⭐ Songbook now with an integrated Drum Machine
▫ Integrated drum machine to play the drum patterns for the musical accompaniment
▫ Minimized drum pattern view
▫ Individual drum pattern and BPM for each song
▫ New button to switch between the four possible players:
◾ Audio player
◾ Drum machine player
◾ Metronome
◾ YouTube player
▫ You can use the players also if they are hidden
▫ Option to select the player automatically
▫ Extended menu to add, change or remove a drum pattern
❗ The Metronome is now one of the players and can be controlled as the other ones
⭐ Drum machine
▫ Run the Drum Machine in the background to have it in other smartChord features or apps
✅ A lot of other changes and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Dean Eisen, Rick Johnson, Tim Schäfer and Winfried Schneider for their contribution to this version.