smartChord V9.5

⭐ Songbook:
▫ New option to transpose a song using the capo and keep the fingerings

▫ New option to enable swipe gesture left and right to switch to the next or previous song

▫ Directives to repeat blocks:
▫ ‘Block’ directives can be used to select a special block by naming it (e.g. {verse:Verse 1})
▫ Please see
▫ Song editor menu with new items to repeat blocks

▫ Dependent on the ‘Songbook ‘mode’, relevant options are disabled (e.g. ‘Show chords’ in mode ‘Just chords’)
? Updated categories were not visible in the table of contents
? Open ‘Song analyzer’ didn’t select the current song of the songbook
? To change the metronome setting it was necessary to open the songbook again

22 new light and dark themes with the following colors:
◾ Alien
◾ Coral
◾ Cornflower
◾ Gold
◾ Grey
◾ Laurel
◾ Lavender
◾ Meteorite
◾ Mushroom
◾ Mustard
◾ Royal

▫ Dedicated screen for switching between the 36 themes – including a preview

? Some buttons did not show that they were disabled

✔ Other minor improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Gerrit Horeis, Luiz Fernando Laux, Luiz Marcos, Pete Koschnick and Scott Noroozi for their contribution to this version

Continue ReadingsmartChord V9.5

smartChord V9.4.1

✔ Scale fretboard screen: The fretboard range can be changed if none of the ‘Pattern’ modes is selected

? Songbook: The ‘Printout’ color scheme is used again for printing

? Missing E in C Dominant 7th scale

? With some themes, the text of slide switches was hardly or not at all readable

✔ Other minor fixes

❀ Special thanks to Christ Deva, Harry V. Boggan, Henk Oostrom, Paji Can, Paul Schoonderwoerd and Scott Noroozi for their contribution to this version

Continue ReadingsmartChord V9.4.1

smartChord V9.4

⭐ Songbook:
▫ Predefined color variants for the blocks (‘Verse’, ‘Chorus’,…)
▫ Preview screen for the color variants
▫ 21 predefined color variants for the dark mode
▫ 20 predefined color variants for the light mode
▫ 2 predefined color variants for the printout
▶ Our video shows how to make your songs more beautiful and clearer:

✔ Scale Name and Key Identifier:
▫ Option to show also the scales/keys which are not complete

✔ Song analyzer:
▫ Ability to enter a song text or edit it in the text editor
▫ Option to paste the song text from the clipboard
▫ New plugin app released:

✔ Chord: Now you can also enter “add” and “dim” chords in the text field

? Create or edit an existing note in the notepad with a link to your item from each ‘Folder’ menu. Use it for instance to document your ideas about certain items.
▫ Chord progression
▫ Fretboard Trainer
▫ Metronome
▫ Pattern
▫ Playground
▫ Practice
▫ Set list
▫ Songbook
▫ Tone generator
? Chord progression: Adding a special fingering was not possible under certain conditions
? Songbook: Marking text did not work on some Android versions

✔ A lot of other improvements and fixes

▶ You can reach us on YouTube via the new YouTube alias @smartChord:

❀ Special thanks to Charles Boehnlein, John Glass, Jod R. Leio, Lena Schütten, Roan Vandermeer and Tiemo Norman for their contribution to this version

Continue ReadingsmartChord V9.4

smartChord V9.3

✔ Circle Of Fifths and Scale Circle:
▫ Option to show the piano to visualize the chords
▫ Optimized sound: the chords are played as long as you tap the chord
▫ Option to enable playing chords
▫ Chord gallery, piano, staff and the circle are synchronized and the selection is visible

✔ New sound options for all instruments
▫ Acoustic Grand Piano
▫ Bright Acoustic Piano
▫ Electric Grand Piano
▫ Church Organ
▫ Reed Organ
▫ Rock Organ

✔ A further set of chord notations mainly used in South America

✔ Table of contents: Possibility to add categories

✔ Possibility to add single chords or chords from chord progressions and songs:
▫ Chord Progression
▫ Fretboard Trainer
▫ Key Identifier
▫ Scale Name

