smartChord V10.5

⭐ Song Writer ⭐
Drag’n’drop support to easily replace chords
Drum Machine integrated for parallel playback to the player
Metronome integrated for parallel playback to the player
◾ The diatonic chords in the selection view are colored according to the color scheme
History button to go back to the last used scales
◾ Player can also be used in edit mode
◾ Text editor allows adding the signs for rest and bar line from the menu
◾ Menu item to open the playground with the notes of the scale highlighted

✔ Chords screen: The chords in Scale mode are colored according to the color scheme

✔ Chord colors updated after scale or key change

✔ Scale-circle: History button to go back to the last used scales

❗❗ The hash sign (#) is now allowed in names

? Song Writer: Size of Circle of Fifths is limited
? Piano: Color scheme ignored the color scheme binding

✔ Other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Andy Arbeit, David King, Dr. Willi Streitz, Ernest Young and Phil Spector for their contribution to this version

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smartChord V10.4

⭐⭐⭐ Song Writer is released ⭐⭐⭐


? Shop:
◾ The Song Writer is now available as an in-app purchase
◾ The Lyrics Pad is now available as an in-app purchase
◾ The Key Identifier is now available as an in-app purchase
◾ Menu item to compare the products of the shop
◾ Menu item to get your purchased products
◾ Menu item to get your enabled features
◾ Menu item to get the order history
◾ Improved product comparison

✔ Scale: Option to show a resizable piano which also shows the name of the notes of the scale

? Internet song search: Workaround for the changed response from Ultimate Guitar
? Internet song search: Warning when browser blocks access
? Song Writer: Scale wasn’t stored
? Table of contents and Backup: Long names weren’t completely readable
✔ Other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Andy Arbeit, James Jam, Heiko Sommer, Joshua C. Mcgough and Matt Buiskool for their contribution to this version

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smartChord V10.3

⭐⭐⭐ Song Writer ⭐⭐⭐

✔ Possibility to get the key of every line or block or the whole song and the option to change the scale to it

✔ Possibility to loop a single song block in the player

✔ Menu item to open the piano. It shows the name of the notes in the scale

✔ Chord colors updated after scale or key change

✔ The documentation is ready. It shows you how to …

smartChord received a 5 stars review at the Educational App Store

? Song Writer: Fixes e.g. replacing chords

? Songbook: Crashed on older devices (Android 4.x)

? There was a short delay after a count-in

✔ Other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Carsten Bleisch, Glenn Homes, Jonathan Olson and Leandro de Oliveira for their contribution to this version

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⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review at Educational App Store

smartChord received a 5 stars review at the Educational App Store.

Overall rating of the app:

“smartChord puts all the tools a musician needs in one place and replaces the need for multiple apps. I would highly recommend this app to all musicians or music students who are looking for a one-stop place to store and customise all their favourite song charts and practice tools. This will support practice sessions, allowing easy access to everything the player needs for a successful rehearsal.

smartChord is a great way to support and inspire musical development through customisable play along chord charts and a vast library of music tools that will support any players performance or composition aspirations.”

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smartChord V10.2.2

▶ New video gives an overview of the Song Writer, which makes writing songs a breeze for everyone

✔ New online documentation

✔ Internet song search
◾ New ‘Close’ button in preview screen will show the originally loaded web page
◾ Improved error handling

? Song Writer: Fixes move and delete chords
? Set list: Crashed on older devices (Android 4.x)
✔ Other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Francisco José Vela Roncero, Jonathan Olson, Joshua C Mcgough and Leandro de Oliveira for their contribution to this version

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smartChord V10.2.1

✔ Notepad: Rename audio recordings
? Songbook: YouTube search didn’t work since last update
? Songbook: Transpose preserves the spacing between chords
? Drum Machine: Workaround for an Android bug on older devices (out of memory error)
✔ Other improvements and fixes
❀ Special thanks to Alain Texier, Carsten Bleisch, Scott Noroozi, Thomas Karstens and Thorsten S. for their contribution to this version

