐⭐ Categories to classify and filter your items like songs or drum patterns
▫ Create and maintain your own categories
▫ Assign the categories to your items
▫ Filter your items by one or more categories
▫ Each item type may have different categories
▫ A category can be used in multiple item types
▫ Category ‘Genre’ is predefined but changeable
▶ Our video shows how to use categories: https://youtu.be/XBHYoUeMKA4
⭐ New set list export:
▫ Option to export as text or HTML
▫ Option to include the whole songs or just the lyrics
▫ Option to include ‘table of content’
▫ Option to include notes
▫ Export as text can be used e.g. to share it with your audience or to copy it into the clipboard
▫ Export as HTML can be used to open it in a browser to print it or create a PDF file
✅ New set list import
✅ Notepad
▫ Accepts shared texts and adds it as a note
▫ Copy a note to the clipboard
✅ Fix Songbook: Crashed on some old devices
✅ Fix Share: Allows to overwrite existing items
✅ A lot of other minor changes and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Barth Harrington, Chris Elstrodt, Emory Keller, John de Jong and Martin Porubsky for their contribution to this version
smartChord V7.8.1 – 2020-09-24
✅ Three new color schemes
✅ Bug fixes and minor changes
❀ Special thanks to David Roberts and Luiz Marcos Wal for their contribution to this version
smartChord V7.8 – 2020-09-14
✅ Individual ‘Auto save’ option for the different items like songs or notes
✅ Drum machine: Improved handling
✅ Set list: Improved search handling
✅ New chord types
✅ Fix: Edit song online
✅ Fix: Renaming of items
✅ Other changes and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Claudio Dossetti, Emory Keller, Henk Oostrom, Manfred Thyssen, Marc van Westerlaak, Marius Bleeke, Martin P. Daniels and Steve Marshall for their contribution to this version
smartChord V7.7.1 – 2020-09-08
❗ Fix Drum Machine: Replacing instruments didn’t work anymore
❀ Special thanks to Thomasa Velin and Zdenek Musil for their contribution to this version
smartChord V7.7 – 2020-09-07
⭐ Songbook now with an integrated Drum Machine
▫ Integrated drum machine to play the drum patterns for the musical accompaniment
▫ Minimized drum pattern view
▫ Individual drum pattern and BPM for each song
▫ New button to switch between the four possible players:
◾ Audio player
◾ Drum machine player
◾ Metronome
◾ YouTube player
▫ You can use the players also if they are hidden
▫ Option to select the player automatically
▫ Extended menu to add, change or remove a drum pattern
❗ The Metronome is now one of the players and can be controlled as the other ones
⭐ Drum machine
▫ Run the Drum Machine in the background to have it in other smartChord features or apps
✅ A lot of other changes and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Dean Eisen, Rick Johnson, Tim Schäfer and Winfried Schneider for their contribution to this version
smartChord V7.6 – 2020-08-27
⭐⭐⭐ Drum machine ⭐⭐⭐
▫ Use up to 16 percussion instruments in parallel to create your drum patterns
▫ Use them for the musical accompaniment for your songs
▫ Use the Drum machine as rhythm trainer
▫ Choose between more than 40 percussion instruments
▫ Share your drum patterns with your friends, other musicians or students
▫ Sync your drum patterns between your devices
▫ Use the speed trainer to increase your speed
▫ Use the timer to control your practice time
✅ Piano:
▫ Optimized multi touch handling
▫ Option to move the visible range by octaves or single keys
▫ Option to show just active note names
▫ Option to highlight ‘C4’
▫ One additional key in each key range to play the complete octave even on the smallest range
✅ Notepad editor:
▫ Menu item added to insert a link to a saved drum pattern
▫ Button to pause the spoken note
✅ Fixed: Some links where not clickable anymore e.g. in the Notepad
✅ Lot of other changes and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Andre Messerschmidt, Bernhard Kumpf, Leonardo Frassetto, Sandeep Kowdley, Steven Vargas, Tobias Schulte and Victor Osaka for their contribution to this version
smartChord V7.5.1 – 2020-08-12
✅ Piano: Fixed note color and size
✅ Fretboard trainer: Fixed key input
✅ Smaller changes/fixes
❀ Special thanks to Asaf Schurr and Vid Temple for their contribution to this version
smartChord V7.5 – 2020-08-11
⭐ Pretty nice piano to jam around. Just for fun 🙂
▫ Switch between more than 120 instrument sounds
▫ Adjust number of visible keys
▫ Slider view to move quickly between the octaves
✅ Synchronization: Option to allow deletion of song and set list files in the cloud, if the songs or set lists are deleted in smartChord
✅ New color scheme
✅ Fix tuner 5-string Banjo: Note name of the 5th peg was wrong
✅ Other changes and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Ewa Wisniewski, Henk Oostrom, Ismael Venegas Castelló and Mick Burke for their contribution to this version
smartChord V7.4 – 2020-07-27
⭐ Songbook improvements:
▫ Allows song info section also in full screen mode
▫ ‘Back to start’ starts with a delay if defined
▫ Smoother zooming
▫ Extra lines removed after TABs
▫ Direct link to the current ‘Set list’ via navigation menu
▫ Support for large online song imports via ‘s.mart Online Songbook Importer’ (http://www.smartchord.de/song/import)
⭐ Picking patterns
▫ Find picking patterns easier: filter the huge list (427) by entering a pattern finger sequence
▫ Favor picking patterns also in the picking pattern dialog
✅ Set list: Direct link to the current song of the ‘Songbook’ via navigation menu
✅ Scales: Option to choose scales with or without tonic
✅ Tuner: Tune your instrument with the capo set
✅ Tuning is shown everywhere with capo position if capo is set
✅ Possibility to translate tips and hints
✅ Chord progression, Fretboard quiz, Practice: Screen keeps on bright (no dimming anymore)
✅ New picking patterns:
▫ PP 4/4 405 v2
▫ PP 4/4 405 v2 r
▫ PP 4/4 405 v2 r ab
▫ PP 4/4 424 v5
▫ PP 4/4 467 v2
▫ PP 4/4 492
▫ PP 4/4 493
▫ PP 4/4 494
▫ PP 4/4 495
▫ PP 4/4 496
▫ PP 4/4 497
▫ PP 4/4 498
▫ PP 6/8 636
▫ PP 6/8 637
✅ Fixes Songbook:
▫ Conversion of German musical nomenclature for lines in ChordPro inline chord notation
▫ Remove whitespaces from song name on online import
▫ Show in ‘Playground’
✅ Other changes and fixes
⭐ Preparation for Android 11 privacy improvements
❀ Special thanks to Henk Oostrom, Ian Hiscoe, Karlheinz Mackel, Martin Porubsky and Richard G. Riley for their contribution to this version
smartChord V7.3 – 2020-07-13
⭐ New setting to define favorite chord types for all instruments at once
⭐ Enhancements for fingering favorites
▫ New option to treat a fingering as favorite, if the fingering pattern is equal to the fingering pattern of one of your fingering favorites
▫ New option to treat a fingering as favorite, if the fingering pattern is equal to the fingering patterns of the CAGED system
▫ Fingering favorites are preferred over other fingerings and listed first
⭐ New screen to get comprehensive help
▫ It searches within help pages, settings, tips and frequently asked questions
▫ Complex search terms can be logically linked with ‘AND’, ‘OR’, ‘(‘ and ‘)’
▫ The search also supports the wildcards ‘?’ for any character and ‘*’ for 0 or more characters
▫ You’ll find a link to this screen on each help screen
✅ Possibility to translate help texts
✅ Songbook
▫ Workaround to prevent duplicate song texts from Ultimate Guitar
▫ Handling custom chords with slash in name
✅ Chord progression
▫ Option to keep the screen on
▫ Link to ‘Chord name’ in the navigation menu as shortcut to add chords from there
✅ Chord name
▫ Support for beginners with inverse and slash chords
✅ New chord types
✅ Fix ‘Choose chord’: Sorting custom chord types
✅ Fix ‘Table of content’: Search didn’t notice last changes in content
✅ Other changes and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Ana Abigail Soriano, David Lind, David Murgatroyd, Federico Galeotti, Luiz Marcos Wal, Martin Braun, Martin Porubsky, Mike Walker, Peter Mott, Ric Shore, Roland Schippmann, Shaun Powell, Soham Dey and Thor Crowley for their contribution to this version
smartChord V7.2 – 2020-06-22
⭐ Custom instruments
▫ Create additional instruments with their own instrument and chord settings
▫ Gives you the possibility to change very comfortably all the instrument settings (more than 20) at once
▫ They are seamlessly integrated and available in all features
⭐ s.mart Online Songbook Importer
▫ It allows you to import new songs comfortable via the browser of your computer
▫ Import a bunch of songs at once using the ChordPro directive {new_song}
▫ Find it here: http://www.smartchord.de/song/import
▶ Our video leads you through the import process: https://youtu.be/V7L-p4UzZWo
✅ Instrument lists are sorted by language specific names
✅ Option to hide notes on the piano
✅ Fix Songbook: Share PDF generated a blank page
✅ Other changes and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Dmitry Prokopenko, Frank Huster, Henk Oostrom, Kasey Starnes, Matthew Faris, Mike Mountain, Mike Walker, Robert Shamburger, Thomas Bourgon and Wojciech Skórecki for their contribution to this version
smartChord V7.1.1 – 2020-06-08
✅ Fix: Chord name crashed in landscape mode
✅ Fix: Metronome crashed in background mode on some devices
✅ Smaller changes and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Antonio Fraga, David Lokan, Henk Oostrom, Ilona Weißhuhn, Max di Fresco and Stefan Bomnueter for their contribution to this version
smartChord V7.1 – 2020-06-04
⭐ Custom chords
▫ New screen to create your own chords
▫ They are seamlessly integrated and available in all features (e.g. in a song)
▫ You can also use it to rename existing chords to your naming convention
▫ New and easy way to request a new chord type for smartChord
▫ ‘Custom chords’ is a new chord type filter beneath ‘All’, ‘Basic’ and ‘Favorite’
▫ Custom chords are part of the synchronization between your devices
✅ Metronome
▫ Background mode supports timer
▫ Background mode supports count in
▫ Echo removed in background and dimming mode
▫ Workaround for Android bug (played sound on every Android notification)
✅ Songbook and Set-List are using complete screen in full screen mode
✅ Fretboard trainer does not play the note/chord anymore, if input module is microphone
✅ Fix Songbook: hide ‘Info’ section on switch to full screen mode
✅ Fix Songbook: Add song to set list
✅ Fix: ‘Scale Fretboard’ shown on whole screen if TAB view is hidden
✅ Fix: Timer plays sound when time’s up
✅ Other changes and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Artiom Donoga, Charles Kangethe, Dean Eisen, Eugene Mih, Franz Armbrust, Johann Kraus, Majid Hindi, Martin Porubsky, Michael Hill, Neville Cope, Patrick Murphy, Paul Abbott and Shaker Huda for their contribution to this version
smartChord V7.0.1 – 2020-05-18
✅ Fix: Metronome crashed in dimming mode
✅ Fix: Select button in ‘Table of content’ to accept multiple selections was disabled
✅ Other smaller changes and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Aklan Akdağ, Heikki Herva and Marco Di Palo for their contribution to this version
smartChord V7.0 – 2020-05-16
⭐ ‘Table of content’ mode
▫ If activated, the screen ‘Table of content’ is opened before the feature itself. There you can select one of the stored items to open it with the feature. If we take the songbook as an example. With the ‘Table of content’ mode activated, the ‘Table of content’ is shown if you start the songbook. There you can select a song and the Songbook is started and shows the song. If you go ‘Back’ from the songbook, the ‘Table of content’ is shown again.
▫ With the ‘Table of content’ mode deactivated, the songbook is started immediately with the last song. To open the ‘Table of content’, you have to use the menu item ‘Open | Manage’ from the ‘Folder’ menu.
