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Play a game

Once you’ve created a quiz, you can play it repeatedly in multiple games, as often as you like.

When the game starts, it begins automatically with the first question. The interval, note, chord, degree, or scale is played, and your task is to identify it and provide your answer using the list of possible answers, the piano, or the fretboard.

Each question is followed immediately by the next until the game ends. A game concludes after the specified time or number of questions, but you can also end it early if needed.

During a game, you’ll always see the current status, including:

  • The elapsed time for the current question.
  • The correct answer after you’ve submitted your response.
  • The total number of correctly answered questions and the total questions so far.
  • The remaining time or the remaining number of questions.

If you want to hear the interval, note, chord, degree, or scale again, you can click on the loudspeaker icon to replay it.

If you’re unsure of the answer, you can use the ‘Cheat’ button to reveal the correct answer. However, keep in mind that the number of cheats used will be recorded in the statistics.

The ‘Info’ button allows you to show the quiz settings at any time.

At the end of the game, detailed statistics are provided, showing your training progress and highlighting areas where you can improve.

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