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smartChord V10.2

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Song Writer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

◾ Player to automatically play song chords
▫ Set the beats per minute (BPM) for a song. It will influence the duration of the played chord
▫ Set the time signature for a song. It will also influence the duration of the played chord

◾ Possibility to set the duration of chords and rests within a bar. It allows using variations of rhythm patterns like syncopes

◾ Add or replace a chord by entering the name of the new chord

◾ Possibility to change the instrument and tuning for the song (the tuning is used to build the chords and thus the sound)

✔ Circle of Fifths and Scale-Circle: Piano is playable

✔ Set list: PDF and image screens got wake lock to keep the device awake and prevent it from falling asleep

✔ Scale: Unusable scale patterns removed

? Internet song search: Problem to detect the songs on older devices
? Scale Name and Key Identifier: Notes are scrollable now and visible by a tooltip
? Fingering favorites for custom chords couldn’t be deleted

✔ Other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Carsten Bleisch, Diego Bazan, GodZoo, Howard Rosario, John Mc Innes, Jonathan Olson, Markus Weber-Frede and Stefan Heinze for their contribution to this version

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smartChord V10.1

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Song Writer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

◾ Option to display and use the diatonic chords of the selected scale as a complement to the circle of fifths
◾ Option to show the chord charts in the gallery
◾ Option to show the scale on the fretboard
◾ Long click on a chord chart in the gallery opens a menu to e.g. show the chord details or replace the fingering
◾ Menu item to open the Scale screen
◾ Menu item to show the fingerings for the chords of the song on a dedicated screen
◾ Split chord to create multiple chords in a bar
❗❗ It’s not fully featured at the moment, but worth checking out
❗❗ The same applies to the documentation. It’s under construction:
❗❗ The pre-release version is limited to subscribers and UNLIMITED customers for the time being

✔ Piano view: Multiple options to determine which note names are displayed: None, All, Active, Scale

✔ Song search: Prevents redirection from ultimate-guitar to the Google Play Store

✔ Fretboard trainer:
◾ New option to hide fret numbers
◾ Larger fingerboard for ease of input on small screens

? Set list: Reordering of set lists with duplicate entries
✔ Other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Andy Witmyer, Gerrit Horeis, Jonathan Olson, Pavel Studecký and Rob Schoonhoven for their contribution to this version

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smartChord V10.0

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Song Writer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

◾ The new ‘Song Writer’ makes it uniquely easy to write and arrange songs. The Song Writer helps you to find the chords that sound good together and write lyrics with the right words

◾ See the comprehensive online documentation

◾ It is the best example of how the various smartChord tools work together:
▫ The ultimate chord library provides the chords and fingerings for any instrument
▫ The scale tools offer with several hundred scales an almost inexhaustible fund of inspiration and show which chords harmonize best
▫ The Circle of Fifths presents the different keys and their corresponding chords in a familiar and reliable way
▫ The Scale-circle transforms the concept of the circle of fifths to several hundred other scales
▫ The Song Analyzer analyzes and provides the chord progressions of any song
▫ The Key Finder provides the key and any deviating chords
▫ The Lyrics Pad with its word finder helps to find the right words
▫ The piano and/or fretboard provides melodies, basslines or solos
▫ The Songbook and the Set-list keep the songs ready for use on stage or in the rehearsal room
❗❗ It’s not fully featured at the moment, but worth checking out
❗❗ The same applies to the documentation. It’s under construction
❗❗ The pre-release version is limited to subscribers and UNLIMITED customers for the time being

✔ Subscriptions are available again! Either annually or quarterly
✔ Circle of Fifths and scale-circle: Option to show the key’s accidentals or just the selected chord’s accidentals
✔ New themes: Waikawa Dark + Waikawa Light

? Chord: Lists all chord types again, that are in principle playable with the number of strings
? Set List: New Library with incompatibilities to old Android versions produced crash
? Translations