▫ The mode is affecting:
◾ Chord progression
◾ Fretboard Trainer
◾ Metronome
◾ Notes
◾ Pattern
◾ Playground
◾ Practice
◾ Set list
◾ Songbook
◾ Tone generator
⭐ Drag’n’drop support for more convenience
▫ Reorganize and reorder the home screen (menu ‘Reorder’)
▫ Set list
▫ Notepad
▫ Scale favorites
✅ Auto save option to store items like songs or notes automatically when leaving the corresponding screen
✅ We could enhance the YouTube quota. Everybody can now use the YouTube search for videos to embed them into songs
✅ Showcase for the most important functions and GUI concepts
✅ Tooltips for most of the buttons (long press on the button)
✅ Set list: Start songs by double click
✅ Welcome wizard
✅ First optimizations for Chromebook
✅ Fix: Songbook A-B repeat and changed playback speed
✅ A lot of other changes/fixes
❀ Special thanks to Alistair George, Francisco José Vela, Matt Faris, Paul Schoonderwoerd and Tarun Mudgal for their contribution to this version
smartChord V6.23.1 – 2020-04-28
✅ Fix: Songbook YouTube search did not present the result on some devices
✅ Fix: Fretboard quiz ‘Find all notes’ does not acknowledge each correct answer some times
❀ Special thanks to Dmitry Prokopenko for his contribution to this version
smartChord V6.23 – 2020-04-25
⭐ Songbook supports YouTube videos
▫ Link to a YouTube video within a song
▫ Embedded YouTube player to show the video
▫ Special search to find the YouTube video for your song (at the moment it is unfortunately limited to subscribers and UNLIMITED customers, as YouTube has a limited quota to access their data)
▫ Option to synchronize the start/stop for the YouTube player
▫ Duration of a song is automatically set by the duration of a video
▫ New directive to define the YouTube video id {x_sccrd_yt:19JVc76ExkY}
✅ Fretboard Trainer: Sound was to quite and it crashed, when capo was set outside the quiz range
✅ Two new tunings for Portuguese Guitar: ‘Portuguese Lisboa’ and ‘Portuguese Coimbra’
✅ Online song editor update (V1.5) with support for YouTube directive (http://www.smartchord.de/song/edit)
✅ Other changes/fixes
❀ Special thanks to Evgenij Neuwirt, Hugo Maia and Maria Amélia for their contribution to this version
smartChord V6.22 – 2020-04-15
⭐ s.mart Fretboard Trainer released (frets 0-3 in free version)
▫ New quiz type to identify chords
▫ New quiz type to locate chords
▫ Add chords easily from your songs and chord progressions
▫ New statistic type ‘Distribution’ to identify the chords and notes you have to focus on
▫ Share your quizzes with your friends, other musicians or students
▫ Define a visible range beyond the fretboard range to be queried
▫ Most effective training mode realized: ‘Lab by lab’
▫ Option to query just whole notes
▫ Menu item to link your quizzes within the notepad
▫ Synchronize Fretboard Trainer quizzes
✅ Songbook supports new search engines e.g. for the case that your preferred internet site for chords is not listed by the default search engine:
▫ ecosia.org
▫ qwant.com
▫ bing.com
▫ yandex.ru
▫ baidu.com
✅ Possibility to overwrite an existing item when saving or renaming
✅ Possibility to define a color for the fret markers
✅ Chord name: Tap on the nut allows to mute a string
✅ Fix: Correct name when importing shared exercises
✅ Other changes/fixes
❀ Special thanks to Andreas Isaksson, Dale Alan Bryant and Kyle Bradley for their contribution to this version
smartChord V6.21.2 – 2020-03-28
⭐ s.mart Fretboard Trainer (still pre-release version)
▫ Shows correct answer on mistake
▫ Shows cheat hint on all modules
▫ Statistic summary
▫ Other smaller refinements
✅ Metronome: Shows status of loops and iteration when using the speed trainer
✅ Fix: Chord name and Fretboard Trainer had incompatibility with older devices
❀ Special thanks to Matthias Coll and Uwe Fischbach for their contribution to this version
smartChord V6.21.1 – 2020-03-25
⭐ s.mart Fretboard Trainer (still pre-release version)
▫ New input module ‘Microphone’. With this module you can play the answer with your instrument
▫ Option to play a buzzer if the answer is wrong
▫ Refinements and fixes e.g. for 5-string Banjo
✅ Fix: Removed audio file in songbook
✅ Other changes/fixes
❀ Special thanks to Dave Murray, Derek Lichter, Roland Schippmann, Tarun Mudgal and Yuriy Medyany for their contribution to this version
smartChord V6.21 – 2020-03-22
⭐ s.mart Fretboard Trainer
▫ In a pre-release version for subscribers and UNLIMITED customers (invisible for all others)
▫ Teaches you the notes on the neck of your instrument in a playful and effective way
▫ Different quiz types: Either identify notes or locate notes
▫ Different input/output modules: Fretboard, Piano, Text, Musical Notation, Sound
▫ Statistics to check your training progress (table and chart)
▫ Supports all instruments and tunings
▫ Supports all other relevant smartChord features (e.g. left handed fretboard or Solfège)
✅ Songbook: Improved lookup for audio files, if location has been changed (e.g. after synchronization)
✅ Fix: Set list crashed when adding PDFs and images into a empty one
❀ Special thanks to Antoni Nicolau, Emory Keller, Jürgen Wernicke, Pavel Novák and Robert Hilverth for their contribution to this version
smartChord V6.20.3 – 2020-03-17
✅ Songbook has now support for Bluetooth device and MIDI device (Android >= 6.0 Marshmallow)
▫ Uses the same Bluetooth and MIDI configuration as the set list
▫ Start/stop auto scrolling, metronome or the audio player
▫ Smooth scrolling
✅ Set list: New search tool to handle also large set lists
✅ Fix Songbook: Audio player had to be visible to play
✅ Fix Songbook: No more loop of search for audio dialogs when audio file does not exist anymore
✅ Fix Metronome: Option to keep the screen on either dimmed or bright
✅ Other changes/fixes
❀ Special thanks to Armin Schmitt, Christopher Noll and Karlheinz Mackel for their contribution to this version
smartChord V6.20.2 – 2020-03-02
✅ Set list notes:
▫ Add links to your stored items: chord progressions, songs, set lists, exercises, patterns, metronome and tone generator settings
▫ Add internet links
✅ Notepad: Support for internet links within notes
✅ Fix: Tempo of metronome couldn’t be changed by ‘+’ and ‘-‘
✅ Fix: Set list opening PDFs and images
✅ Other changes/fixes
❀ Special thanks to Andre Messerschmidt, Arisio Costa, Francisco José Vela and Simon Thompson for their contribution to this version
smartChord V6.20.1 – 2020-02-29
✅ Access to the ‘Table of content’ by the navigation menu
✅ Metronome: Option to keep the screen on either dimmed or bright
✅ Songbook: You can determine the scroll speed by editing a song (even below the limit of the seekbar)
✅ Fix: Chord diagrams are sometimes too narrow, when the setting ‘Frets per chord’ was small
✅ Fix: Practice: ‘Table of content’ didn’t show the name of the entries
✅ Fix: Practice asked too often for saving
✅ Fix: Audio player in ‘Notepad’ did not start the playback in every case
✅ Other changes/fixes
❀ Special thanks to Benno Schoppel, Christopher Noll, Daniel Rothra, Daniel Südhof, Henk Oostrom and Thaddeus Steyskal for their contribution to this version
smartChord V6.20 – 2020-02-14
⭐ Chords: Extended algorithm to show the formula according the music theory
✅ Ear training: Mode so that automatically and continuously a new riddle is asked
✅ New chord: dim(7+)
✅ When changing between instruments, the appropriate bass or treble clef is set
✅ Info screen: Link to the smartChord user forum: https://smartchord.de/forum
✅ Fix: Bug in animation prevented scrolling in Set list and other animated views like tabulature view
✅ Fix: Print whole fretboard for arpeggios
✅ Fix: Songs are printed with chord diagrams again
✅ Many other changes/fixes
❀ Special words of thank go to Howard Brydle for his extremely thorough and comprehensive revision of the English translation
❀ Special thanks also to Enad Guraziu, Jean-Pierre Martin, Jon Åkerlund, Magdalena Haefs, Marc van Westerlaak, Rick Johnson, Rudy Gamberini, Shaun Powell, Walter Tuzi and Youssef Saad for their contribution to this version
smartChord V6.19.1 – 2020-02-04
✅ Set list: Option to show/hide navigation buttons
✅ New color scheme
✅ Fix: Synchronization screen did not react
✅ Minor changes/fixes
❀ Special thanks also to Lari Natri, Rick Tucker and Roland Schippmann for their contribution to this version
smartChord V6.19 – 2020-02-03
⭐ A tradução para o português está completa novamente (Portuguese translation is complete again)
⭐ Set list:
▫ Add images like photos of your sheet music
▫ Zoom into PDF and images. Individual zoom factor is persisted for each PDF and image
▫ Add notes to your set list items
▫ The ‘Break’ screen shows the notes (e.g. a joke or an anecdote)
▫ Collapse or expand the notes in the set list
▫ Smooth scrolling of songs and images
▫ Optimized handling of large PDF files
▫ Navigation buttons to switch between the songs/items
⭐ Songbook
▫ Allows to replace the fingerings and the chords of a song
▫ Option to sort the chords in the gallery by name or their occurrence in the song
▫ Songbook internet search: Option to show/edit the link
✅ Notepad: Menu item to share your notes
✅ New chords: maj7sus2, maj7sus4, maj9sus2, maj9sus4, 9sus2, 13sus2, mb11/b9
✅ Fix in ‘Table of content’: Deletion crashed on multiple selection
✅ Fix in Songbook: Behavior of scrolling delay indicator for short texts
✅ Fix in Songbook: Better results with search engine DuckDuckGo when no ‘Chord page’ was selected
✅ Fix: ‘Select directory’ didn’t show the arrow to switch to the parent directory in light themes
✅ A lot of other minor changes/fixes
▶ There is a video which gives ‘a great overview of smartChord’: https://youtu.be/3uqggsZpsLE
👥 smartChord user forum: We have installed a forum for smartChord users to ask questions, get answers, hold discussions and exchange ideas and opinions: https://smartchord.de/forum
❀ Special words of thank go to Rodrigo Duarte for completing the Portuguese translation. He did a really great and thorough job!!!
Um agradecimento especial a Rodrigo Duarte por concluir a tradução em português. Ele fez um trabalho realmente excelente e completo!!!
❀ Special thanks also to Denny Gäbel, Francisco José Vela Roncero, Joshua Nunez, Marc Barten, Michael Soots, Oded, Olav Stüwe, Paul Schoonderwoerd and Victor Osaka for their contribution to this version
smartChord V6.18.1 – 2020-01-14
✅ Minor changes/fixes like full text search on older devices
❀ Special thanks to Leandro Oliveira, Olaf Müller, Paul Schoonderwoerd, Rick Tucker and Vivian Awill for their contribution to this version
smartChord V6.18 – 2019-12-28
⭐ Full text search for songs
▫ Can be used to search for chords, song text or arbitrary song information
▫ The search also supports the wildcards ‘?’ for any character and ‘*’ for 0 or more characters
▫ Complex search terms can be logically linked with ‘AND’, ‘OR’, ‘(‘ and ‘)’
▫ Option for case sensitive search
⭐ Favor your store items to find them more easily in the storage:
▫ Songs
▫ Set lists
▫ Chord progressions
▫ Exercises
▫ Notes
▫ Metronome sets
▫ Tone generator sets
▫ New setting to define the sort behavior
✅ Songbook: New directive to tag your songs
✅ Set list: New directive to tag your set lists
✅ Full text search for notes
✅ Option to print arpeggios and scales black/white
✅ Chord 6/11 added
✅ Fix Songbook: Set song duration different than the audio duration
✅ Minor changes/fixes
✅ Online song editor update (V1.4) with support for tags (http://www.smartchord.de/song/edit)
▶ There is a video about ‘How to synchronize data between devices’: https://youtu.be/OSqfxE42kUs
❀ Special thanks to Edson Siqueira, Javier Ran, Jens Martin, Ken Cowie, Tarun Mudgal and Thomas Fiebich for their contribution to this version
smartChord V6.17 – 2019-12-08
⭐ Songbook
▫ Option to print song info
▫ Edit all song properties
▫ Duration is now formatted in format ‘mm:ss’ and entered by dialog
▫ Option to activate word wrap in editor
▫ Keeps original ChordPro lines as they are (no conversion)
▫ Fix: Song page jumped to the top after restart, when audio player was active
⭐ Set list
▫ Navigate within the set list by a MIDI device (Android >= 6.0 Marshmallow)
◾ Navigate between the songs
◾ Scroll within a song
◾ Start/stop auto scrolling, metronome or the audio player
◾ Configure your MIDI device individually
▶ There is a video about ‘How to configure a MIDI device’: https://youtu.be/lFaOLgXr-rw
▫ Pedal configuration extended for ‘Start/stop metronome’
▶ There is a video about ‘How to configure a Bluetooth pedal’: https://youtu.be/lFaOLgXr-rw
✅ Arpeggio: Print an arpeggio shown on the fretboard with all its patterns
✅ Metronome:
▫ ‘Count in’ option
▫ Fix: Sound was muted after changing the time signature
✅ Notepad:
▫ Supports basic HTML formats
▫ Menu to format your notes comfortably
▫ Option to activate word wrap in editor
✅ Added chord type m6add11
✅ Other changes/fixes like printing slash chords
❀ Special thanks to Aklan Akdağ, Buule Julius, Francois Amaral, Jeff Puchalski, Joel Allen, Марат Прошкин, Pepe Zaldivar, Rodrigo Mathews, Rick Tucker, Serkan Gürses, Shant Shinde and Thomas Nuckel for their contribution to this version
smartChord V6.16 – 2019-11-23
⭐ Songbook
▫ Optional metronome integrated:
◾ Enter song specific tempo by BPM dialog with tap tempo functionality
◾ Select song specific time signature from list
◾ Optionally flash
◾ Optionally mute
◾ Optionally vibrate
▫ Determine capo and key when searching songs on Ultimate Guitar
▫ Capo is now also part of the collapsed info section
▫ Toolbar vanishes on start
▫ New arranged buttons in toolbar
▫ Different content for the ‘Online song viewer’:
◾ Provide the lyrics for your audience or the whole song for your band mates
◾ Present your song in any browser at http://www.smartchord.de/song
◾ Our video shows the handling for the ‘Online song viewer’: https://youtu.be/LoZtCWNnwS4
✅ ‘Table of contents’ allows fast scrolling by dragging the scrollbar
✅ Metronome: Option to flash the screen on every beat
✅ Notepad:
▫ Add links to your store items: chord progressions, songs, set lists, exercises, patterns, metronome and tone generator settings
▫ You can use it to document your exercises or create your exercise plan
✅ Chord name:
▫ Improved determination of slash chords
▫ Fix: ‘Change tuning’ does now update the fretboard view
✅ Practice: Option to show note names
✅ Minor changes/fixes
❀ Special thanks to Aklan Akdağ, Benno Schoppel, Gina Millis, Henk Oostrom, Jacob Pemberton, jmboof1, Jonathan Boughton, Marc Barten, Roberto Quaciari and Thomas Wenselowski for their contribution to this version
smartChord V6.15 – 2019-11-09
⭐ Songbook: Accelerate or slow down the speed at which you’d like to practice a song (Android >= 6.0). It affects the audio play speed as well as the scroll speed
⭐ Scales: Print a scale shown on the fretboard with all its patterns
✅ 38 new predefined tunings for Lute
✅ Fixes:
◾ Songbook: Scroll break directive ({x_sccrd_sbr} did not work in all conditions
◾ Songbook: Unnecessary line breaks removed
◾ Metronome: Some names of the drum sounds were mixed up
◾ Scales: Some ‘2 notes per string’ scale patterns came twice
✅ Chord 7/b5/b13 added
✅ Minor changes/fixes
❀ Special thanks to Jamie Birger, Marc Barten, Marek Drizhal, Paulo Silva, Paul Breaux, Robin Grant, Thomas Terranova, Thor Crowley and Wesley Oldaker for their contribution to this version
smartChord V6.14.2 – 2019-10-30
✅ New ‘Folder’ menu item to rename your store items like songs, set lists, exercises
✅ Fixes:
◾ Set list shows info view again
◾ Songbook text editor adding picking patterns
◾ Songbook printing on some older devices
◾ Sharing (songs, exercises, …) with not allowed characters in name
✅ Minor changes/fixes
❀ Special thanks to Buule Chris, Dean Eisen, Gregory N and Bob Hilverth for their contribution to this version
smartChord V6.14.1 – 2019-10-23
✅ Songbook
◾ Scroll delay time is shown as a count down
◾ ‘Back to start’ includes the scroll delay
◾ Song name is not shown in first line if info view is visible
◾ Name is marked with ‘*’ if song has been changed until it is saved
◾ Fix: Info view can be hidden again
✅ Set list: Name is marked with ‘*’ if set list is changed until it is saved
✅ Cello, Viola and Violin now with 5 string support
✅ Fix in pattern: The time values of notes are taken into account
✅ Minor changes/fixes
✅ Subscribe to smartChord newsletter at https://smartchord.de/newsletter
❀ Special thanks to Benno Schoppel, Jürgen Wernicke, Paul Schoonderwoerd, Piotr Popczyk and Slawomir Herman for their contribution to this version
smartChord V6.14 – 2019-10-14
⭐ Songbook text editor extension:
◾ Easily add and edit ChordPro and smartChord specific directives
◾ Add picking patterns to a song (new directive {x_sccrd_ppat})
◾ The offline solution corresponds with our Online song editor, which allows you to edit your song in the browser of your computer: http://www.smartchord.de/song/edit
⭐ Songbook picking pattern support:
◾ Embed picking patterns within a song
◾ Tap on the picking pattern to show it or listen to it
◾ Create picking pattern exercises for the song
✅ Song information:
▫ Collapsed view shows in addition to the song name also the key, time signature, tempo and duration
▫ Easy tap to edit the information
✅ ‘Edit information’ screen (e.g. used in Songbook and Set list) is more handy now:
▫ It does not show empty information fields
▫ Additional information can be added by menu
✅ Print dialog with the option to print and share a song via PDF
✅ Info screen extended by:
▫ Link to the news on smartChord.de: https://smartChord.de/news
▫ Link to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/smartChord
✅ Online song editor update (V1.3)
▫ Support for picking pattern
▫ http://www.smartchord.de/song/edit
✅ Lot of minor changes/fixes
❀ Special thanks to Gerrit Horeis, Javier Barraza and Kip Kennedy for their contribution to this version
smartChord V6.13.2 – 2019-10-02
✅ Songbook: Improved search for audio files
✅ Songbook: Manual scroll speed can now be 10 times slower
✅ Added chord type m6add11
✅ Fix: Scroll speed on older devices
✅ Minor changes/fixes
❀ Special thanks to Austyn Griffiths, Berthold Schäfer, Dmitry Prokopenko, Edson Siqueira, Jean-Pierre Martin, Javier Barraza and Rick Tucker for their contribution to this version
smartChord V6.13.1 – 2019-09-28
⭐ Songbook: Start of scrolling can be optionally delayed.