✔ Home screen: Instruments icon shows the currently selected instrument

? Drum Machine: Workaround for an Android bug on older devices

✔ A lot of other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Gerd Altmann, Joachim Grams, Louis Poels, Luiz Fernando Laux, Manuel Almonacid and Stefan Heinze for their contribution to this version

Continue ReadingsmartChord V9.3

smartChord V9.2

⭐⭐⭐ World first: Song analyzer is released ⭐⭐⭐
⭐ New ‘Song analyzer’ detects the chord progressions and keys of every song
⭐ Write your songs based on the chord progressions of successful songs
▫ It analyzes the songs in your songbook or any other song found by the internet search
▫ It shows the set of chords and the key of a song
▫ It shows the chord progressions and also their keys
▫ It lets you create your chord progressions based on the ones detected
▶ Our video shows the use of the ‘Song analyzer’

⭐ A further set of chord notations mainly used in South America
▫ (#4), (11/b5), (11/b9), (13/#11), (13/b9), (4/7), (b13/b5), (b9/#5)
▫ 7(#11), 7(#9/#5), 7(11), 7(4), 7(9/#11), 7(9/#11/13), 7(9/#5), 7(9/11), 7(9/b5)
▫ 7(b5/#9), 7(b5/b13), 7(b5/b9), 7(b9/#5), 7(b9/13), 7+(#11), 7+(#11/13)
▫ 7+(#5), 7+(#9), 7+(11), 7+(13), 7+(13/#11), 7+(2), 7+(2/4), 7+(4), 7+(6), 7+(6/9)
▫ 7+(9/#11), 7+(9/#11/13), 7+(9/13), 7+(9/4), 7+(b5), 7+(b5), 7+(b9), 7+(b9), 7+(sus), 9(#11), 9(4)
▫ m(#11), m(#13), m(#4), m(#6), m(#9), m(11), m(13), m(2), m(2/4), m(4), m(6), m(6/11), m(6/9)
▫ m(7), m(7+), m(9), m(9/11), m(9/b5), m(b11), m(b11/b9), m(b13), m(b4), m(b5), m(b6), m(b7), m(b9)
▫ m(sus), m7(11), m7(4), m7(6), m7(9/#5), m7(9/11), m7(9/b5), m7(add4)
▫ m7(b5/b9), m7(b9/b5), m7+(#9), m7+(9), m7+(b9)
▫ They improve, among other things, the chord recognition in the songbook

✔ Songbook: Improved parsing of chord lines with brackets

✔ Synchronisation screens with uniform operation in terms of the cloud:
▫ Click on the ‘Folder’ button or the folder name to switch the folder
▫ Click on the cloud provider logo to switch between the cloud providers

? Cloud: Handling of invalid folder names

? Edit screen: Use of the floating action button crashed the app

✔ Other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Alexey Molchanov, Emil Sinclair, Jonathan Olson, Luiz Fernando Laux, Martin P. Daniels, Nuno Moura and Steve Battig for their contribution to this version

Continue ReadingsmartChord V9.2

smartChord V9.1

⭐ A new set of chord notations mainly used in South America
▫ (#11), (#13), (#5), (#9), (b11), (b13), (b5), (b7), (b9)
▫ 11(b5), 11(b9), 4(7), 6(11), 6(9), 6(add9)
▫ 7(#5), 7(#9), 7(6), 7(9), 7(b13), 7(b5), 7(b9), 7+(9), 7/#9, 7/b9, 7M, 7sus(13), 7sus(9), 7sus(b9)
▫ 9(#5), 9(b5)
▫ augmented, b9(#5), dimb9, diminished
▫ j#9, j7, j7b5, j7sus, j7sus2, j7sus24, j7sus4, j9, jb9
▫ m#7#9, m#7b9, m(maj11), m(maj13), m(maj7), m(maj9), m6(9), m7(#9), m7(9), m7(b5), m7(b9), m7/b9/b5, m7M, mM7
▫ maj6, major, min, min11, min7, minor, sus24, sus42
▫ M, M(9), M11, M13, M6, M7, M7#5, M7#9, M7b5, M7b9, M7sus, M7sus2, M7sus24, M7sus4, M9, Mb9
▫ °#7, °11, °13, °9, Ø7
▫ They improve, among other things, the chord recognition in the songbook

