Fine-tune your song

Fine-tuning the fingerings of chords is important for achieving comfortable and efficient playability on your instrument. You can activate the chord gallery in the settings. It shows the best fingering for the selected chord by default, but you can replace it with a long press.
Seek chord alternatives
Explore alternative fingerings for the same chord. There are often multiple ways to finger a chord on the fretboard. Experiment with different fingerings to find ones that suit your hand shape and allow for smoother transitions between chords.
Experiment with different finger placements within the chord shape to find the most comfortable and efficient positions. Pay attention to the placement of each finger relative to the frets, strings, and other fingers. Adjust the angle and positioning of your fingers to minimize buzzing or muted strings.
Pay attention to the transitions between chords. Practice moving smoothly and efficiently from one chord to another. Identify any fingerings or hand movements that cause difficulty in the transitions and focus on improving those specific areas. Gradually increase the speed and accuracy of your chord changes through deliberate practice.
If possible, incorporate open strings within the chord voicings. Open strings can provide additional resonance and ease of playability, allowing you to create fuller and more sonically pleasing chords. Explore different voicings that incorporate open strings for a wider range of sound.
Simplify complex chords
If a chord is proving challenging to play, consider simplifying it by omitting certain notes. Look for inversions or variations of the chord that require less finger movement or stretching. This can make the chord more manageable while still maintaining its essential character.