▫ For a defined number of seconds or automatically determined by the visible scroll range and the song duration
▫ General setting for the default value
▫ Song specific setting
✅ Fix: scrolling in set list
❀ Special thanks to Michelle Levy-Benitez, Rainer Schoettgen, Rick Tucker and William Worrell for their contribution to this version
smartChord V6.13 – 2019-09-25
⭐⭐⭐ Online song viewer ⭐⭐⭐
▫ Sing with your audience and show them the lyrics of the current song in any browser
▫ Present your song in any browser at http://www.smartchord.de/song (e.g. the one of your smart TV)
▫ Shows automatically the current song
▫ Different themes for daylight or in the dark pub
▫ Optimized text size by one to four columns
▶ Our video shows the handling: https://youtu.be/LoZtCWNnwS4
⭐ Songbook
▫ Start and stop a song by double click anywhere on the song view
▫ Scrolling can be paused for a defined time with new directive: {x_sccrd_sbr:10}
▫ Scrolling starts with a delay of a 1/3 screen (so the first lines are longer visible)
▫ Time for automatic scrolling is taken from {duration} directive. Otherwise 3:30 is assumed
▫ Keep the result of a transposition as the original song
▫ Count in runs only when a song gets started and is ignored after a pause
▫ Number of count in beats depends on the songs time signature
▫ Time of count in depends on the songs tempo (BPM)
▫ Internet links can be added with new directive (e.g. ({x_sccrd_href:https://youtu.be/3pjx7of4TpU;Our songbook video})
▫ Pre chorus blocks can be defined with directives: {start_of_pre_chorus} and {end_of_pre_chorus}
▫ New color options to define the text and background colors for the pre chorus block
▫ If {chorus} directive has no text, the text of the {start_of_chorus:text} is shown instead
▫ Scroll speed is song specific
✅ Online song editor update (V1.2)
▫ Support for new directives/infos
▫ http://www.smartchord.de/song/edit
✅ Option to print chords and chord progressions black/white
✅ Bugfix: print chord progression
✅ Minor changes/fixes
❀ Special thanks to Andrea Bazzani, Frank Berens, Georg-Felix Radwanski, Kip Kennedy, Sherry Hunter and Stephan Andres for their contribution to this version
smartChord V6.12.1 – 2019-09-02
✅ Fix: Wrong text color in help screens
✅ Minor changes/fixes
❀ Special thanks to Ben Gaskin, Jason Compson, Klaus Gradel and Martin Schumacher for their contribution to this version
smartChord V6.12 – 2019-08-31
⭐ 36 picking patterns for 5 string Banjo (now there are 415 altogether)
⭐ Songbook has got two new modes:
▫ ‘Just chords’ shows only the chords and the structure of a song. The chords are aligned in columns.
▫ ‘Lyrics’ shows only the lyrics and the structure of a song
⭐ Songbook supports new chord pages:
▫ www.bigbasstabs.com
▫ www.guitartabs.cc
▫ www.guitartabsexplorer.com
▫ www.mandotabs.com
▫ www.ukutabs.com
▫ www.yourchords.com
⭐ Songbook with different fonts to change the appearance of a song (Android >= 5.0)
✅ Songbook provides new song information properties:
▫ Dance
▫ Genre
✅ Songbook: lot of other minor improvements/fixes
✅ Online song editor update (V1.1): Support for new directives/infos
✅ New general chords print dialog with the option to
▫ print the chords
▫ share the chords via PDF
▫ define the number of chords per row
✅ Chord progression: The printout differs depending on the chosen TAB and prints either: Chord set, the bars with chords or the whole sequence of chords
✅ Playground allows portrait mode on large screens
✅ Songbook fix: There were extra line breaks e.g. when a ChordPro directive {comment_box} was used
✅ Minor changes/fixes
❀ Special thanks to Emanolito Leitner, Frank Berens, Moritz Wiedmann, Perry Spero, Ulrich Auer and Volker Neuss for their contribution to this version
smartChord V6.11 – 2019-08-20
⭐⭐⭐ Online song editor ⭐⭐⭐
▫ The online song editor allows you to edit your songs comfortable in the browser of your computer
▫ Activate the ‘Edit song text online’ mode in the songbook
▫ Edit your song in the browser of your computer: http://www.smartchord.de/song/edit
▫ The online song editor supports:
◾ ChordPro and smartChord specific directives
◾ Syntax highlighting
◾ Search & replace
◾ Undo & redo
◾ Word-wrap support
◾ Full screen mode
▶ Our video shows the editing process: https://youtu.be/19JVc76ExkY
⭐ Songbook
▫ Define the appearance with three different color schemes
◾ Bright
◾ Dark
◾ Printout
▫ New color options to define the colors for the text and background of: chorus, bridge, interlude, verse, default
▫ New directives to define blocks for interludes: {start_of_interlude} and {end_of_interlude}. Also new directives {capo} and {meta}
▫ Share a song as PDF (after printing, you are asked to share the PDF)
✅ New Balalaika folk tuning
✅ Minor changes/fixes
❀ Special thanks to Frank Berens for his contribution to this version
smartChord V6.10 – 2019-08-05
⭐ Songbook
▫ New color options to beautify your songbook (Background, Chord, Text, Text Chorus, Text Bridge, Text Verse)
▫ ChordPro tag {chorus} shows the chorus block defined by {start_of_chorus} and {end_of_chorus}
▫ Labels of ChordPro directives are now visible: {start_of_chorus: Chorus label}, {start_of_verse: Verse label}, {start_of_bridge: Bridge label}
▫ Chord print fixed
▫ Printed document gets name of the song (Android >= 5.0)
❗❗ New setting if the chord diagrams shall be part of the printout
⭐ Practice:
▫ Share your exercises with your friends, other musicians or students
▶ There is a video about: https://youtu.be/sJkWR-szgjE
⭐ Set list: Synchronize your set lists with your cloud (Google or DropBox). Use it to synchronize them between your and your band mates devices
✅ Minor changes/fixes
❀ Special thanks to Olav Stüwe and Ralf Fellmer for their contribution to this version
smartChord V6.9.2 – 2019-07-24
❗❗ Fix for viewing and filtering new scale pattern modes
✅ Songbook: Optimized parser
✅ Prettier chord printout
✅ Fix: Scale pattern showed fret ‘0’
✅ Minor changes/fixes
❀ Special thanks to Kip Kennedy for contribution to this version
smartChord V6.9.1 – 2019-07-22
✅ Songbook
◾ Fix: Internet search
◾ Search engine as new setting for internet search screen
smartChord V6.9 – 2019-07-18
⭐ Three new scale pattern modes:
◾ 2 notes per string pattern
◾ 3 notes per string pattern
◾ 4 notes per string pattern
⭐ 92 picking patterns for Ukulele (now there are 379 altogether)
✅ New overview screen with all arpeggio patterns for a chord
✅ Songbook: Added DuckDuckGo as an alternative search engine for new songs
✅ ‘PLUS Tuner’ has now the possibility to store unlimited custom tunings
❗❗ Fix: Diatonic chords for the scales where incomplete
✅ Fix: Scale pattern shows fret ‘0’ if needed
✅ Fix: Audio Player stopped working after editing the song text
✅ We relaunched www.smartChord.de – with a frequently asked questions section
❀ Special thanks to Derek Lichter, Fritz Müller, Kevin Heinze, Octavio Moreno, Paul Lowing, Péter Barna and Simone Sapienza for their contribution to this version
smartChord V6.8 – 2019-07-05
✅ 58 new picking patterns (>= ‘PP 470+’; now there are 287)
✅ Pattern: Switch pattern easily by gesture (you can define by settings to switch just between favorites)
✅ Pattern: Option to play the TAB by touching the TAB view
✅ Songbook: Automatic lookup for audio files, if location has been changed (e.g. after synchronization)
✅ Songbook: Shows target note names when transposing
✅ Synchronization: Better user guidance
✅ New Chords: 7/#11, 7add4, 11b9, 13sus4, aug7, add2add4, madd2add4, maj6/7, m/maj9, m/maj11, m/maj13, m7add4
✅ FAQ: New information screen with frequently asked questions
✅ Fix: Deleted favorite patterns and favorite fingerings are now removed on synchronization
✅ Other changes/fixes
❀ Special thanks to Adam Beaudoin, Emanolito Leitner, Slawomir Herman and Thomas Kjolsing for their contribution to this version
smartChord V6.7.2 – 2019-06-10
✅ 52 new picking patterns (‘PP 2/4 202 ab’, >= ‘PP 4/4 462’, >= ‘PP 6/8 613’)
✅ Synchronize favorite patterns and favorite fingerings individually
✅ Favorite fingerings are defined for a tuning, but independent from an instrument
✅ Songbook: Chord diagrams are part of the printout, if you have the chord gallery displayed
✅ Enter BPM direct per number
✅ Fix: Pattern ignored rests when playing
✅ Fix: Songbook had problems to detect the notes SOL# and SOLb
✅ Fix: Request permissions for external storage to do automatic backup on a reinstallation
✅ Other changes/fixes
❀ Special thanks to Andrea Bazzani, Hunter Dryden, Leo Müller, Matt Brunt, Ulrike Nehring and Vern Wilfinger for their contribution to this version
smartChord V6.7.1 – 2019-05-18
❗❗ Fix: Pattern filter was not selectable on some devices
✅ Pattern: Optimizations for small displays
✅ Songbook: Optimized line width in line break mode for different font size settings
✅ Songbook: Menu item to open tuner with the tuning of the song
✅ Set list: Optimized memory handling, when viewing PDF files
✅ Chords: Limit of setting ‘Max. frets per chord’ raised from 6 to 8
✅ Many minor changes/fixes
❀ Special thanks to Axel Heubach, Frank LeClaire, Henk Oostrom, Leo Müller, Martin Schumacher, Ryan Wiest, Silke Birkelbach, Steve Crook, Tom Tcheng, Tarun Mudgal and Vern Wilfinger for their contribution to this version
smartChord V6.7 – 2019-05-09
⭐⭐⭐ The new app ‘s.mart Pattern’ for picking patterns is released ⭐⭐⭐
◾ It’s a dictionary, a sound explorer and a trainer
◾ Learn and discover easy and legendary picking patterns
◾ Have a look at the huge list of picking patterns for beginners and fingerstyle professionals
◾ Compare them and listen to the difference
◾ Apply the patterns to your songs, chord progressions or each other chord list and listen to the result. A song sounds totally different with a new pattern
◾ Get the result as a TAB view and look how the different fingerings are played
◾ Create exercises to practice the patterns
◾ Benefit from the speed trainer and timer
◾ Favor your patterns
◾ Save the patterns and the chords for later use
◾ Sync your patterns and chord lists between your devices
◾ Fully integrated into smartChord
◾ Free for subscribers and unlimited customers
◾ Link to the store: market://details?id=de.smartchord.droid.plus.pattern
▶ There is a video about ‘s.mart Pattern’: https://youtu.be/i78ELlVbtto
❀ Special thanks to Kip Kennedy, Robert Hilverth and Ryan Wiest for their contribution to this version
smartChord V6.6.1 – 2019-04-19
✅ Some minor fixes
▶ There is a new video about the pattern app: https://youtu.be/i78ELlVbtto
smartChord V6.6 – 2019-04-14
⭐⭐⭐ New s.mart app for picking patterns as pre release for subscribers and unlimited customers ⭐⭐⭐
◾ Learn and discover picking patterns
◾ At the end there will be more than 200 picking patterns for beginners and fingerstyle professionals
◾ Compare them and listen to the difference
◾ Apply the patterns to a chord list and listen to the result
◾ Get the result as a TAB view and look how the different fingerings are played
◾ Create exercises to practice the patterns
◾ Use speed trainer and timer
◾ Save the pattern and the chords for later use
◾ Sync your patterns and chord lists between your devices
▶ There is a new video about the pattern app: https://youtu.be/9y5RVRq8nwg
✅ Chord progression: Fixes and better user guidance
✅ Undo and redo in ‘Edit’ screen
✅ Tuning of the current instrument isn’t changed, if a chord is added or replaced for a song or chord progression with different tuning
