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Piano integration

The piano is integrated on various smartChord tools like …

  • in the Chords tools to visualize the chord or the selected fingering
  • in the Chord Name tool to enter a chord on the piano
  • in the Chord Pad to play a melody to the chords
  • in the Fretboard Trainer used to enter or show notes, chords or scales
  • in the Instrument Translator to translate a chord between the piano and one of the approx. 40 supported stringed instruments
  • in the Key Identifier to get the key for the entered the notes on the piano
  • in the Scales tool to visualize the scale on the piano
  • in the Circle of Fifths to visualize the selected chord
  • in the Songbook to show the piano chord charts for the chords in a song
  • in the Song Writer finding a melody playing with the chords or scales notes
  • in the Triad tool to visualize the triad or the selected fingering

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