smartChord V8.21

Scale name:
▫ Determines the scale for a song or a chord progression
▫ Determines the scale also for an arbitrary set of chords or notes
▫ The set of chords can be entered as text or picked from the chord dictionary
▫ The notes can be entered either on the fretboard or on the piano
▫ If the scale cannot be determined unambiguously, the resulting list shows you:
◾ which scales are possible
◾ which notes are missing
◾ which notes do not belong to the scale
▶ Our video explains the Key Identifier, but the ‘Scale name’ works the same way:

Identify scale for song

⭐ Songbook
The musical key is automatically determined by the Key Identifier:
◾ For every new song on the internet
◾ If you click on the musical key in the info section
◾ On ‘Edit information’

New directives to repeat blocks:
◾ New directive {bridge} shows the previous bridge block defined by {start_of_bridge} and {end_of_bridge}
◾ New directive {interlude} shows the previous interlude block defined by {start_of_interlude} and {end_of_interlude}
◾ New directive {pre_chorus} shows the previous pre_chorus block defined by {start_of_pre_chorus} and {end_of_pre_chorus}
◾ New directive {verse} shows the previous verse block defined by {start_of_verse} and {end_of_verse}
◾ New directive {tab} shows the previous tab block either defined by {start_of_tab} and {end_of_tab} or automatically detected
◾ Editor and online editor are supporting the new directive

{start_of_verse:Verse 1}
A                   C
This is verse 1

A    C      E    F  Fm
This is the bridge

{start_of_pre_chorus:Pre chorus}
A    C      E    F  Fm
This is the pre chorus

A    C      E    F  Fm
This is the chorus

A                       C
This is the interlude

{start_of_verse:Verse 2}
A                   C
This is verse 2

{bridge:Bridge repeated}

{pre_chorus:Pre chorus repeated}

{chorus:Chorus repeated once}

{interlude:Interlude repeated}

{verse:Verse 2 repeated}

{chorus:Chorus repeated twice}

✔ Chord progression: Button to replace chord or fingering

✔ New Tuning: Russian Open G

? Add/replace a chord did work just the first time

✔ Other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Frank Müller, Haisam Ido, Isidro Zúñiga, James Thomas, Paul Schoonderwoerd and Simone Sapienza for their contribution to this version

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smartChord V8.20

⭐ New tool: Key Identifier
▫ Determines the key for a song or a chord progression
▫ Determines the key also for an arbitrary set of chords or notes
▫ The set of chords can be entered as text or picked from the chord dictionary
▫ The notes can be entered either on the fretboard or on the piano
▫ If the key cannot be determined unambiguously, the Key Identifier shows you:
◾ which keys are possible
◾ which notes are missing
◾ which notes do not belong to the key
▶ Our video explains the Key Identifier:

✔ Songbook: Menu item to open the Key Identifier with the chords of the song

✔ Chord progression: Menu item to open the Key Identifier with the chords of the chord progression

✔ Fretboard trainer: Plays notes in quizzes of the mode ‘Note’ (if the ‘Play sound’ option is active)

? Sharing: The share link didn’t open smartChord on some devices
? Scale name: Fixed sound
✔ Other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Hakkie de Groot, Hans Kaiser and Philip Fagét for their contribution to this version

Continue ReadingsmartChord V8.20

s.mart Key Identifier

⭐Determines the key for a song or a chord progression
⭐Determines the key also for an arbitrary set of chords or notes
▫ The set of chords can be entered as text or picked from the chord dictionary
▫ The notes can be entered either on the fretboard or on the piano
▫ If the key cannot be determined unambiguously, the Key Identifier shows you
◾ which keys are possible
◾ which notes are missing
◾ which notes do not belong to the key

Continue Readings.mart Key Identifier

smartChord V8.19.1

✔ Technical release with minor improvements and fixes

✔ Chords: Favorites are marked with a star in the ‘Simplify chords’ dialog

✔ We have updated the manual describing the handling of chords and fingerings in smartChord:

❀ Special thanks to André Giroud, Colin Coutts and Miguel Pires for their contribution to this version