✅ Tempo of a new exercise or chord progression is set to the last setting
✅ Exercises from ‘Practice’ feature are now part of the synchronization
✅ Fixed: Multiple standard tunings in the favorite tuning list
✅ Added chord type m7/b5/b9
✅ New color scheme
✅ Many minor changes/fixes
❀ Special thanks to Gaétan Dorion, Mark Saltzman, Matt Faris and Taigen Graham for their contribution to this version
smartChord V6.5.1 – 2019-03-17
✅ PDF resolution improved
✅ New color scheme
✅ Name of your most valuable product in the home screen title
✅ Fix: PDF file search referred sometimes to the cloud
✅ Minor changes/fixes
❀ Special thanks to Alex Forst for his contribution to this version
smartChord V6.5 – 2019-02-23
✅ Songbook internet search: Support for new chord sites
◾ www.cifraclub.com
◾ www.cifras.com.br
✅ Songbook: Option to show the chord names of the original text and not as determined in the general ‘Tone names’ and ‘Symbol’ settings
✅ Chord progression: Play tab is just visible if at least one bar is defined
✅ Fix: update old database version
✅ Minor changes/fixes
❀ Special thanks to Daniel Rothra, Diana Lima, Eckhardt Hussmann and Todd Rathier for their contribution to this version
smartChord V6.4.2 – 2019-02-20
✅ 18 new tunings for Viola Caipira (added to Viola as there is no Viola Caipira instrument in smartChord at the moment)
✅ Minor changes/fixes
❀ Special thanks to Leandro Cristante de Oliveira and Oscar Escobar for their contribution to this version
smartChord V6.4.1 – 2019-02-10
✅ Optimized Solfège detection
✅ Seventh scales fixed
✅ Minor changes/fixes
❀ Special thanks to Jarek Sacha, Lino Velletri, Patrick D. and Walter Tuzi for their contribution to this version
smartChord V6.4 – 2019-02-03
⭐⭐⭐ Songbook: Import and internet song search now work also for songs notated in Solfège (Do-Re-Mi-Fa-Sol-La-Si) ⭐⭐⭐
◾ Now you can also use chord pages like https://www.accordiespartiti.it
◾ According to your settings, you’ll get these songs in Solfège or the more common notation (C-D-E-F-G-A-B)
❗❗ Fixes:
◾ 5 string Banjo chord determination algorithm was changed erroneously and wrong and is now fixed again
◾ Sharing songs and set lists didn’t work anymore because of an Android API change
◾ Guitalele standard tuning had just 5 strings (remove it from your tuning list and add it again)
◾ Backup: It’s now possible to restore from an old backup
◾ Some chord diagrams with capo
✅ Minor changes/fixes
❀ Special thanks to Beverly Jayne, Chuckk Hubbard, Jessica Miranda and Romain Rossi for their contribution to this version
smartChord V6.3.1 – 2019-01-27
⭐ Amazon Kindle Fire: In-App products are now also available on Amazon Kindle devices, if the Google Play Store is installed
✅ Songbook regards the key of the song when Nashville Number System is used
✅ Fix: Sharing files like song, backup, … didn’t work anymore
✅ Option to show the chords of a song in bold font
✅ More dulcimer tunings
✅ Minor changes/fixes
❀ Special thanks to Frank Berens, Henning Steiner, John Heeley and Tarun Mudgal for their contribution to this version
smartChord V6.3 – 2019-01-13
⭐⭐⭐ Nashville Number System ⭐⭐⭐
◾ smartChord now has complete support for the Nashville Number System beneath Solfège and the common musical notation.
◾ There is a new option in the general settings ‘Tone names’ for the Nashville Number System which affects everything like chords, scales, songbook, … (please see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nashville_number_system)
▶ There is a new video about the tone name support: https://youtu.be/CZE2OeuMPLA
⭐ New screen with all patterns for a scale
✅ Color of the chords in songbooks changed from dark mode to yellow for more legibility
✅ Fret marker positions can be defined individually for each instrument
✅ Predefined fret marker positions for each instrument
✅ Fret markers are now also shown in the playground
✅ Instrument settings are now also available in the playground
✅ Bug: Audio player pause function did not work anymore
✅ Visual microphone gain when recording audio in notepad
✅ Scale fretboard screen: Tap on the scale name to select one of your favorites
✅ Sync Notepad (without audio)
✅ Other changes/fixes
▶ There is a new video about organizing songs in a set list: https://youtu.be/WgMssWHg_9k
❀ Special thanks to Frank Berens, Kip Kennedy, Marina Guglielmoni and Matthew Faris for their contribution to this version
smartChord V6.2.1 – 2018-12-29
❗❗ Fixes in Notepad
✅ Minor changes/fixes
▶ There is a new video about how to import song files e.g. tabs or chordpro into s.mart Songbook: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGM0XnuwtC8
❀ Special thanks to Brian Pang and Fabian Hidalgo for their contribution to this version
smartChord V6.2 – 2018-12-23
⭐ s.mart NOTEPAD: A new tool to save your musical ideas, some lyrics or even your Christmas gift list
◾ Add your notes as text (speech-to-text supported) and audio record
◾ Audio player to hear your records including looping and A-B feature
◾ Maintain the notes in different notepads for different themes
◾ There is also a text-to-speech feature to hear your notes
✅ Minor changes/fixes
❀ Special thanks to Matt McKinley and Tarun Mudga for their contribution to this version
🎄 We would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
smartChord V6.1 – 2018-12-10
Tabulator view added to the following views with the option to hide:
◾ Arpeggio
◾ Scales
◾ Scales fretboard
⭐ Bigger tabulator view for bigger screens
✅ Option to hide tabulator view on ‘Practice’ screen
✅ ‘History’ and ‘Folder’ buttons are now visible also on small displays
✅ Scale and arpeggio patterns now support capo
✅ Minor changes/fixes
❀ Special thanks to Kalle Mackel, Mathieu Raymond and Sigrid Küppers for their contribution to this version
smartChord V6.0 – 2018-11-24
⭐ Tabulator view
◾ There is a new tabulator view to show the notes of scales, exercises, arpeggios, …
◾ The tabulator view offers a ‘Play’ mode which highlights a current played note
◾ The practice feature is the first feature with the new view. Others are coming soon
⭐ Quick switch between your stored items like songs, set lists, exercise, …
◾ There is a ‘History’ button on top beneath the ‘Folder’ menu
◾ It opens a list with your items, sorted by the time you have used it the last time. It’s just a click to open the item.
⭐ Easy way to configure the content of the home screen
◾ It allows all tools to be part of it. Also Backup, Synchronizing, …
◾ Use clicks or long clicks to add or remove tools from and to the home screen
◾ Button to ‘Fade in/out’ is replaced by the menu item ‘Add tools’
✅ Note names on the scale fretboard screen
❗❗ Fix: Saving a song in the set list overwrites song in the songbook
✅ Lot of minor changes/fixes
❀ Special thanks to Andreas Anwar, Barth Harrington, Henning Steiner, Max Howard-Evans, Rick Tucker and Wayne Evans for their contribution to this version
smartChord V5.26 – 2018-11-02
⭐ Unified search for files like songs on your device or your CLOUD e.g. Google Drive.
◾ Limit the search to a selected directory. The new file explorer allows to select it.
◾ Limit the search for songs to your wanted file types.
◾ Optionally allow recursive search within the sub directories.
◾ The unified search is also used to import songs from a CLOUD folder e.g. Google Drive.
⭐ Additional method to transpose a song: With or without capo.
✅ Fix: Option ‘Max frets per chord’ wasn’t regarded correctly in the first fret, when the capo was set.
✅ Minor changes/fixes
❀ Special thanks to Fernando Tarico and Luis González Baixauli for their contribution to this version
smartChord V5.25 – 2018-10-12
⭐ Cloud access for synchronization is now released
✔ Synchronize your songs with your cloud (Google or DropBox). Use it to synchronize the songs between multiple Android devices or to edit the text files conveniently on your desktop or notebook
✔ Synchronize between your devices smartChords data from the storage: Songs of your Songbook, Set lists, Chord Progressions, favorite fingerings, metronome and tone generator settings
✅ Fix: Swipe gesture in Set list didn’t move to the next song anymore
✅ Fix: Songbook asked sometimes for saving even it was saved right before
✅ Chord progression can now handle ‘incomplete’ chords like ‘(no5)’
✅ Fix: Metronome could crash if it was running and ‘Tap tempo’ was used
✅ Minor changes/fixes
❀ Special thanks to Slawomir Herman and Stephan Andres for their contribution to this version
smartChord V5.24.2 – 2018-10-02
❢❢ Capo can now be changed on every screen with menu ‘Change tuning’. But all capo buttons are removed from the toolbars.
✔ Every song has its own tuning. Change capo is now also available for a song.
✅ Songbook is printed as shown on the screen (It’s possible to define the font size/line width)
✅ Fix: In rare cases the songbook showed the song text of a song from the internet twice
✅ Fix: Set list problems when saving after app was killed
✅ Fix: Fix in finger positions for scale patterns
✅ Other changes/fixes behind the scenes
❀ Special thanks to Bill Hutfles, Edward Larkin, Michael Zimmermann and Stepan Grammatic for their contribution to this version
smartChord V5.24.1 – 2018-09-13
✅ Notifications (Timer, Metronome, Chord progression) are now working on all Android versions
✅ Fix: Metronome crashed on Android 8.1 devices, when running in background
❀ Special thanks to Jeff Mees for his contribution to this version
smartChord V5.24 – 2018-09-09
⭐ The new features are now translated in French.
❀❀❀ Our most sincere thanks to Michael Halimi for his tireless efforts ❀❀❀
✅ Workaround for Android bug when synchronizing
✅ Playground: Menu item to switch instrument and tuning in ‘Pure fretboard’ mode
✅ Option to create an exercise for the scales starting with the root
✅ Added power chords ‘no3’ and ‘no5’
✅ Some minor changes/fixes
smartChord V5.23.2 – 2018-08-16
✅ Fix: Songbook chordPro chord recognition
✅ Fix: Chord progression crash
✅ Some other changes/fixes
❀ Special thanks to Chris Clark, Javier Barraza and Kris Willmert for their contribution to this version
smartChord V5.23.1 – 2018-08-10
✅ Songbook: New option for click on chord: Play sound or show chord dialog
✅ More tunings for Balalaika, Cigar Box Guitar, Lute, Mandolin, Oud, Viola added
✅ Fix: Some tunings were an octave too low (Cello, Violin, Viola and Veena)
✅ Fix: ‘Change instrument’ in Songbook
✅ Fix: Speed trainer in ‘Chord progression’ and ‘Practice’
▶ New video about the ‘Practice’ feature: https://youtu.be/trLmeHOTK4s
✅ Some minor changes/fixes
❀ Special thanks to Dmitry Prokopenko, Goran Stankovic and Jeff Golias for their contribution to this version
smartChord V5.23 – 2018-07-26
❢❢ IMPORTANT FIX: Saving items like songs didn’t work for new installations with V5.22
⭐ Arpeggio patterns and fingerings: smartChord will show you based on pattern including fingering how and where a arpeggio is best to play. For each pattern you can display the corresponding fingering
⭐ ‘Practice’ feature to play and practice arpeggio patterns and chords as arpeggios
▶ https://youtu.be/trLmeHOTK4s
✅ Fix: ‘Change instrument’ in songbook
✅ Fix: Practice feature if instrument changed
✅ Some minor changes/fixes
❀ Special thanks to Javier Barraza, Simone Sapienza and Richard Wright for their contribution to this version
smartChord V5.22 – 2018-07-15
⭐ New sorting criteria ‘Last viewed’ in the storage. Applied shows it the history of the last viewed items like songs, set lists or chord progressions.