✔ Improved synchronization:
▫ Synchronization can now be done in one step
▫ Comparison is done automatically
▫ The upload can be defined by an option
▫ The comparison result is shown as an overview view
▫ The detailed list with the items to be synchronized can be shown optionally
▫ The cloud provider can be selected in the general settings and in the settings of the synchronization
▫ The login and logout are also possible in these settings

✔ Songbook:
▫ Open ‘Song analyzer’ for the current song
▫ Menu restructured

▶ Our video shows the use of the Song Analyzer

✔ Table of contents: Timestamps are now hidden by default, but can be displayed using the new option

? Song synchronization: We accidentally changed the extension of the song file in the last update. It is now ‘sccrd’ again

? Chords: Link ‘Change filter’ was broken

✔ Minor improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Andrew Mitterholzer, Bruce Reirden, Luiz Fernando Laux and Henk Oostrom for their contribution to this version

Continue ReadingsmartChord V9.1

s.mart Song Analyzer

⭐⭐⭐ World first: Song analyzer ⭐⭐⭐

The Song Analyzer detects the chord progressions and keys of any song.

It inspires songwriters and composers to write their own songs based on the chord progressions of successful songs.

▫ It analyzes the songs in the s.mart Songbook or any other song found in the internet search

▫ It shows the set of chords and the key of a song

▫ It shows the chord progressions and also their keys

▫ It let you create your chord progressions based on the ones detected

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smartChord V9.0

⭐⭐⭐ World first: Song analyzer ⭐⭐⭐
⭐ New ‘Song analyzer’ detects the chord progressions and keys of any song
⭐ Write your songs based on the chord progressions of successful songs
❗❗ It is a pre-release version that is limited to subscribers and UNLIMITED customers for the time being
▫ It analyzes the songs in your songbook or any other song found by the internet search
▫ It shows the set of chords and the key of a song
▫ It shows the chord progressions and also their keys
▫ It lets you create your chord progressions based on the ones detected

✔ Backup: Option to additionally store the backup in the cloud

✔ Choose chord: Allows to enter the complete chord name including slash chords

✔ General settings ‘Names’: New option to hide or show the octaves for the notes in the tuning (E-A-D-G-B-E or E2-A2-D3-G3-B3-E4)

✔ Table of contents: Pre assignment of the category dialog with the values of the selected items

✔ Set list: A changed duration of a break is deposited in the set list

✔ Songbook: internet search optimized

? Workaround for an Android bug: Popup menus do not appear for the first items in some lists e.g. in the Key Identifier

✔ A lot of other minor improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Chris Drexler, David Carv, Luiz Marcos, Martin P. Daniels and Scott Noroozi for their contribution to this version

Continue ReadingsmartChord V9.0

smartChord V8.22.2

? Workaround for incompatibilities on devices with Android 4.x
✔ Circle of fifths: Alignment to the traditional one
✔ Other minor improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Brigitte Laskowski, Cristian Navarrete, Glenn Weaver, Juan Tafur and Luiz Marcos for their contribution to this version

Continue ReadingsmartChord V8.22.2

smartChord V8.22

✔ Scale Name with context menu to:
▫ investigate a scale in the scale screen
▫ show the diatonic chords for the scale
▫ show the scale in the Fretboard Explorer
▫ add a scale to the scale favorites
▫ add a scale to the scale blacklist

✔ Key Identifier with context menu to:
▫ investigate a key in the scale screen
▫ show the diatonic chords for the key
▫ show the key in the Fretboard Explorer

✔ Circle of fifths:
▫ Menu item to show the fingerings for the chords on a dedicated screen
▫ Menu item to add the chords to the current chord progression

✔ Optimized chord diagram size

✔ Songbook: Optimized TAB detection

✔ Corrected scale D Dorian b9: Contains A instead of Ab

✔ Other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Christ Deva, Luiz Marcos, Michael Fischer, Scott Noroozi, Tobi Gelz and Uwe Fischbach for their contribution to this version

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smartChord V8.21.1

✔ Technical release with minor improvements and fixes like:
✔ Scale: Predefined filter for the ‘church modes’ and the most common scales
✔ Scale Name and Key Identifier: Fretboard range can be changed in the mode ‘Notes’ and on large screens
✔ Optimized chord diagram size
? Fretboard trainer: Missing signs in staff
? Chord name: Shortened 5th string can be muted again