Continue ReadingsmartChord V8.19.1

smartChord V8.19

⭐ Redesign of the ‘Chords’ screen – the chord reference:
▫ Clearer user interface
▫ Chord dictionary integrated so that more than 1200 chord types are available
▫ Enter the root and bass by the ‘note circle’
▫ Always visible text field to enter the chord type or to filter the chord type list
▫ New spinner to filter the chord types:
◾ Dictionary
◾ Expert
◾ Advanced
◾ Beginner
◾ Custom
◾ Favorites
◾ Augmented
◾ Diminished
◾ Suspended
◾ 13th
◾ 11th
◾ 9th
◾ 7th
◾ 6th
▫ Your custom chords are always appended when a filter is applied

✔ Circle of fifths:
▫ A click on the scale view shows the scale in the ‘Scale’ screen
▫ Chord names completed for Major/Ionion scale when showing triads

✔ New option for small devices to make the home-screen scrollable and the texts readable in any case

❗❗ Only general settings are still accessible via the home-screen

? Songbook: Sometimes the drum machine played the wrong sounds
? Fretboard trainer & Circle of fifths: Fixed musical notation on large devices
✔ Other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Gustaf Norman, Hans Sta, Jakov Gacina, Piotr Czerniejewski, Scott Noroozi, Sergei Nikiforov and Stefano Tranchini for their contribution to this version

Continue ReadingsmartChord V8.19

smartChord V8.18

⭐ Fretboard trainer

▫ Three new quiz types to learn scales:
◾ Identify scales
◾ Locate all notes of a scale
◾ Locate all fretboard positions of a scale

▫ Get the chords and scales optionally represented in musical notation and learn them along the way
▫ Learn the fretboard string by string with the new option to limit quizzes to a subset of strings

✔ Scale:
▫ Uniform way to select a scale
▫ New option for direction: Ascending – Ascending & descending – Descending

✔ Uniform use of the note circle for note selection

❗❗ Basic chords list reduced

? Circle of fifths crashed on some selected tunings
? Songbook: Remove capo did not work in every case

✔ Other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Andy Lopez, Dominique Portalier, Lena Schütten, Philibob Gossimer, Pisarev Oleg, Scott Noroozi and Stefano Tranchini for their contribution to this version

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smartChord V8.17

⭐ Scale:
▫ Modes for each scale
▫ ‘Note-circle’ to visualize the distribution of a scale
▫ Select the scale either from your favorites, the modes or the whole scale list
▫ Swipe gesture on the musical notation changes the scale
▫ Button to show the scale in the scale-circle

✔ New ‘Note-circle’ view to select the root notes e.g. for the scales

✔ Home-screen:
▫ Dialog to define the tools on the home-screen in one step
▫ Short description for each tool

✔ Songbook: Support for changes on

✔ Picking pattern: Improved handling of muted strings

✔ 13 new 8-string tunings for Lap Steel Guitar

✔ Screenshot is automatically created for an error report initiated from the menu

✔ Other improvements and fixes

▶ Our new video shows how to get any song with chords & tabs – in 10 seconds

❀ Special thanks to Emilio Polog, Glenn Homes, Henk Oostrom, Keray Rainer, Konstantin Paus, Lena Schütten and Xavier Fornari for their contribution to this version

Continue ReadingsmartChord V8.17



⭐ Find your songs in the greatest internet song catalogs
⭐ Without registration or account
⭐ Not limited to one catalog
⭐ Regardless of the instrument
⭐ Store your songs with chords and tabs for offline use
⭐ You automatically get your favorite fingerings for your instrument and tuning
⭐ Regardless of the instrument the song was provided for

s.mart Songbook: Chords & Tabs & Lyrics


smartChord V8.16.1

⭐ Songbook: New supported website for chords & tabs:

? Circle of fifths and scale-circle: Empty chord gallery and a lot of error toasts when using solfége

✔ Other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Doug Kutzli, Henk Oostrom, Jared Garcia, Jackie Oriol, Mike Williams and Peter Edlund for their contribution to this version

Continue ReadingsmartChord V8.16.1

smartChord V8.16

❗❗ ‘Choose chord’ screen starts always in mode ‘Chord type’, except it is started from the ‘Scales’ screen
⭐ Practice: Add new exercises to existing exercises
▫ Add arpeggio patterns to existing exercises
▫ Add scale patterns to existing exercises
▫ Add picking patterns to existing exercises
▫ Combine any exercise with existing exercises

✅ Chord simplification improved

✅ Songbook: Detects all chords from the chord dictionary

✅ Songbook YouTube search: Additional button to extend search text by ‘acoustic’, ‘cover’, ‘lesson’, …

