✅ Online song editor, importer, viewer:
▫ Chrome is supported again
▫ HTTPS support: To secure internet connections and protect sensitive data, we have switched our online tools to HTTPS. This has also slightly changed the addresses
❗❗ They now start with https. E.g. https://www.smartchord.de/song/ ❗❗
✅ Set list
▫ Export: Links in the table of contents to jump directly to the song
▫ Optimized performance on large set lists
? File access on some device
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to André Messerschmidt, Carsten Bleisch, Emory Keller, Gianluca Banchetti, Marc van Westerlaak, Reinhard Miottke, Robert Dampier, Roy Young, Sean Hartigan, and Lino Velletri for their contribution to this version