✅ Optimized algorithm in detecting TABs
✅ Fix: Playing exercise and chord progression without speed trainer
✅ Some minor fixes
❀ Special thanks to Leo Müller, Luis Romero, Marco Pfeffer and Vladimir Stojiljković for their contribution to this version
smartChord V5.21.1 – 2018-07-09
✔ Fix: Some features crashes on older Android versions
smartChord V5.21 – 2018-07-08
⭐ New ‘Practice’ feature: As a first step to play and practice scale patterns
✔ Create your exercises for scale patterns
✔ Play the patterns forward, backward or in both directions
✔ Use the speed trainer to increase the tempo step by step
✔ Use the timer to limit your practice time
✔ Save your exercises with all your settings
▶ https://youtu.be/MUZ9f7vQIgE
✅ Colored toasts for info, warning, error and success
✅ A lot of other changes and fixes!!!
❀ Special thanks to Kip Kennedy for his contribution to this version
smartChord V5.20 – 2018-05-21
⭐ New shop item to provide 25 additional instruments like Charango, Guitalele, Lute, Violin
⭐ Apply the chord type filter also for diatonic chords
⭐ New instrument (UNLIMITED and subscription): Mandola
✅ Fix: Song import
✅ Chord progression: optimized toolbar
✅ Minor changes
smartChord V5.19 – 2018-05-05
⭐ New instruments (UNLIMITED and subscription):
✔ Cello
✔ Charango (also with Charangon, Ronroco and Walaycho tunings)
✔ Cümbüş
✔ Lute
✔ Oud
✔ Pipa
✔ Rebec
⭐ Filter for Scales and Scale names:
▫ Blacklist scales: Select the scales you don’t want to use
▫ Blacklist scales origin: Select the scales you don’t want to use by their origin
✅ 5 new Ukulele tunings
✅ Minor fixes and changes
❀ Special thanks to Arthur Emoru, Kevin Kerr and Stephan Andres for their contribution to this version
smartChord V5.18 – 2018-04-23
⭐ New instruments (UNLIMITED and subscription):
✔ Acoustic guitar
✔ Archtop guitar
✔ Baritone guitar
✔ Guitalele
✔ Hawaii guitar
✔ Resonator guitar
✔ Tenor guitar
✅ New Tunings
✅ Menu item to change between the scale favorites on the ‘Scales on fretboard’ screen
✅ Songbook: Tap on the chord gallery plays the chord, if ‘Sound’ on chord diagram is enabled in general ‘Sound settings’
✅ Optimized layout handling in landscape mode
✅ Other fixes and changes
❢❢ Changed menu structure in the ‘folder’ menu (new, open, save, …). ‘Import’, ‘Export’, ‘Synchronize’ are now in the storage screen
❀ Special thanks to Hugo Blettery and Simon Thomson for their contribution to this version
smartChord V5.17 – 2018-04-08
⭐ New instruments (UNLIMITED and subscription):
✔ Bass 5-string
✔ Bass 6-string
✔ Bass 7-string
✔ Guitar 5-string
✔ Guitar 7-string
✔ Guitar 8-string
✅ Fix in ‘Scale name’: Notes are not selectable, when option ‘Sound’ was active
✅ Corrected scale Altered bb7
❀ Special words of thank go to Massimo Castiglia for the great commitment and the very good work revising very thoroughly the Italian translation.
Parole speciali di ringraziamento vanno a Massimo Castiglia per il grande impegno e l’ottimo lavoro di revisione molto approfondita della traduzione italiana.
❀ Special thanks to Kevin Kerr for his contribution to this version
smartChord V5.16 – 2018-03-25
⭐ New instruments (UNLIMITED and subscription):
✔ Fiddle
✔ Veena
✔ Viola
✔ Violin
✅ New Tuning ‘Baritone 2’ for Ukulele
✅ Fix: Synchronizing songs
✅ Other fixes and changes
❀ Special thanks to Martin Rittweger and Ronald Queck for their contribution to this version
smartChord V5.15 – 2018-02-28
⭐ Share your set list with your friends, other musicians or students
✔ The free version of smartChord is sufficient to receive a Set list ❢❢❢
✔ Share the set list and the included songs and PDF-files at once
✔ Easiest handling
✔ Just a link to share via mail, WhatsApp, …
✔ Just a click to show or import a Set list. Optionally import the songs of the Set list
✔ Individually pick the songs from the shared Set list to import into smartChord
✅ Zoom factor is also saved with a song in the ‘non line break’ option
✅ The scale fretboard view now supports also both ‘Notes’ options: ‘Notes (Settings)’ and ‘Notes (Theory)’
✅ Optimized ‘Replace all’ performance in ‘Edit’ screen
✅ Fixed: Menu item ‘Home’ didn’t work with general setting ‘Starting screen’
✅ Other fixes and changes
❀ Special thanks to Roman Kiefer and Sven Pohl for their contribution to this version
❀ There is a new YouTube video about the smartChord tuner, pitch pipe and tone generator from Victor Osaka:
▶ https://youtu.be/ZeG89bGRzac ❀ Victor, thanks a lot ❀
smartChord V5.14 – 2018-02-13
⭐⭐⭐ Feature ‘SCALE NAME’ extended for chords ⭐⭐⭐ (+)
▫ This reverse scale feature helps you to find a key and scale for a set of notes and now also: a set of chords
▫ Call it from the songbook to get the scales for the chords of the song
▫ Call it from a chord progression and get the scales for those chords
▫ Change the chord set and add or remove chords
⭐ Scale screen with new option to see and hear a scale ascending and/or descending
⭐ The Songbook and the Set list are chargeable features. But they are now open for test. The free version allows 3 songs and Set lists.
✅ Other fixes and changes
smartChord V5.13.1 – 2018-01-28
❢❢ Improved Scale favorites:
✔ Favor your scales with key!
✔ Change the key of a scale favorite
✔ Scale favorites are now sorted by name
✅ Fix: Bug in scale view width, when switching between scales
✅ Fix: Problems with encoding when sharing songs
✅ Other fixes and changes
❀ Special thanks to Kevin Kerr for his contribution to this version and M.Ramakrishnan for his continuous feedback
smartChord V5.13 – 2018-01-19
⭐⭐⭐ New feature ‘SCALE NAME’ ⭐⭐⭐ (+)
▫ This reverse scale feature helps you to find a key and scale for a set of notes
▫ Investigate each scale of the resulting list
▫ Show the diatonic chords for the scales
▫ Add the scales to your favorites
⭐ 84 new scales added (+)
▫ The whole scale list: http://smartchord.de/scales
❢❢ The chord names for scales are corresponding to the tone names of the scale (instead of the general setting ‘Tone names’)
✅ Songbook:
▫ Name of the song is shown once at the top of the song
▫ All smartChord ChordPro directives are appended to the song text (the name tag (x_sccrd_n) was placed at the top)
✅ New 5-string banjo tunings ‘Minstrel (Briggs 1855)’ and ‘Minstrel (common)’
✅ Other minor fixes and changes
❀ Special thanks to Jorge Mendoza for his smartChord video.
❀ Un agradecimiento especial a Jorge Mendoza por su presentación sobre smartChord. Desafortunadamente, no entendemos el español. Por favor, mírate:
▶ https://youtu.be/hcy6izYBR_g
❀ Special thanks to Birdman for his contribution to this version
smartChord V5.12.2 – 2017-12-29
✅ Fix in Songbook and Set list: updating info works again (changed behavior in Android)
✅ Fix in Songbook: Some songs crashes with Do-Re-Mi-…
✅ New 5-string Banjo tuning ‘Baritone’
✅ Other minor fixes and changes
❀ Special thanks to Daniel Bohan, Isidro Zúñiga, Luca Baglioni and Werner Hodapp for their contribution to this version
smartChord V5.12.1 – 2017-12-15
⭐ Much more supported websites for songs
✅ Increased text size in arpeggio, scale and chord diagrams
✅ Increased number of chords in the playground
✅ Fix in Songbook: changing settings or songs works again (changed behavior in Android)
✅ Other minor fixes and changes
❀ Special thanks to Eckhardt Wanderer, Oliver Böhm, Thierry Closen and Lassi Into for their contribution to this version
smartChord V5.12 – 2017-12-10
New option for chord diagram info: Beneath the ‘Notes’ view, that obeys your general settings, there is an option to show the note names according the chords theory. Thus there are the following options:
✔ ‘Nothing’
✔ ‘Notes (Settings)’
✔ ‘Notes (Theory)’
✔ ‘Intervals’
✔ ‘Relative notes’
✔ ‘Fingering’
⭐ Songbook: extended support for Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Si
In most of the songs found in the internet the note names C-D-E-F-G-A-B are used. To get them as Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Si you can change the general setting ‘Tone names’ to solfége.
✅ Optimized width in Songbook line break mode
❀ Special thanks to Armando Leite for his smartChord video.
❀ Agradecimentos especiais a Armando Leite por sua apresentação no smartChord. Infelizmente, não somos portugueses. Por favor veja-se:
▶ https://youtu.be/oTK9bEkFSPo
❀ Special thanks to Jake C for his contribution to this version
smartChord V5.11 – 2017-12-02
⭐ Share your songs with your friends, musicians or students
✔ The free version of smartChord is sufficient to receive a song ❢❢❢
✔ Share a single song or many songs at once
✔ Easiest handling
✔ Just a link to share via mail, WhatsApp, …
✔ Just a click to show or import a single song
✔ Individually pick the songs from the shared song list to import into smartChord
❢❢ Chord types removed because of irritations with sharp notes;
✔ #9 (preferred naming: 7/#9)
✔ #9/#5 (preferred naming: 7/#9/#5)
❢❢ Menu item ‘Open’ was renamed to ‘Storage’
✅ Minor fixes
❀ There is another video from Victor Osaka. Please see his smartChord Metronome tutorial:
▶ https://youtu.be/9ISNaHz1n9M ❀ Many thanks to Victor ❀
❀ Special thanks to Dmitry Prokopenko and Walter Tuzi for their contribution to this version
smartChord V5.10 – 2017-11-20
⭐ Share your songs with your friends, musicians or students
✔ The free version of smartChord is sufficient for the receiver
✔ Easiest handling
✔ Just a link to share via mail, WhatsApp, …
✔ Just a click to show or import the song directly into smartChord
✅ New scale ‘Diminished sixth’
❢❢ Songbook: Line breaks not highlighted and chords not underlined anymore
❀ Special thanks to Victor Osaka for his smartChord Songbook video. It’s much better than ours. Please have a look:
▶ https://youtu.be/9gOOyxjfZ0Y
smartChord V5.9.1 – 2017-11-07
✔ Bugfix: Crash after counting in a chord progression
smartChord V5.9 – 2017-11-05
⭐ Pre release: Synchronize smartChords data between your devices:
✔ Songs of your songbook
✔ Your set lists
✔ Your chord progressions
✔ Your favorite fingerings
✔ Your metronome sets
✔ Your tone generator sets
✅ Lot of minor improvements like adopted song name determination in web search
✅ smartChord creates automatically backups of the last 7 active days
✅ Tuner: Check if microphone is available
❀ Special thanks to Jeet Desai and Thomas Gordot for their contribution to this version
smartChord V5.8 – 2017-10-15
⭐ Add PDF files to your set lists (Android >= 5.0 Lollipop)
⭐ Share the lyrics of your set list with your audience
✔ Individualize your songs and use your favorite fingerings
✅ Optimized set list navigation by Bluetooth and USB devices
✅ Fix: Format of info screens for older Android versions
✅ Other fixes
❀ Special thanks to Maria Hosmer-Briggs and Сергей Никифоров for their contribution to this version
smartChord V5.7.1 – 2017-10-02
✅ Songbook shows chord names according to the general setting ‘Tone names’ (also Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Si)
✅ Fix: Save general setting ‘Symbol’
✅ Fix: Open song synchronization screen
✅ Minor fixes
✅ Build for Android Oreo
❀ Special thanks to Daniel Bohan and Brian Lawrence for their contribution to this version
smartChord V5.7 – 2017-09-29
✅ Define information like location, duration, date and notes for a set list
✅ Collapse and expand information on the song screen
✅ ChordName: extended detection of slash chords
✅ Fix: Refresh after german musical nomenclature transformation
✅ Fix: Refresh scale fretboard after instrument or tuning has been changed
✅ Fixes in cloud access
✅ Minor fixes and changes
❀ Special thanks to Andre Barthel, Simone Sapienza and Philphy Forty Two for their contribution to this version
smartChord V5.6 – 2017-09-17
⭐ Navigate within the set list by an external bluetooth device like a PageFlip pedal.
✔ Navigate between the songs
✔ Scroll within a song
✔ Start/stop auto scrolling or the audio player
✔ Configure your pedal individually
⭐ Define your preferred musical symbols: C# or Db, D# or Eb, F# or Gb, G# or Ab, A# or Bb
✅ Fix: Transformation of ‘slash’ chords in songbook
✅ Fix: Proper handling of ‘Back’ key in edit screen
✅ Fix: Editing songbook properties changed tuning under some circumstances
✅ Minor fixes and changes
❀ Special thanks to Dean Eisen and Wayne Evans for their contribution to this version
smartChord V5.5 – 2017-09-04
❢❢❢ Change in chord diagram: Chord diagram starts with fret 1 whenever possible
⭐ Pre release: Song synchronization with your cloud (Google or DropBox)
✔ Synchronize the songs between multiple Android devices
✔ Edit text files conveniently from your desktop or notebook
⭐ Option to set the scroll speed for a song automatically
✅ Set ‘duration’ (info tag) of a song based on the duration of the added audio file
✅ Send your smartChord backup to a save place outside your smartPhone (e.g. to Google Drive or your mail client)
✅ Optimized backup size
✅ Optimized startup time
✅ Fixed: File type filter updated correctly after change
✅ Changed: A process dialog isn’t canceled anymore, when touched outside the window’s bounds
✅ Nut and cross for muted strings are more clearly recognizable on fretboard
✅ Minor fixes and changes
❀ Special thanks to Mitch Blake and Louis Barman for their contribution to this version
smartChord V5.4.1 – 2017-08-05
✅ Change font size for the edit text screen
✅ Show details for fingering favorites
✅ Fix: Add chords with ‘/’ in name to fingering favorites
✅ Fix: Transposition of a song is applied correctly when a song is opened again
✅ Fix: smartChord crashed one some devices on startup because of a special character
✅ Fix: Audio player did not start again, after resuming the songbook screen
✅ Fix: Formatting issues in help texts
✅ Minor fixes and changes
smartChord V5.4 – 2017-07-30
⭐ Songbook:
✔ Edit song information like title, subtitle, artist, arranger, … in a dedicated information screen
✔ New ChordPro directives supported: arranger, copyright, duration, highlight, lyricist, year
✔ Summary of song information like album, arranger, … can be shown as optional info above the song and suppressed in the song text.
