⭐ Songbook data maintenance
◾ Comfortable way to edit multiple songs at once:
▫ Album
▫ Arranger
▫ Composer
▫ Copyright
▫ Dance
▫ Genre
▫ Key
▫ Lyricist
▫ Tags
▫ Tempo
▫ Time signature
▫ Year
▫ Youtube

◾ Automatic maintenance:
▫ Attach audio: automatically links your songs to an audio file on your device, provided the song doesn’t already have a link and the names are the same
▫ Attach video: automatically links your songs to an video file on your device, provided the song doesn’t already have a link and the names are the same
▫ Repair audio: automatically replaces links in your songs to non-existing audio files, if there is a another audio file, which can be automatically attached
▫ Repair video: automatically replaces links in your songs to non-existing video files, if there is a another video file, which can be automatically attached
🕮 Documentation Songbook data maintenance

🕮 New documentation: Settings
🐞 Songbook ‘Intelligent line break‘: Workaround for Android changes. On some devices, the length of the text line does not fit exactly

❀ Special thanks to Lars Janzik, Matto Monte, Paul Schoonderwoerd and Thomas Just for their contribution to this version