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smartChord uses your cloud to back up your content, sync it between your devices, or sync the songs and set lists with your friends and band members. GoogleDrive and Dropbox are supported.

Cloud access

1. Select cloud and log in

The first time you use a tool that requires cloud access, the cloud tool will open automatically. Here you can choose between GoogleDrive and Dropbox.

After selecting, you must log in to the selected cloud using the Login button. Depending on the provider, you will either be asked for your username and password or asked to log in using an existing account.

When you log in for the first time, you will be asked for permission for smartChord to access your data. Only with your consent can smartChord access the cloud and use it for file sharing.

After successful login, the Login button changes to a Logout button. You can use this to revoke smartChord’s access to your cloud at any time.

2. Prepare the cloud for use

To use your cloud with smartChord, some preparation steps are required. GoogleDrive and Dropbox have different policies regarding third-party access, so preparation varies depending on the cloud provider.

2.1 Dropbox

In order for smartChord to access Dropbox files and save new files, a directory must be specified. Since Dropbox allows apps to read existing directories as well as create new ones, you don’t need to set anything up. However, we recommend creating a directory called ‘smartChord’. To make organization easier, we recommend the following subdirectories:

  • ‘backup’: for backing up your smartChord data
  • ‘setlists’: for sharing set lists
  • ‘songs’: for sharing songs
  • ‘sync’: for synchronizing the contents of your devices

You can create these directories either via the Dropbox web interface or directly with the smartChord File Explorer. You can access the File Explorer in the cloud tool via the Cloud button.

2.2 GoogleDrive (for new users)

In order for smartChord to access files in GoogleDrive and save new files, a special directory must be specified. Since GoogleDrive only grants apps access to directories they have created in the app itself, you must create the directory using the smartChord File Explorer. You can access the File Explorer via the Cloud button in the cloud tool. However, we recommend creating a directory called ‘smartChord’. To make organization easier, we recommend the following subdirectories:

  • ‘backup’: for backing up your smartChord data
  • ‘setlists’: for sharing set lists
  • ‘songs’: for sharing songs
  • ‘sync’: for synchronizing the contents of your devices

2.3 GoogleDrive (for existing users)

Google has strengthened its data protection measures and significantly restricted third-party access to Google Drive. Some smartChord users are already affected and have been blocked. As a result, we had to re-implement the way smartChord accesses Google Drive. The old access method will no longer work in the future, so all users must switch to the new method.

To continue using Google Drive, you’ll need to activate the new access method and prepare your Google Drive accordingly. While this requires some effort, it is unavoidable. The good news is that the new method is significantly faster, requires no special permissions, offers improved data protection, and no longer requires logging in via a browser.

PLEASE NOTE that the new GoogleDrive interface has restricted access to your cloud. It can only see folders that are created using smartChord. This means it is not possible to use the folders you previously used with smartChord. We recommend the following procedure:

  1. Log in to the GoogleDrive web interface here and rename your old ‘smartChord’ folder to ‘smartChordOld’
  2. Go to the smartChord home screen
  3. Open the settings and navigate to General Settings -> Cloud and click on it
  4. The Cloud tool will appear. Activate the option New Google Drive Access
  5. Press the Login button to sign in to GoogleDrive using the new method as described in Select cloud and log in
  6. Create the new folders in GoogleDrive using smartChord, as outlined in GoogleDrive (for new users). Please note that you CANNOT copy the old folders into the new ones, as the app does NOT have access to pre-existing folders
  7. Use the GoogleDrive web interface to move your existing files from the old folders to the newly created folders. Unlike folders, the app can access existing files


If you have trouble to login to your account, please revoke permissions for smartChord in Google Drive and try again to login.

How to revoke permissions for smartChord in Google Drive:

  1. Go to Google Account Security Settings:
  2. Navigate to Security Settings:
    • In the left sidebar, click Security.
  3. Manage Third-Party Access:
    • Scroll down to the Third-party apps with account access section.
    • Click Manage third-party access to view a list of all the apps and services that have access to your Google account.
  4. Find the App and Remove Access:
    • Locate the app you want to remove in the list.
    • Click on the app’s name, then select Remove Access to revoke permissions.
  5. Confirm Removal:
    • Confirm that you want to remove the app’s access when prompted.

This will disconnect smartChord from your Google account and revokes any permissions it previously had. After that, please login again.

Change the cloud or account

You can use multiple clouds and accounts to save, share, and sync your data. Once you’re logged in, the last used cloud and account will be automatically selected for authentication and authorization. To switch clouds, simply click the Cloud icon to open the Cloud screen, where you can choose a different cloud. To switch accounts, click the Logout button. After logging out, use the Login button to sign in again and select your desired account. Once logged in, the Cloud screen will close automatically, and the share or sync tool will resume.

File Explorer

The File Explorer is used from different tools for different tasks. It has three different modes:

  • Explore the folders and files in your cloud storage
  • Select a folder in your cloud storage
  • Select a file in your cloud storage

The appearance and available actions will change slightly depending on the mode.

Use the File Explorer as follows:

  • Click on a folder to open it.
  • Click the radio button to the right of a folder to select it.
  • Click on a file to select it.
  • Tap the arrow to the left of the main folder name to navigate to the parent directory.
  • Click the “New” button to create new folders.
  • Click the “Refresh” button in the lower left corner to update the file and folder list if you’ve made changes using another tool.
  • Click the “OK” button to confirm your selection of a file or folder.
  • Click the cloud icon to open the Cloud tool, switch the cloud service, or log out.

Shared folders


How to share a Dropbox file or folder.


Share folders in Google Drive BUT NOTE: Sharing folders was possible in the past, but Google changed the behavior of shared folders. Please see: https://www.androidpolice.com/2020/04/10/google-completely-ruined-shared-folders-in-drive/

As an alternative, you could …

  • Create a new Google account just for sharing. You and your bandmates …
    • use this account to sync your songs and set lists
    • know the mail address and the password for this account
    • log in to GoogleDrive with this account when you synchronize your songs and set lists in smartChord. Please note: Do not change the account in the Google Play Store. This is important because your purchases and therefore your licenses in the Google Play Store are linked to this account.
  • Use Google Workspace. It allows shared drives and shared folders as they worked in the past.
  • Use Dropbox.



Endless loop when logging in

It is strongly recommended to use Chrome for the login. Other browsers may fail. Please use Chrome and check if it is an browser issue. If you have been logged in in the past, please try to logout and retry login.

Logging fails on Chromebook

For us it seems that a Chromebook is still not ready for all Android apps. They are still working on it. Please check if you have the latest version installed: https://support.google.com/chromebook/answer/177889

If it does not work, Use this workaround. Please install “Chrome for Android (BETA)” from the Play Store and use this for login.

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