✔ The name of the song is always visible at the top of the songtext (but ChordPro directives {subtitle} and {title} are now just song information)
✔ The zoom factor is stored for each song (when in ‘line break’ mode)
✔ New ‘stop’ button beneath ‘pause’ to stop the playing audio file and scroll the song text to the top
✔ New menu items:
– to remove audio file from song
– to add the song to the current set list
– to edit song information
✔ Copy the text of the clipboard by one click into a new song
✔ Audio file search starts automatically, when adding or changing an audio file to a song
✔ Internet song search blocks alerts and messages of the visited websites
✔ Fix: Some chord lines where cut after the last chord
▶ More detailed help and link to Youtube video: https://youtu.be/3pjx7of4TpU
⭐ Saving process optimized:
✔ When saving an item like a song or metronome setting, there is no dialog prompting for the name anymore
✔ Instead of this, there is a new menu item ‘Save as’
❢❢❢ Menu item ‘load’ was renamed to ‘open’
✅ Confirmation prompt before restoring a backup (activated again)
✅ Set list and Songbook are grouped together in ‘navigation drawer’ (menu on the upper left) to easily switch between each other
✅ Minor fixes and changes
❀ Special thanks to Andrei Losenkov for his contribution to this version
smartChord V5.3.1 – 2017-07-01
✅ Fixed: transposition in Songbook
✅ Bought products are listed in the shop, even if they are not for sale anymore
✅ Your bought features (included in the bought products) are listed under ‘Info -> Your features’
smartChord V5.3 – 2017-06-26
⭐ Songbook: Conversion for German musical nomenclature:
If smartChord detects a ‘H’ chord, it assumes the German musical nomenclature and adds a link at the top of the song. Tap on the link to convert the German musical nomenclature to the international: The conversion changes the song text. ‘B’ chords are converted to ‘Bb’ chords and ‘H’ chords are converted to ‘B’ chords.
✅ Have a look at our video about the smartChord Songbook: https://youtu.be/3pjx7of4TpU
✅ Fixed problem with ‘/’ chords in Songbook
✅ Open song files via file explorer (file extensions cho, crd, chopro, chordpro, tab, txt and sccrd)
✅ Fixed problem with crash in Set list
✅ Minor fixes and improvements
smartChord V5.2.1 – 2017-06-10
✅ Bugfix: Crash on Android <=4.4
smartChord V5.2 – 2017-06-09
⭐ Set lists to organize your songs and lyrics for performance or practice
✔ meaningful extension of the songbook
✔ all the features of the songbook are available
✔ Switch the songs by swipe gesture
✔ Auto play mode
✔ Fullscreen mode
✅ Search & replace when editing song texts (see menu)
✅ Line break conversion in songs for some internet song catalogues
✅ Comfortable solution to report problems with internet song search
✅ In ‘dark background mode’ songs now are also printed with white background
✅ Fix: Import of smartChord song files (.sccrd) with correct encoding
✅ Minor fixes and improvements
smartChord V5.1.1 – 2017-05-15
✅ Fix: OutOfMemory error in Songbook
✅ Fix: Opens the last screen again on startup (if option is activated)
✅ Minor fixes
smartChord V5.1 – 2017-05-03
⭐ Export your songs to ‘smartChord/song’ directory
⭐ Open the Playground with the chords of the song to practice it or explore their sounds
⭐ Synchronized start/stop for scrolling and audio player
⭐ Count in for scrolling and audio player
⭐ A very special word of thanks goes to <a href=’mailto:michael.halimi@hotmail.fr?subject=Translation’>Michael Halimi</a>. He does a superb job, updating the French translation
✅ Limit song search and import to ‘smartChord/song’ directory
✅ ‘Select all’ button in song import
✅ Multi select in ‘Store’ screens to delete or export files in bulk (e.g. songs)
✅ Songbook with improved full screen mode
✅ Chord page ‘amdm.ru’ added
✅ Change in behaviour when saving an item again: It will overwrite without question
✅ Important fixes for the Songbook
✅ A lot of minor improvements
smartChord V5.0 – 2017-04-15
The brand new songbook is now released!!! It is probably the best songbook app in the store. It can find songs in the greatest internet song catalogues extremely easy and fast and without registration or account. Choose between every instrument and tuning. It knows every chord and fingering you need!
New features for the songbook:
⭐ The intelligent line break option breaks belonging lines as a block (TABs or chord and lyrics) so that no horizontal scrolling is necessary (Android >= 4.4 Kitkat)
⭐ Create a chord progression from the chords of a song and practice it in the chord progression player
⭐ Chord diagrams are now printed below the song text
✅ Optimized search to find local audio files for your songs
✅ Optimized detection of song titles on internet song search
Other changes:
✅ Fix edit songs: Changes got lost, if not committed by back button
✅ Backup: suggestion for backup name
✅ Minor improvements and fixes
smartChord V4.12.1 – 2017-03-19
✔ Bugfix
smartChord V4.12 – 2017-03-19
New features for the songbook:
⭐ Support for audio files:
✔ Add audio files saved on your device to a song
✔ Intelligent search to find local audio files for your songs
✔ listen to your songs in the songbook
⭐ New audio player with
✔ A-B loop to repeat only a part of a song
✔ repeat function for the song
⭐ Further ChordPro support:
✔ special formats for chorus, comments, …
✔ Information about Album, Composer, Key, Tempo, Time;
⭐ Lot of minor improvements and fixes
smartChord V4.11 – 2017-02-22
Main features:
⭐ Use the internet search to browse millions of songs from the greatest internet song catalogues like ultimate-guitar, azchords, chordie, e-chords, guitaretab,…
⭐ Use the songs as they are or transpose them
✔ choose between all instruments
✔ choose between all tunings!
✔ transpose the songs any number of steps up or down (change the key of the songs)
⭐ Benefit from the support of guitar tabs and chords and the popular ChordPro format.
⭐ Open or import the song files on your smartphone: cho, crd, chopro, chordpro, tab, text
⭐ Edit and adjust every song according to your own ideas
⭐ Store every song you want and use it offline
⭐ Create new songs
⭐ Print your songs (Android >= 4.4 Kitkat)
⭐ Create PDF files (Android >= 4.4 Kitkat)
⭐ Share your songs with your friends
⭐ Find YouTube videos for your songs
⭐ Use the ‘Dark’ mode for your live performance or to reduce battery consumption
⭐ View just what you need: Optionally hide chords, tabs, comments or lyrics
⭐ Get quick access to your latest songs by the history
⭐ Benefit from the support for large and small screens, landscape, portrait, continuous zoom, fullscreen mode
⭐ More will follow…
smartChord V4.10 – 2017-01-21
⭐ Translation of the whole app is complete for all supported languages:
▫ Espanol
▫ French
▫ Italian
▫ Portuguese
▫ Russian
Translated by:
▫ Fernando Zamora
▫ Michael Halimi
▫ Fabio Sticca
▫ Rogênio Lima Belém
▫ Ekaterina Ageeva (Екатерина Агеева)
1000 thanks and applause for their high level of commitment and dedication!!!
✔ Define instrument favorites and choose between them from menu in: chord, tuner, arpeggio and scale screens (just PLUS)
✔ Transpose chord progressions to other instrument and tuning
✔ Automatically adopt fingerings when adding chords to chord progressions with different tuning
✔ Metronome: Number of loop and the speed is permanently visible when speed trainer is active
✔ Fix for the case, the error dialog could not be shown
✅ Unified: Tap on guitar head to change tuning
✅ Shorter intervals between the tones in the chords possible (in general sound settings and chord progressions)
✅ A lot of minor changes and fixes
smartChord V4.9.1 – 2016-12-18
✔ New context menu for chord diagrams in “Gallery” and “Grid” views to maintain favorite fingerings and add the fingerings to other screens
▫ “Choose chord” screen
▫ “Chord detail” screen
▫ “Chord overview” screen
▫ “Chord progression” screen
✔ There is a new general option “Show error dialog”. If you have problems with smartChord, enable this setting. You’ll get a dialog, each time smartChord detects an error. From this dialog, you can send us essential information to fix the problem.
✔ Sound generation fixed for older Android versions
✔ Sound generation stabilized for low memory environment
✔ Fixed placement of notes in scales for flat notes
✔ Timer fixed
✅ Add chord to favorites from “Chord name” feature via context menu
✅ Minor changes and fixes
smartChord V4.9 – 2016-11-27
⭐ smartChord is now also translated into French!!!
In this context we are very, very much obliged to the persons who did truly great work (Dans ce contexte, nous sommes très, très obligés pour les personnes qui ont fait vraiment grand travail)
Translation was done by
Michael Halimi
Guillaume Vaslin
Frédéric Le Bouëtté
⭐ The Spanish translation of smartChord has been thoroughly revised by
Fernando Zamora
Applause for their excellent work (Applaudissements pour leur excellent travail)!!!
✅ Chord name supports also naming Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Si
✅ Chord types added mΔ, mØ, m5-/7, 5+/7+, 5+/maj7. Please let us know, if you miss some chord!
✅ Chord type changed from ▲ to Δ and composition like maj7
✅ Color scheme fix for chords
✅ Minor changes and fixes
smartChord V4.8.1 – 2016-11-13
✅ Bugfix for some scale keys, if solfége was chosen for tone names
✅ Better handling for saving changed content
✅ Products already bought are visible in shop screen
✅ Preparations to introduce ads
✅ Minor changes and fixes
smartChord V4.8 – 2016-10-31
⭐ smartChord now supports also Solfége (Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Si)
⭐ smartChord is now also translated into Basque!!!
In this context we are very, very much obliged to the person who did truly great work (oso, oso lan benetan handia egin duten pertsonek eskertu gara):
Translation was done by
Applause for his excellent work
(bere lan bikainagatik Txaloak)!!!
✅ Optimized loading of sounds (e.g. in Scales screen)
✅ Space now allowed for filenames
✅ Preparation for Android 7
✅ Bugfixes
smartChord V4.7 – 2016-09-03
⭐ Diatonic chords (+)
▫ Calculated for each of the 1000 scales and each key
▫ Get overview screen for each key. Limit them to 2-, 3-,…, n-note chords
▫ Use diatonic chords as new mode to “choose chords” e.g. for chord progressions
✅ Volume control in chord progression
✅ New bar types in metronome: 6/4, 7/4, 8/4, 9/4, 10/4, 11/4, 12/4, 13/4
✅ Minor changes like: show full fretboard in “chord name”
smartChord V4.6.1 – 2016-08-12
✔ Fix: Now, there are also context menus in the light themes: Choose chord, Chord name and Save screens
✅ Fix: In rare cases smartChord crashes when adding chords to the chord progression
✅ Minor changes like: Renamed ‘Mountain Dulcimer’ to ‘Chromatic Dulcimer’ to prevent misunderstandings
smartChord V4.6 – 2016-07-29
⭐ Some chargeable features are now open for your test:
▫ Create two chord progressions
▫ Maintain 10 fingering favorites per tuning
▫ Save two metronome settings
▫ Save two tone generator frequency sets
⭐ New features in Chord Progressions:
▫ Create the bar for the chords automatically
▫ Add beats to the bars or delete beats from the bars
▫ Define an interval between the tones in the chords to get arpeggios
▫ Tap tempo feature
✅ Improved tap tempo for metronome
✅ Fingering favorites now sorted by their chord name
✅ New Color scheme
✅ Minor changes
✅ Lot of fixes like: On some devices some detail information was missing in landscape mode
smartChord V4.5.2 – 2016-06-18
⭐ Individual beat and instrument sounds for each chord progression
✔ Fix: All known bugs in the chord progressions
✔ Fix: First sound wasn’t audible e.g. in the Metronome
✔ Fix: Metronome with much higher volume on a lot of devices
✔ Fix: Some instruments were mis-named
▫ Minor changes like new bar 6/4
▫ Other fixes
smartChord V4.5.1 – 2016-06-12
✔ Fix: arpeggio and scales fretboard took very long to open on some devices
✔ Fix: 5 string tunings showed the wrong note for the shortened string (this bug was introduced with the last version)
▫ Minor fixes
smartChord V4.5 – 2016-06-05
⭐ ⭐ Chord progressions (+) ⭐
⭐ Play along with your chord progressions in any bar you prefer
⭐ Visualized beats and chords by scrolling
⭐ Contains a speed-trainer to accelerate the pace
⭐ Provides a timer to limit your practice time
▫ PDF to share got the name of the chord progression
✔ Fix: Crash when capo was used in chord progression
✔ Fix: Relative note names for some scales
▫ Minor changes e.g. tuning and capo on printouts
smartChord V4.4.2 – 2016-05-01
✔ Fix: Order in chord progression
✔ Fixes: Some rare crashes
smartChord V4.4.1 – 2016-04-24
✅ Plays your selection on the Chord Name screen
✅ New color scheme
✔ Fix: Considers favorite fingerings again
✅ Fix: Wrong colors for the degrees on scale fretboard
smartChord V4.4 – 2016-04-16
⭐ Transpose your chord progressions steps up or down (+)
⭐ Transpose your chord progressions to another tuning (+)
⭐ Option to show fret markers for your orientation on the fretboard
✅ Sort tuning favorites by name
✅ Fix: Crash in Ear Training, when nothing is selected
✅ Hijaz major scale corrected
✅ Other minor changes
smartChord V4.3.1 – 2016-04-04
✅ Fix: crash starting choose chord screen
smartChord V4.3 – 2016-04-03
⭐ Tuner support for 12 strings (+)
⭐ Improved ‘scale favorites’ screen
▫ now the musical notation is shown to compare scales
▫ sorts by name
▫ plays the scales
✅ PitchPipe is back as an independent feature and it also supports a 12-string-tuning (+)
✅ Ear training now uses tone names from ‘general settings’
✅ Add a chord from the screen ‘chord name’ to your chord progressions
✅ The tuning of an empty chord progression will automatically change to your last selection
✅ Improved color distinction in red and green theme
✅ Other minor changes and fixes
smartChord V4.2 – 2016-03-20
⭐ Colour schemes help you to distinguish the different degrees of chords, arpeggios, scales and the circle of fifths at a glance (+)
⭐ New themes with new colors: green, orange, bright red, bright blue (+)
⭐ Support for Android 6.0: Handling withdrawn permissions on devices with Android 6 (Marshmallow)
✅ Fix: chord progression printouts will show text again
✅ Changed order in navigation drawer
✅ Timer and Flashlight removed from Home screen. They are still available via navigation drawer
✅ Other minor changes and fixes
smartChord V4.1.1 – 2016-03-06
✅ New tunings for indonesia ‘s ukulele cak and cuk
✅ Fix: Choose chord for arpeggio
✅ Fix: Change sound for ear training
✅ Minor changes
smartChord V4.1 – 2016-03-05
⭐ Now there are bright and dark themes with different colors (homescreen, button in the upper right). Dark themes are more suitable to play on stage and do save your battery power.
