⭐⭐⭐ World first: Song analyzer ⭐⭐⭐
⭐ New ‘Song analyzer’ detects the chord progressions and keys of any song
⭐ Write your songs based on the chord progressions of successful songs
❗❗ It is a pre-release version that is limited to subscribers and UNLIMITED customers for the time being
▫ It analyzes the songs in your songbook or any other song found by the internet search
▫ It shows the set of chords and the key of a song
▫ It shows the chord progressions and also their keys
▫ It lets you create your chord progressions based on the ones detected

✔ Backup: Option to additionally store the backup in the cloud
✔ Choose chord: Allows to enter the complete chord name including slash chords
✔ General settings ‘Names’: New option to hide or show the octaves for the notes in the tuning (E-A-D-G-B-E or E2-A2-D3-G3-B3-E4)
✔ Table of contents: Pre assignment of the category dialog with the values of the selected items
✔ Set list: A changed duration of a break is deposited in the set list
✔ Songbook: internet search optimized
? Workaround for an Android bug: Popup menus do not appear for the first items in some lists e.g. in the Key Identifier
✔ A lot of other minor improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Chris Drexler, David Carv, Luiz Marcos, Martin P. Daniels and Scott Noroozi for their contribution to this version