Windows and Mac (iOS) version

There is no smartChord version for PC. But you can run Android and thus smartChord on a PC. Please have a look at this page:

Windows 11 supports Android apps, but you’re limited to using the Amazon Appstore. But with a little work, it’s possible to get the Google Play Store up and running on your Windows 11 PC.

With the Google Play Store running, you should be able to use smartChord with all your purchased features.

Please see this page for instructions:

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‘Song’ sync does ignore categories and favorites

The ‘Song’ sync does ignore categories, as it is foreseen to sync songs with band mates and every band mate can have other categories. If we would add all categories of all other users, you would have probably too many of them. The other problem is the content of the categories. How could you get the items of new categories? There is just the selected item in the song. And what should happen if your band mate does have the same category, but more or other entries in his categories? Because of these unsolved questions, we decided to ignore categories in the ‘Song’ sync.

Imagine an “I can play this song” category. If we would sync the categories, your band mate would get it tagged “I can play this song”, even if he can’t play the song.

The same applies to favorites. Would you expect that your songs are tagged as favorite, just because your band mate loves this song? Favorites are in our opinion also personal settings and not meant to be shared.

The ‘smartChord’ sync is foreseen to sync the own devices and it also syncs the categories and favorites:

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Changing instrument and tuning

When you change the instrument or the tuning in the settings, it affects all the features like chords, scales, arpeggio, tuner or circle of fifths. But it does not affect all features. Some features like the songbook, chord progression or the fretboard trainer do store the tuning when the item is created. This means that you have the same tuning with the same chords and fingerings in a song, every time you open it. But you can change the tuning/instrument for a song or chord progression in the menu. Then the fingerings are changed too and the new tuning is stored in the item.
The fretboard trainer is different. You cannot change the tuning/instrument of a quiz. If you want to learn a new tuning/instrument, you have to create a new quiz.

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How do I work with the transposer?

Assume, that you have a song in ‘C’ and you need it two semitones higher:
– Move the lower ruler ‘C’ direct under the ‘C’ of the upper ruler
– Move the lower ruler two semitones to the left: Result is ‘D’
– Look at your song and replace the note of every chord by the note of the lower ruler direct below.
– If there is a Fm in your song, replace it by Gm

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Edit songs

There are three ways to edit the songs of your songbook:

  1. Edit your songs directly on your device. No need to be online. There is a video that shows you how:
  2. Edit the songs comfortably in the browser of your computer. There is another video that shows you how:
  3. Synchronize your songs with your cloud. Edit them in your cloud and start the synchronization again
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Why is the songbook empty?

The songbook is empty because of license issues and the question: which songs should the songbook contain! Everybody would expect different songs. The solution is the internet. There are excellent resources. smartChord finds your songs out there.

Just use ‘Folder’ menu -> ‘New’ -> ‘Internet search’.

You can also google for a tab file collection and import them. Please see also our video for the import:

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Transposed song is not changed

When transposing, the original song (-text) is not changed, only the chords are transposed and the transposed chords are displayed. However, a ‘transpose’ directive (e.g. {x_sccrd_tr:2}) is added to the song text. So if you look at song in the editor or the smartChord Online Editor, you will see the song in its original key but with the ‘transpose’ directive. If you open the song with smartChord, it will appear transposed.

But there is a possibility to leave the song in transposed version and save it as it is visible. For a transposed song there is a menu item ‘Transpose -> Keep transposed’. It replaces the original text by the transposed text.

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