▫ Dark red
▫ Light red
▫ Dark petrol
▫ Light petrol
✅ Minor changes like optimized layouts
✅ Minor fixes
smartChord V4.0 – 2016-02-28
⭐ New graphic design with improved contrast
⭐ New navigation model with navigation drawer and action bar
✔ Zoom in and out by gesture for fretboard, arpeggios, scales, chord overview, favorites and progressions
✔ Scales PLUS now allows also more than two tuning favorites
✔ A whole bunch of other changes (e.g. new Tunings)
✔ Different fixes (e.g. fingering Em)
smartChord V3.5 – 2015-11-26
✔ Tuner: different modes for all needs
⭐ ‘Easy’ allows tuning without much knowledge – not only for beginners
⭐ ‘String change’ offers best support when changing strings (PLUS)
⭐ ‘Detailed’ provides additional information like frequencies
⭐ ‘Pitch pipe’ – tune your instrument by ear
▫ Optimized layouts for small and large screens
▫ Vibrating does not have that much effect on the frequency analysis anymore▫ Optical refinement
✅ Fix: Tuner also works after changing tunings
✅ Refinement of german and english descriptions
✅ Minor changes/fixes
smartChord V3.4.1 – 2015-10-29
⭐ New signature 12/8 (3-3-2-2-2) in metronome
✔ Bugfix: Loading chord progressions
✅ Minor changes/fixes
smartChord V3.4 – 2015-10-18
⭐ Print and share chords (just for PLUS users and Android 4.4 or higher)
▫ Convert your chord progressions, favorite fingerings and fingering overviews into a PDF file and share them with your friends or print them out. This feature needs at least Android 4.4 (Lollipop).
✅ Minor changes/fixes
smartChord V3.3.3 – 2015-10-09
✔ Bugfix: Wrong set of chords in screen ‘Finger favorites’
smartChord V3.3.2 – 2015-10-02
✔ Bugfix: Wrong set of chords in screen ‘Chord progression’
smartChord V3.3.1 – 2015-09-29
✔ Bugfixes:
▫ Sorting fingerings (chord screens)
▫ Playground: Range of fretboard in “Pure fretboard” mode
▫ Minor bugfixes
smartChord V3.3 – 2015-09-22
⭐ About 1000 new scales !!! (just for PLUS users)
⭐ Scales are more handy
▫ maintain your favorite list of scales (PLUS)
▫ comfortable search in the huge scale list
✅ Refinement in espanol translation by Fernando Zamora. Many thanks for his support!!!
✅ Bug fix: e.g. Chord name of grip favorite was just partly visible
✅ Minor changes
smartChord V3.2 – 2015-08-30
⭐ Scale patterns and fingerings: smartChord PLUS will show you based on pattern including fingering how and where a scale is best to play. For each pattern you can display the corresponding fingering.
✔ Many fixes (thanks to Wouter ten Böhmer for his great support to reproduce a bug)
✅ Minor changes
smartChord V3.1 – 2015-08-02
⭐ New dedicated screen to create chord progressions (PLUS feature)
⭐ New feature to backup and restore your data (PLUS feature)
⭐ New shop dialog to enhance smartChord by the new smartChord PLUS products in addition to the PLUS subscription:
▫ smartChord PLUS Chord (grip favorites, unlimited tunings, chord progressions, backup and restore)
▫ smartChord PLUS Metronome (save unlimited excercises, backup and restore)
▫ smartChord PLUS Tone Generator (save unlimited frequency sets, backup and restore)
In the last weeks smartChord has been enhanced with tips to help users, especially the new ones, finding their way a little bit easier. Like before these tips have been translated into Russian with great commitment by
Ekaterina Ageeva (Екатерина Агеева). to be available for all users. At this point we would like to thank Katya. She has done a great job.
✅ Chord type 6sus2 added
✅ Bugfixes and minor changes
smartChord V3.0 – 2015-07-02
- New tuning handling! Now you can …
- maintain your favorite list of tunings
- create and store more than one custom tuning
- change the tuning a whole or half step up and down at once
The following features are available with smartChord PLUS in exchange for a small service charge:
- Specify more than 2 tunings (predefined and customized-tunings)
- Retain and assemble favorite fingerings for every tuning
- Save chord progressions – of famous compositions and your own music
- Apply metronome settings for different songs and exercises
- Store different frequency sets in the tone generator
In the last weeks smartChord has been enchanced with tips to help users, especially the new ones, finding their way a little bit easier. Like before these tips have been translated into Italian, Portuguese and Spanish with great commitment by
Rodrigo Vilas Boas to be available for all users. At this point we would like to thank all our translators for their work, they have done a great job.
- Control wheels are better readable on custom tuning screen
- ‘Sound settings’ -> ‘Interval’ works again
- Many minor changes (e.g. improved sorting of fingerings (also considering favorites))
- Many minor fixes (thanks to Chris Pettus for his great description to reproduce a bug)
smartChord V2.19 – 2015-05-23
- smartChord now also in Portuguese!!!
In this context we are very, very much obliged to the persons who did truly great work (estamos muito, muito grato às pessoas que fizeram verdadeiramente grande trabalho):
Translation was done by (tradução)
Rodrigo Vilas Boas.
Alcimar Bueno
Rogênio Lima Belém
Applause for their excellent work (Aplausos pelo seu excelente trabalho)!!!
smartChord V2.18.1 – 2015-04-05
- Tips
- New: Screen-specific-tips for hidden or not obvious features and FAQs
- See the tips also on the ‘info’ screen
- The tips are now also part on each help screen
- Tuner workaround for the bug in Android 5.x.x
- Circle of Fifth
- Option for simplified note names (means F instead of E#)
- Correct ordering of the signs
- Bugfixes
smartChord V2.18 – 2015-02-16
- smartChord now also in Russian!!!
In this context we are very, very much obliged to the persons who did truly great work (Мы хотим поблагодарить тех, кто выполнил перевод smartChord на русский):
Translation was done by (Перевела)
Ekaterina Ageeva (Екатерина Агеева).
Proofreading was done by (Редактор)
Alexey Ignatyev (Алексей Игнатьев)
Applause for their excellent work (Благодарим их за отличную работу)!!!
- Maximize volume for metronome:
There are device specific differences in the sound generation. Optimize the volume for your device.
General settings -> Sound settings -> Optimize volume - Now it’s possible to move smartChord to SD card
- Minor changes
smartChord V2.17 – 2015-01-30
- smartChord now also in Spanish!!!
In this context we are very, very much obliged to the persons who did truly great work:
Translation was done by
Proofreading was done by
Shubert Silva from Montevideo
Applause for their excellent work!!!
- Metronome is now much louder on those devices, that had problems in the past!!!
- Ear training -> Settings -> Choose sound
- Possibility to test the sound of the chosen instrument in every octave, as not every instrument sounds well over the complete octave range
- Bugfix: Instruments sounded really bad (as wrong octave was default)
- New Mandolin tuning
- Minor changes and bugfixes
smartChord V2.16.2 – 2015-01-19
- Inadvertently added permission removed again. Thanks for the feedback!
smartChord V2.16.1 – 2015-01-17
- Reduced jitter in metronome. Significant improvement on devices which have jitter problems in the past!!!
- Tonegenerator with different wave form: Sine, square, triangle, sawtooth
- Changed behavior of the back button on some screens: E.g. if you are in the ‘edit’ mode of the playground, back brings you back to the ‘play’ mode.
- Workaround in tuner for bug in Android 5.0, 5.0.1 and 5.0.2
- Minor changes
- Bug fixes
smartChord V2.16 – 2014-12-13
- smartChord now also in Italian!!!
In this context we are very, very much obliged to the persons who did truly great work:
Translation was done by
Proofreading was done by
Marco Santanchè
Applause for their excellent work!!!
- Tuner workaround also for the bug in Android 5.0.1
- Pitchpipe: start/stop the tones on touching the tuner
smartChord V2.15.3 – 2014-12-05
- Tuner activated again !!!
We made a workaround for the bug in Android 5.0 (Lollipop). As this bug should be fixed in Android 5.0.1 (coming up the next days), we must not use this workaround for 5.0.1. Please let us know, if there are problems with Android 5.0.1 again. - No asking for donation anymore
smartChord V2.15.2 – 2014-11-30
- Tuner deactivated for Android 5.0 (Lollipop) as there is an Android bug!
smartChord V2.15.1 – 2014-11-24
- Workaround in Tuner for bug in Android 5.0 (Lollipop)
smartChord V2.15 – 2014-11-16
- New general setting “Bright style”. In this style, some of the graphical elements are shown in a brighter color with the intention, that they are more visible.
- Metronome with two new features:
- Run the metronome in the background
- Dim the screen when the metronome is running and save battery power of your smartphone
- Menu item “Error report” on every screen (except Home screen). Use it for reporting screen specific remarks or errors.
- Fixed: Screen orientation follows settings of the system
- Fixed: Some features that were faded out from the Home screen appeared again after a restart of smartChord
- Minor changes and fixes
smartChord V2.14.6 – 2014-10-08
- Bugfixes
- Minor changes
smartChord V2.14.5 – 2014-09-22
- No more dialogs asking for support when “smartChord Donate” is installed. Also the icons “Donate”, “Rate” and “Recommend” are removed from the home screen. Please let this tiny app installed! There will be more benefit in the future 😉
- General setting to change the language of the app, also independend from the language of the system
- Minor changes and fixes
smartChord V2.14.4 – 2014-09-13
- Bugfix
smartChord V2.14.3 – 2014-09-13
- Range control now supports dragging and pulling the range in both directions.
- Arpeggio:
- Different fretboard information: notes, relative notes, intervals (P1, m2, M2, m3, M3, P4…)
- Scales:
- Root note is always highlighted (option has been removed)
- Different fretboard information: notes, relative notes, intervals
- Intervals as new chord diagramm info. Please note: Your setting could have been changed!!!
- Circle of fifths:
- now with designators in legend
- vibration removed
- New mandolin tunings
- Chords made consistent: b4, b5
- Timer plays sound/song again
smartChord V2.14.2 – 2014-08-15
- Metronome: now the metronome can be stopped by timer
- Scales and Arpeggio: on large displays screens are freed from landscape mode
- Scales: New setting to hide the minimized fretboard below the scales. (It’s useful on small displays)
- Minor changes (some dialogs instead of full screens, layout optimizations)
- Fixes:
- Ear Training “All types of chords”: Selection of chords
- Scales: Drawing the staff
- Note names, when setting the frequency of the tone generator by “note name”
- Ear training statistic easier to read
- Minor fixes
smartChord V2.14.1 – 2014-07-30
- New feature released: Circle of fifths
- New choice: Tap on a chord to hear it or tap on it to see the chord details
- Optimized layout in landscape mode
- Change between treble clef and bass clef.
- Fixes
- New sound settings for chords. Define the duration and interval how chords are played in smartChord.
These settings take effect on the different chord screens and diagramms, the ear training and the circle of fifth. - Scales: Switch between treble clef and bass clef (settings)
- Set the frequency of the tone generator by note name
- Minor changes
smartChord V2.14 – 2014-06-29
- New feature: Circle of fifths in experimental stage
- Scales for all possible key notations
- Minor changes
smartChord V2.13.3 – 2014-06-16
- Adjustments for the Amazon Marketplace
- Possibility to show all frets in scales and arpeggio
- Menu items to collapse and expand all settings categories at once
- Bugfixes
smartChord V2.13.2 – 2014-05-24
- Progress dialog for long running tasks like chord calculation for 8-string guitar
- General setting of “Tone names” is now stored and restored when smartChord is restarted
- Fixed: Play sound file in Timer. Additional permission WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE needed
- Minor fixes
- More tunings
smartChord V2.13.1 – 2014-04-26
- Bugfix in Scales: Corrected position in staff. It showed Cb instead Db
- Minor changes
- More tunings
- Many thanks to William Powell for his very valuable and comprehensive feedback on chord theory!!!
smartChord V2.13 – 2014-04-04
- New feature: Arpeggio. It shows how the notes of a chords are spread on the fretboard
- Fade in and fade out the features on the home screen
- Multitouch now supported: in chord diagrams, arpeggio, playground and scales
- Leave the app with the ‘back’ button
- “Chord name” feature: Plays the chord, you have entered (optionally; see the settings)
- Minor changes and fixes
- More tunings
smartChord V2.12.1 – 2014-03-10
- Bugfix
- More tunings
smartChord V2.12 – 2014-03-09
- Handling of skeleton chords:
This means, that smartChord now shows chords without ‘optional’ notes in chord like the fifth in a C7.