❀ Special thanks to Emilio Polog, Hans-Peter Wegner, Leonid Shokarev, Manolo Ramirez Padilla, Robert Price, Scott Noroozi, Tobi Gelz, Uwe Fischbach and Uwe Tantz for their contribution to this version

Continue ReadingsmartChord V8.21.1

smartChord V8.21

Scale name:
▫ Determines the scale for a song or a chord progression
▫ Determines the scale also for an arbitrary set of chords or notes
▫ The set of chords can be entered as text or picked from the chord dictionary
▫ The notes can be entered either on the fretboard or on the piano
▫ If the scale cannot be determined unambiguously, the resulting list shows you:
◾ which scales are possible
◾ which notes are missing
◾ which notes do not belong to the scale
▶ Our video explains the Key Identifier, but the ‘Scale name’ works the same way:

Identify scale for song

⭐ Songbook
The musical key is automatically determined by the Key Identifier:
◾ For every new song on the internet
◾ If you click on the musical key in the info section
◾ On ‘Edit information’

New directives to repeat blocks:
◾ New directive {bridge} shows the previous bridge block defined by {start_of_bridge} and {end_of_bridge}
◾ New directive {interlude} shows the previous interlude block defined by {start_of_interlude} and {end_of_interlude}
◾ New directive {pre_chorus} shows the previous pre_chorus block defined by {start_of_pre_chorus} and {end_of_pre_chorus}
◾ New directive {verse} shows the previous verse block defined by {start_of_verse} and {end_of_verse}
◾ New directive {tab} shows the previous tab block either defined by {start_of_tab} and {end_of_tab} or automatically detected
◾ Editor and online editor are supporting the new directive

{start_of_verse:Verse 1}
A                   C
This is verse 1

A    C      E    F  Fm
This is the bridge

{start_of_pre_chorus:Pre chorus}
A    C      E    F  Fm
This is the pre chorus

A    C      E    F  Fm
This is the chorus

A                       C
This is the interlude

{start_of_verse:Verse 2}
A                   C
This is verse 2

{bridge:Bridge repeated}

{pre_chorus:Pre chorus repeated}

{chorus:Chorus repeated once}

{interlude:Interlude repeated}

{verse:Verse 2 repeated}

{chorus:Chorus repeated twice}

✔ Chord progression: Button to replace chord or fingering

✔ New Tuning: Russian Open G

? Add/replace a chord did work just the first time

✔ Other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Frank Müller, Haisam Ido, Isidro Zúñiga, James Thomas, Paul Schoonderwoerd and Simone Sapienza for their contribution to this version

Continue ReadingsmartChord V8.21

smartChord V8.20

⭐ New tool: Key Identifier
▫ Determines the key for a song or a chord progression
▫ Determines the key also for an arbitrary set of chords or notes
▫ The set of chords can be entered as text or picked from the chord dictionary
▫ The notes can be entered either on the fretboard or on the piano
▫ If the key cannot be determined unambiguously, the Key Identifier shows you:
◾ which keys are possible
◾ which notes are missing
◾ which notes do not belong to the key
▶ Our video explains the Key Identifier:

✔ Songbook: Menu item to open the Key Identifier with the chords of the song

✔ Chord progression: Menu item to open the Key Identifier with the chords of the chord progression

✔ Fretboard trainer: Plays notes in quizzes of the mode ‘Note’ (if the ‘Play sound’ option is active)

? Sharing: The share link didn’t open smartChord on some devices
? Scale name: Fixed sound
✔ Other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Hakkie de Groot, Hans Kaiser and Philip Fagét for their contribution to this version

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s.mart Key Identifier

⭐Determines the key for a song or a chord progression
⭐Determines the key also for an arbitrary set of chords or notes
▫ The set of chords can be entered as text or picked from the chord dictionary
▫ The notes can be entered either on the fretboard or on the piano
▫ If the key cannot be determined unambiguously, the Key Identifier shows you
◾ which keys are possible
◾ which notes are missing
◾ which notes do not belong to the key

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