How to use
The chord progression tool is divided into three section which are reachable by the tabs below the title bar.
Chords section (chords button)
Use this first section to add the chords and it’s fingerings for the chord progression. The order of the chords is not really relevant at this point. You can add the same chord multiple times, but just with a different fingering.
Click on the ‘+‘ button to:
- Add a single chord from the chords screen
- Add the chords from another chord progression
- Add the chord set from a song of your songbook
- Add a chord progression from a song using the Song Analyzer
You can transpose or change the tuning of your chord progressions in the overflow (3-dots) menu.
Bar section (bar button)
Use it to define the order of your chords in the chord progression. The chords from the chords section are offered in a gallery at the top.
Click on the ‘+‘ button to add the bars.
Now you can assign the selected chord from the gallery to each individual beat. If you click on a beat, the selected chord is inserted and displayed with its fingering. If you click on a beat with chord again, the chord is removed.
With the repeat button, you can repeat a bar and set the the number of iterations.
Play section (player button)
Use the last section to listen to your chord progression. The edit button let you change the tempo, count in, or activate the speed trainer and timer.