On the chord screen, these ommited notes are shown in red. The “chord name” feature does now also recognize chords, if ‘optional’ notes are missing. - ‘Chord name’ feature, also known as reverse chords finder, is now released
- Enhanced for handling of ‘optional’ notes
- Enhancement to play the entered chord (general setting ‘sound’)
- Tapping on the guitar head leads now everywhere to the screen to choose the instrument, tapping on the tuning leads everywhere to the screen to choose the tuning
- More tunings
- Fixes
smartChord V2.11 – 2014-02-24
- In the chord diagrams alternatively to the notes and fingerings the relative note names can be shown
- The general settings are extended with the option to change between differend tones names: C-C#-D-D#-E-F-F#-G-G#-A-A#-B, C-C#-D-Eb-E-F-F#-G-Ab-A-Bb-B or C-Db-D-Eb-E-F-Gb-G-Ab-A-Bb-B
- Scales offer the option to choose between all keys: C-C#-Db-D-D#-Eb-E-F-F#-Gb-G-G#-Ab-A-A#-Bb-B
- Minor changes and fixes
- More tunings
smartChord V2.10.1 – 2014-02-18
- Fixed: Home screen unreadable with Android display settings ‘Font size’ = ‘Large’ or ‘Huge’
smartChord V2.10 – 2014-02-15
- Calculates fingerings and shows them alternatively to the note names in the chord diagrams
- Fixed: correct column size in creation of the chord overview screen
- Minor changes
- More tunings
smartChord V2.9 – 2014-01-31
- New comfortable way to define your chord favorites (reachable by settings and menu)
- Adjust your settings much smoother by dialogs
- Ear training: restore last mode
- Chord ▲ added, chords dim9, dim11 and dim13 corrected
- Capo option in instrument settings
- New icon for electric guitar
- New icon for pitch pipe, previous icon ‘guitar head’ is reserved for tuning
- Other minor changes
- More tunings
smartChord V2.8.5 – 2013-12-30
- Possibility to change the size of the chart diagramms in the chord overview screen
- Chart diagramms optimized: (e.g. bigger text, more contrast)
- Optimized layout for the home screen, thus the additional text for the icons appears also on smaller displays
- Grid views with higher rows for better usability
- Fix: Playground isn’t initialized correctly, after adding a chord
- Tuning is now hidden on small displays (portrait) for more space
- Start from home screen now clears all previously opened smartChord screens
- Minor changes (e.g. change of the “filter” icon by “mode” icon)
- More tunings
smartChord V2.8.4 – 2013-12-17
- Duplicate chord diagrams eleminated
- Reset button in “chord name” fixed
- Minor changes
smartChord V2.8.3 – 2013-12-15
- Chord algorithm enhanced, thus even more chords are determined
- Fixed: Change of scale and key by button again
- Fix in “chord name”
smartChord V2.8.2 – 2013-12-11
- Bugfixes
smartChord V2.8.1 – 2013-12-10
- Bugfixes
smartChord V2.8 – 2013-12-08
- New feature: Chord name, also known as reverse chords finder.
This feature finds out, if a chosen grip corresponds with a certain chord - Unification of chord names. Some are now removed with one name,
but if not already there, added with the unified name - All ‘min’ chords are replaced by ‘m’ (e.g. Cmin removed, as Cm was already there)
- All ‘j’ chords are replaced by ‘maj’ (e.g. Cj7 removed, as Cmaj7 was already there)
- Now option notes are separated by ‘/’ (e.g. Cm7b5 removed, but Cm7/b5 added)
- Minor changes
- More tunings
smartChord V2.7.5 – 2013-11-16
- Playground release
- Option for duration of the sustain
- Animation fixed
- Tuner prevents now dimming the screen
- More tunings
smartChord V2.7.4 – 2013-11-10
- 5 string banjo as separate instrument
- Fix in playground for some devices
- Chord diagramm optimized
- Transposing slide ruler spacing optimized
smartChord V2.7.3 – 2013-10-21
- New chord types
- Playground
- Button bar moved to the right
- Fixes (e.g. vibrate option)
smartChord V2.7.2 – 2013-10-14
- Playground
- Option: played strings are highlighted
- Option: vibration, when strings are played
- Scale Lydian #5 fixed
- Chords m6 and m(maj7) fixed
- More tunings
smartChord V2.7.1 – 2013-10-08
- New home screen
- Fixes in playground
smartChord V2.7 – 2013-10-03
- New feature: Playground
Use the ‘playground’ to play, hear and compare different chords and fingerings.
It’s something like a virtual instrument. But we call it ‘playground’,
as the MIDI sound of a phone is normally not really authentic. - Strum chord diagramms
- Ear training screen with different screen order. Now there is a ‘mode’ button to switch between the different ear training modes.
- Scales: Whole space is used for the fretboard
- Minor fixes and improvements
- More tunings
smartChord V2.6.1 – 2013-09-09
- Bug fix
smartChord V2.6 – 2013-09-08
- New chord options
- Show just barré chords
- Suppress chords with open strings
- ‘Choose chord’ screen:
- New entry field to filter chord types
- Metronome now with speed trainer
- More tunings
- New time signature
- Minor fixes
smartChord V2.5.1 – 2013-08-09
- Metronome
- Option, so that just the first beat is accented for 4/4 time signature
- Selected time signature visible on button
- Transposer shows the position of the capo
- More tunings
- Fixed: fixed tuning “1/2 step down”
smartChord V2.5 – 2013-07-27
- New Instruments
- Synthesizer guitar with more than 100 different sounds
- Mountain dulcimer
- Cigar box guitar
- Major Fix: Some sounds were named wrong
- Improved sound selection screen (sound can be heard before selected)
- Scales
- Keep screen on option
- New scales
- New 5-string banjo tunings
smartChord V2.4.1 – 2013-07-13
Ear training
- New mode ‘diatonic function’
- Select an allowed range of octaves
Metronome - Shows tempo markings
- Optimized layout for smaller displays
- Fix for toggle button on Nexus 7
Transposition slide ruler animation
smartChord V2.4 – 2013-06-30
- New feature: Transposition slide ruler
- Metronome
- Fixes: Version 2.3 introduced problems in tone generation and precision on some devices
- Optimized layout for small displays
- Time signature 12/8 added
- Fixed scale “Locrian b4 bb7”
smartChord V2.3.1 – 2013-06-17
- Fix
smartChord V2.3 – 2013-06-14
- Improved Metronome:
- New percussion instruments
- Advanced and versatile sound choice
- Turn off sound
- Option for vibration
- More scales
- More tunings
- Minor improvements
smartChord V2.2.1 – 2013-05-26
- Fixes (e.g. Bouzouki setting fixed)
- More scales
- More tunings
smartChord V2.2 – 2013-05-20
- Possibility to limit the chords to a range of the fretboard
- Scales show bass clef if instrument is bass
- Selected fingering synchronized in galleries and overview
- More scales
- More tunings
- Minor improvements and a fix
smartChord V2.1.1 – 2013-05-12
- Stores the frequency history of the tone generators
- More scales
- Minor fixes and improvements
- More tunings
smartChord V2.1 – 2013-04-26
- New feature: Scales !!!
- Fix: Since the last version, every tuning was one octave too high
- Tone generator now with two frational digits
- Reset custom tuning to standard tuning
- Possibility to change tuning in every view by a simple tap
- Collapseable and expandable settings also by tap on title and icon
- Minor fixes (e.g. corrected tuning view in pitch pipe)
- Minor improvements
- More tunings
smartChord V2.0.3 – 2013-03-29
- Tone generator:
- Shows also nearest note and its frequency
- Remove frequencies from history
- Collapseable and expandable settings for more clarity
- More tunings
- Minor changes
smartChord V2.0.2 – 2013-03-15
- Tuner:
- Shows reference frequency for concert pitch A4
- Possibility to change the reference frequency for concert pitch A4
- Microphone volume visualized
- More tunings
- Miner improvements
- Fixes: e.g. define custom tuning for classical guitar
smartChord V2.0.1 – 2013-02-27
- Layout optimization especially for large displays: chord, tuner and pitch pipe screens
- Bigger chord diagramms in chord “gallery” and chord overview screen
- More tunings
- Tuner: two decimal digits for lower frequencies
- Fix: Restore custom tuning on startup
smartChord V2.0 – 2013-02-17
- Chromatic tuner (experimental state)
- supports all of the instruments and tunings
- recognizes the played note inclusive its octave,
- indicates by the color of the tuners, if the pitch is met
- shows the real audio signal of the microphone
- More tunings
smartChord V1.14 – 2013-02-11
- More than 70 additional chord types
- Pitch pipe improvements
- Continuous tone
- Automatic orientation
- Tap on head to change tuning
- Minor improvements (e.g. show tuning on chord screen)
smartChord V1.13.1 – 2013-01-21
- Fix: Metronome crashed in some case, when change tempo
smartChord V1.13 – 2013-01-19
- Support for capo !!!
- Complete storing of the settings
- Hide and show hints for more space on the screens
- Optimized sort algorithm
- More tunings
- Tuning for Mandola corrected
- Some minor improvements
smartChord V1.12 – 2013-01-08
- More than 120 new predefined tunings, also for 5 string, 7 string and 8 string guitar
- Fix: Keeps current instrument again
smartChord V1.11 – 2013-01-06
- Support for instruments with shortened strings (e.g. 5-String Banjo)
- More than 20 predefined Banjo tunings
- Some other predefined tunings like “Iris”
- A lot of minor improvements
smartChord V1.10.1 – 2012-12-21
- Different training modes for ear training (part of settings)
- Optimized and more smooth tone generation
- Minor changes in layout
- Bugfix: Out of memory error
smartChord V1.10 – 2012-12-16
- Ear Training now also for chords
- Train the major chords
- Train the minor chords
- Train all types of chords
smartChord V1.9.3 – 2012-11-23
- Flashlight is back again: as own app
- New predefined tunings
smartChord V1.9.2 – 2012-11-16
- Flashlight removed because of permission for camera
- Small fix in tone generator
smartChord V1.9.1 – 2012-11-09
- Option to prevent the auto-rotation of the screen
- New predefined tunings
- Minor changes
smartChord V1.9 – 2012-10-28
- Tone generator from 0.1 to 19,999.9 Hz
- New predefined tunings
- Minor changes
smartChord V1.8.3 – 2012-10-21
- Minor changes
smartChord V1.8.2 – 2012-10-20
- Metronome: More than 30 new time signatures or variants
- New tuning: “Drop D half step down”
smartChord V1.8.1 – 2012-10-13
- Bugfix
smartChord V1.8 – 2012-10-12
- New instruments: Balalaika, Bouzouki, Mandocello, Classic Guitar
smartChord V1.7.3 – 2012-10-05
- 12 new predefined tunings
- Minor changes
smartChord V1.7.2 – 2012-10-01
- New predefined tunings: “Cuatro Venezolano” and “Drop Db”
- Minor changes
- Timer bug fixed
smartChord V1.7.1 – 2012-09-09
- Bugfix
smartChord V1.7 – 2012-09-07
- New feature: Pitch pipe for every instrument and tuning
- Separate settings item to define the custom tuning
- Choose between scientific and Helmholtz octave notation (scientific is now standard).
- Metronome now with tap tempo
- Minor improvements and bugfixes
smartChord V1.6.2 – 2012-08-25
- Bugfixes
smartChord V1.6.1 – 2012-08-24
- Bugfixes
smartChord V1.6 – 2012-08-16
- New supported instruments: cavaquinho and mandolin
- Predefined cavaquinho tunings: ‘Standard’, ‘Guitar’, ‘Mandolin’, ‘Portuguese’ and ‘Soprano’
- Predefined mandolin tunings: ‘Standard’, ‘Baroque’, ‘Florentine’, ‘Genovese’, ‘Liuto’, ‘Mandola’, ‘Mandoloncello’, ‘Padovano’, ‘Piccolo’
- Minor improvements
smartChord V1.5 – 2012-08-07
- Possibility to define an individual custom tuning for each instrument
smartChord V1.4.2 – 2012-07-23
- 65 predefined guitar tunings
- predefined tunings for ukulele and bass
smartChord V1.4.1 – 2012-07-13
- Minor improvements
- Some new icons
- Bugfixes
smartChord V1.4 – 2012-07-08
- Redesign of settings. Some of the improvements:
- The choosen setting is seen immediately in the settings screen
- No limitation of the text size anymore
- Instrument choice is also part of settings and everywhere available
- Lot of minor improvements
- Bugfixes: e.g. missing VIBRATE permission for newer Android versions (4.x)
smartChord V1.3.2 – 2012-06-22
- Prevent sleep mode in metronome
- Chord algorithm optimization
smartChord V1.3.1 – 2012-06-20
- Bugfixes
smartChord V1.3 – 2012-06-19
- Ear training:
- New screen to recognize tones by name
- New screen with the statistics of your ear training
- Some new icons
- Minor changes
- Minor bugfixes
smartChord V1.2 – 2012-06-03
- New screen to choose instrument
- Predefined settings für different skill levels: basic, advanced, expert
- More intuitive add and remove to favorites
- Minor changes
smartChord V1.1 – 2012-05-20
- New ‘chord overview screen’
gives you an overview of the different ways to play a chord. - Chord screen
A fingertipp on the ‘position reagion’ opens the screen ‘choose chord’ screen. - Metronome screen
A fingertipp on the ‘metronome region’ starts or stops the metronome. - Some minor changes
Bugs: - Flashlight works also for Nexus S
- Minor bugfixes
smartChord V1.0 – 2012-05-13
- Initial version released