smartChord V9.5
⭐ Songbook:
▫ New option to transpose a song using the capo and keep the fingerings
▫ New option to enable swipe gesture left and right to switch to the next or previous song
▫ Directives to repeat blocks:
▫ ‘Block’ directives can be used to select a special block by naming it (e.g. {verse:Verse 1})
▫ Please see
▫ Song editor menu with new items to repeat blocks
▫ Dependent on the ‘Songbook ‘mode’, relevant options are disabled (e.g. ‘Show chords’ in mode ‘Just chords’)
? Updated categories were not visible in the table of contents
? Open ‘Song analyzer’ didn’t select the current song of the songbook
? To change the metronome setting it was necessary to open the songbook again
✔ 22 new light and dark themes with the following colors:
◾ Alien
◾ Coral
◾ Cornflower
◾ Gold
◾ Grey
◾ Laurel
◾ Lavender
◾ Meteorite
◾ Mushroom
◾ Mustard
◾ Royal
▫ Dedicated screen for switching between the 36 themes – including a preview
? Some buttons did not show that they were disabled
✔ Other minor improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Gerrit Horeis, Luiz Fernando Laux, Luiz Marcos, Pete Koschnick and Scott Noroozi for their contribution to this version