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Songbook for singers

The songbook has a Lyrics mode in which the chords and tablatures are hidden so that only the lyrics are visible. This also makes the songbook attractive for singers. Because important features are also more than useful for singers:

Find and save all the songs you like – without registration and account
⭐ Get millions of songs from the best internet song catalogs
Intelligent line wrap, zoom, multi-column and auto scroll feature
⭐ Integrated players: YouTube-, video- and audio-player with A-B loop, drum machine as well as a metronome
⭐ Full-screen mode, ‘dark’ mode, history, print, …
⭐ Organize songs in a set list
Connect bandmates during rehearsals and performances
Import, export, synchronization, share with friends
⭐ Online editor, viewer and importer
⭐ Highly customizable appearance

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