Can I backup and restore smartChords data?

smartChord does make backups automatically on the backup folder /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/de.smartchord.droid/files/backup. The folder ‘0’ can differ on each device. You can also create backups manually anytime in the ‘Backup’ feature. There you can also restore any backup. You can reach the ‘Backup’ feature by the menu on the ‘Home’ screen. You can use the ‘Share’ functionality in the ‘Backup’ feature to send a backup to a save place or to another device where you can restore it.

You can restore the state of one device to another with the following steps:

1. Go to the smartChord home screen of your old device.

2. Go the ‘Backup’ feature (by navigation menu in the left upper corner).

3. Create a new backup.

4. Send the backup file from the ‘Backup’ screen with the share
button to your new device.
Alternatively you can use an explorer and send the backup from the backup directory to the new device:

5. Copy the backup file on the new device to the following directory:

6. Go to the ‘Backup’ feature on the new device

7. Select the backup from the old device

8. Tap on the ‘Restore’ button to restore the backup

Category: General questions