< All Topics Main General Recent articles Print Recent articles Recently created articlesSongbook data maintenanceFAQData maintenanceAuto-scroll songs, images and PDFsHow to useOverviewPresent your songs to your audienceLearn triadsTriadsNote circleHow to useTriads explainedTransposerShopTimerTap BPMMIDI testFlashlightOverviewHow to useOverviewToolbarRecent articlesSongbook for singersGetting started with smartChord Recently modified articlesCreate and edit a set listPiano integrationChord NameSong text formatOverviewAppearanceSynchronizeBackup and restoreSongbook for singersEdit songsPrint songsImport songsSettingsSongbook data maintenanceSave and organizeData maintenanceUser interfaceChords - building blocks of musicFAQSet list link - connect bandmatesCAGED systemCustom chordsAuto-scroll songs, images and PDFsTipsHow to use