✔ Other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Jake Garrett, Rob D. Schaefer, Sergei Nikiforov and Vladimir Morozov for their contribution to this version

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smartChord V9.9.1

✔ Themes: Colors of toggle buttons have been changed for more contrast

? Songbook: Analyze song with the Song Analyzer

? Circle of Fifths and Scale-Circle: Signs weren’t complete for some scales

✔ Other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Anthony Steele-Perkins, Carsten Bleisch, Nathan Tacsik, Rob D. Schaefer, Sergei Nikiforov and Thomas Daniel for their contribution to this version

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smartChord V9.9

✔ Circle of Fifths and scale-circle:
▫ New piano setting to mark the keys belonging to the scale with its note name
▫ Option to allow/disallow the rotation of the circle to switch the key
▫ Option to keep the display active even without touching it
▫ Improved sound

✔ Piano: New positions for the notes to make them visible even if when the key is pressed

✔ Themes:
▫ Colors of toggle buttons have been changed for more contrast
▫ Color of the menus in the color of the theme

? Scales: Root is now shown with different color again if no color scheme is selected
? Circle of Fifths and scale-circle: ‘Show chords’ screen produced the same sound for all chords

✔ Other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Konstantin Paus, Mick Malkemus, Ronald Jonnes, Sean Avis, Sergei Nikiforov, Thomas Daniel and Zach Simmons for their contribution to this version

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smartChord V9.8

✔ Custom color scheme:
▫ You can create your own color scheme
▫ Define the color for each degree or note. The color of the text can also be adjusted
▫ Whether the color is bound to the degree or the note is determined by the general appearance setting ‘Color scheme binding’
▫ The color scheme is used in:
◾ Chord diagrams
◾ Circle of fifths
◾ Fretboard representations
◾ Piano
◾ Scale-circle

✔ Predefined color schemes:
▫ 10 new color schemes
▫ Some text colors have been changed for more contrast

✔ Scale-circle: Option to limit the scales to the church modes

? Problems in lookup audio files on Android 13

? Support for MIDI devices that do not meet the specification

✔ Other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Guy Togbenou, Jesper Clausen, Konstantin Paus, Lari Natri, Mat Botica, Mike Marshall and Roy Young, Sergio Tamburini for their contribution to this version

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smartChord V9.7.1

✔ Android 13 compatibility

✔ Set-List-Link: Permission for ‘Location’ was needed for WifiDirect, but isn’t needed in Android 13 anymore

✔ Lyrics pad: Ability to search for ‘Meaning like’

▶ Our video shows the use of the Lyrics pad:

? Lyrics pad: Correct handling of spaces in the Word-finder

? Tips: Checkbox to deactivate tips wasn’t visible anymore

? Circle of fifth: Wrong text color if setting ‘Color scheme binding’ was active

✔ Other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Bill Liddell, Carsten Bruns, Fred Worm, Lothar Email and Piet Thecrank for their contribution to this version

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s.mart Lyrics Pad

s.mart Lyrics Pad is an inspiring tool for poets, rappers, lyricists, and songwriters. It allows you to keep track of your ideas and provides a Word-Finder to help you find the right words. Whether you’re looking for a rhyme, synonym, antonym, or a word with a specific meaning, beginning, or end, the Word Finder has you covered. It supports English and Spanish and has databases with millions of words for these languages. You can also use keywords to organize your text.

  • For your effective work the search results are sorted by their rating and the number of syllables sorted.
  • Unfortunately, the Word Finder supports only English and Spanish. However, word databases with several million words are available for these languages.
  • You can use keywords to better structure the text.
  • Adjectives
  • Antonyms
  • Consonant match
  • Homophones
  • Kind of
  • Part of
  • Meanings
  • Near rhymes
  • Nons
  • Synonyms
  • Similar sounds
  • Words by pattern
  • Rhymes

BTW – The Word-Finder is also available in the Songbook and Notepad of smartChord:

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