smartChord V7.17

  • Post category:smartChord

⭐Songbook with extended MIDI support

✅ Select a song by a MIDI device
▫ Songbook switches your songs on MIDI commands SongSelect
▫ New directive to define the song number {x_sccrd_midiSongSelect:<number>}

✅ Control a MIDI device from the Songbook
▫ New directives to add MIDI commands which are sent to a MIDI receiver when
◾ opening a song: {x_sccrd_midiOpen:<midiCommand1>, <midiCommand2>, …}
◾ closing a song: {x_sccrd_midiClose:<midiCommand1>, <midiCommand2>, …}
▫ New setting to define the MIDI receiver

✅ New ‘MIDI’ setting category, which embraces the MIDI settings valid for the ‘Songbook’ and ‘Set list’
▫ MIDI device which sends events to control the ‘Songbook’ and ‘Set list’
▫ Mapping between the MIDI events and the actions to control the ‘Songbook’ and ‘Set list’
▫ MIDI device which receives commands from the ‘Songbook’
▫ New option to deactivate MIDI connections

✅ New simple ‘MIDI test’ tool. It shows the MIDI messages received from a MIDI device or allows to send messages to a MIDI device

✅ Songbook editor supports new midi directives

✅ New documentation for the MIDI support

✅ Share your chord progressions with friends, other musicians or students
▶ There is a video about sharing:

✅ Auto completion from history
▫ Song internet search
▫ YouTube video search

✅ Undo and redo in the editor for songs and notes

✅ Scale name fix: Change of tuning didn’t update the fretboard

✅ Other minor changes and fixes

Online song editor update (V1.6) with support for midi directives

❀ Special thanks to Antonio Guerra, Con Tastsidis, Guillaume Rodriguez, Jorgo De Groof and Thomas Karstens for their contribution to this version