User interface design

Handle blocks

Use the ⁝ menu button to the right of the block’s name to add, delete or move blocks.
The menu allows you to call the key identifier to get the key for the block’s chords. You can also use the menu to copy and paste blocks.
Tap on the block’s name to change it.
Handle chord lines

Use the ⁝ menu button to the right of the chords line to add, delete or move lines within the block.
The menu allows you to call the key identifier to get the key for the line’s chords. You can also use the menu to copy and paste lines.
“Add chord progression” will open the Song Analyzer to analyze the songs in your songbook or any other song from the greatest internet song catalogs. The Song Analyzer recognizes the chord progressions and keys of each song. You can simply take these chord progressions into your song and use them as inspiration and a basis for further refinement.
Floating toolbar to edit a chord line

You need to activate the ‘edit mode’ with the toggle button in the toolbar at the bottom. Then you can select a chord or rest to get a floating toolbar to modify your song structure. When we speak of chords in the following, we always mean the rests as well. The toolbar offers you buttons to add, replace, copy, delete or move your chords.

Some buttons like the ‘replace’ button offer multiple possibilities:
- Replace with the selected chord from the chord selection area
- Replace with a chord you can enter by a chord name input dialog
- Replace with the chord copied before
- Replace with rest
Duration dialog

You can add tension and rhythmic interest or emphasize certain lyrics by changing chords within a bar. Use the ‘split’ button to get the same chord twice in a bar. Then you can replace one of them with another chord.
If you have selected one of the multiple chords in a bar, the floating toolbar offers also a ‘duration’ button. A dialog appears to change the duration of the chords in the bar. Click between the chords and drag to change their duration.
Play with the chords and the song structure without being afraid. The toolbar offers two buttons to undo and redo your changes.
Edit your song textually
Besides the possibility to arrange a song using the Song Writers user interface, you can write and arrange a song completely textually.