✅ ‘Show arpeggio’ added to menus in chord screens and on long-press on a chord diagram

✅ Get the latest from smartChord also on our new channel on

✔ Many other improvements and fixes

▶ Our new video gives a quick overview of the Songbook:

❀ Special thanks to Emilio Polog, Glenn Homes, Henk Oostrom, Markus Schwarz and Rolf Puchtinger for their contribution to this version

Continue ReadingsmartChord V8.16

s.mart Songbook (Chords & Tabs & Lyrics)

Do you want to play your favorite songs and keep all your chords, tabs and lyrics always in your pocket? Get the best songbook ever!!! smartChord songbook can find songs in the greatest internet song catalogues extremely easy and fast and without registration or account. Choose between more than 30 instruments and every possible tuning. It knows every chord and fingering you need! smartChord is an integrated product family with millions of chords, more than 1000 scales, precise tuner and metronome, chord progression, virtual instrument, transposer, ear training…

⭐ Get millions of songs from the greatest internet song catalogues like ultimate-guitar, azchords, chordie, e-chords, guitaretab, …

⭐ No need for sign in or an account

⭐ Supports tabs, chords, plain texts and the popular ChordPro format

⭐ Store every song you want and use it offline without internet connection

⭐ Open or import already existing song files on your smartphone or cloud: cho, crd, chopro, chordpro, tab, text

⭐ Use the songs as they are or transpose the songs
▫ between a lot of different instruments like guitar, ukulele, banjo, bass, mandolin, …
▫ between every possible tuning! More than 400 are predefined
▫ any desired steps up or down (change the key of songs)

⭐ Create ‘set lists’ to organize your songs and lyrics for performance or practice
▫ Add the songs from the songbook or PDF and image files
▫ Supports auto scroll, auto play, full screen mode and MIDI and bluetooth pedal support

⭐ Seamlessly integrated into smartChord. The Swiss Army Knife for musicians!

⭐ Get the chord diagrams with all possible variations and fingerings, … from the best and hugest chord dictionary: smartChord!

⭐ The songbook prefers your favorite fingerings and use them in every new song!

⭐ Change the fingerings in the songs to suit your own taste

⭐ Edit and adjust every song according to your own ideas or create a new one

⭐ Online editor to edit your songs comfortable in the browser of your computer

⭐ Intelligent line break option saves you horizontal scrolling. It formats the song to max. number of characters and breaks belonging lines as a block

⭐ Autoscroll with individual speed for each song. Fine tuning with delay and scroll breaks at each position of a song

⭐ Integrated audio player:
▫ Add audio files from your device to a song
▫ The intelligent search makes this very comfortable
▫ Jam with your songs in the songbook
▫ Audio player supports A-B loop to repeat only a part of a song

⭐ Integrated drum machine

⭐ Integrated metronome

⭐ Integrated YouTube player

⭐ Find YouTube videos for your songs. Link the lessons or covers with your songs and have it in parallel to your songtext

⭐ Sing with your audience and show them the lyrics of the current song in any browser

⭐ Full text search to find your songs

⭐ Easily replace the fingerings or chords of a song

⭐ Colorize the song parts like chorus, verse or interlude with custom colors

⭐ Generate a chord progression from the chords of a song and practice it in the chord progression player

⭐ Continuous zoom and fast text scaling

⭐ View just what you need: Optionally hide chords, tabs, comments or lyrics

⭐ Fullscreen mode

⭐ Multi column layout

⭐ Benefit from the left-handed support

⭐ Use the ‘Dark’ mode for your live performance or to reduce battery consumption

⭐ Get quick access to your latest songs by the history

⭐ Print your songs or create PDF files

⭐ Share your songs with your friends

⭐ Synchronize your songs with your cloud or between your devices

⭐ Benefit from the support for large and small screens, landscape and portrait mode

⭐ A bunch of other features like: accurate tuner, precision metronome, scales, arpeggios, …

⭐ You’ll find no other app with so many features

Get it now!

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smartChord V8.15.1

✅ Scale: Size optimized view
✅ Scale: Scale chart is resizable
✅ Color scheme is active even if ‘Diagram info’ is set to ‘Nothing’
? Songbook: video player covered song text
✔ Minor improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Philibob Gossimer, Sean Hartigan and Stefano Tranchini for their contribution to this version

Continue ReadingsmartChord V8.15.1