smartChord V11.17

⭐⭐⭐ s.mart Ear Trainer released ⭐⭐⭐

▫ Helps you to develop your musical ear in a playful and effective way
◾ Intervals: Learn the intervals from perfect unison (P1) to double octave (P15)
◾ Notes: Learn to distinguish all notes
◾ Chords: Learn to recognize and distinguish chords
◾ Scales: Learn to recognize and distinguish scales
◾ Scale degrees: Learn to differentiate between the scale degrees

▫ Answer the questions on a
◾ Fretboard: Use the instrument, tuning and range of your choice
◾ Piano
◾ Textual list

▫ Most effective training mode

▫ Shows correct answer on mistake or timeout

▫ Freely selectable octave range

▫ Choose from 100 instruments for the sound

▫ Option to play chords harmonically, melodically or randomly

▫ Option to play scales ascending, descending, in both orders or randomly

▫ Option to play chord and scales slow medium or fast

▫ Option to define a reference note to guide you

▫ Option for acoustical feedback to indicate whether the answer was right or wrong

▫ Full-screen mode to use the entire screen to play your games

▫ Possibility to cheat (however, is visible in the statistics)

▫ Comfortable chord selection possibility e.g. from your songs or chord progressions

▫ Comfortable scale selection possibility

▫ Statistics to check your training progress or to identify the chords or notes you have to focus on (tables, charts and distributions)

▫ Share your quizzes with your friends, other musicians or students

▫ Synchronize Ear Trainer quizzes between your devices

▫ Keep notes in the notepad for each quiz

▫ Supports all other relevant smartChord features (e.g. color scheme, left handed fretboard or Solfège)

📖 Documentation

Fretboard Trainer:
▫ Option to play chords harmonically, melodically or randomly
▫ Option to play scales ascending, descending, in both orders or randomly
▫ Option to play chord and scales slow medium or fast
▫ Option to define a reference note to guide you

🐞 Chord pad could be empty and that was irritating

✔ A lot of other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Colin Coutts, Dave Murray, Erasmus Hossenphepher, Fabian Hidalgo, Javi Rivas, Laura Grammegna and Scott Schiffer for their contribution to this version

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smartChord V11.16

⭐ s.mart Ear Trainer ⭐

▫ Still a pre-release version for subscribers and UNLIMITED customers

▫ Teaches you to recognize intervals with the input modules ‘Fretboard’ or ‘Text’

▫ From perfect unison (P1) to double octave (P15)

▫ Other improvements for notes, chords and scales

✔ Scale Name, Fretboard Trainer, Ear-Trainer, Chord Pad, Chord Progression:
▫ Add multiple chords at once by entering the chord names

✔ General sound settings: Possibility to select the instrument sound for counting in

✔ Other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Andrés López, Asaf Schurr, Austin Geraci, David Grivette, Dirk Brundelius, Hans Sta, Jackson Fernando, Jeffrey C. Pina, Jeremy Sherlock, Lothar Roh, Nico Rieske, Renato A. Trujillo Quiroz, Ulco Kleinhout and Vito Piscitelli for their contribution to this version

Continue ReadingsmartChord V11.16

smartChord V11.15

⭐ s.mart Ear Trainer ⭐

▫ In a pre-release version for subscribers and UNLIMITED customers

▫ Teaches you to recognize intervals, notes, chords and scales in a playful and effective way

▫ Different input modules: Fretboard, Piano or Text

▫ Statistics to check your training progress or to identify the chords or notes you have to focus on

▫ Share your quizzes with your friends, other musicians or students

▫ Menu item to link your quizzes within the notepad

▫ Synchronize Ear Trainer quizzes

▫ Option for full-screen mode

📖 Documentation:

✔ Fretboard Trainer:

▫ Option for full-screen mode

▫ Possibility to answer quizzes ‘Identify chord’ and ‘Identify scale’ by piano

▫ Possibility to answer quizzes ‘Identify note’ with a notes list

📖 Diverse forms of song presentation

🐞 Click on toolbar caused crash on some devices

✔ Other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Andrés López, Austin Geraci, Dirk Brundelius, Jackson Fernando, John W Farquhar, Julian Haas, Laura Grammegna, Nico Rieske, Renato A. Trujillo Quiroz, Ulco Kleinhout and Vito Piscitelli for their contribution to this version

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smartChord V11.14

⭐ Songbook

◾ The songbook editor lets you merge chords, lyrics, and TAB lines into longer lines, which can then be adjusted to break at a specified line width

◾ Ideal for optimizing screen space usage

◾ Especially useful in columns mode

📖 Documentation:

✔ Set list/Songbook: Option to change the scroll duration. It’s the time to scroll up or down when using your pedal or MIDI device

✔ Option to export to a folder of your choice, allowing you to easily access it using your preferred method

📖 Documentation:

✔ Chord details: Chord inversion overview

✔ Other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Alberto Torres Gutiérrez, Benno Schoppel, Burkhard Brodda, Derek Lichter and Thomas Just for their contribution to this version

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Band-Special 2024

We reward your passion for music

Rock together, save together! Equip your band with s.mart UNLIMITED and benefit from our exclusive offer.

With s.mart UNLIMITED you have all the tools you need for your music – whether on stage, in the rehearsal room, when jamming or practicing or even when songwriting.

smartChord is your musical companion:

  • Perfect for the stage: Plan your gigs with the set list, access lyrics and chords and impress your audience.
  • Pure creativity: Write your own songs with the songwriter, discover new chords and scales and let your creativity run wild.
  • Practice makes perfect: Improve your skills with the fretboard, ear, speed and pattern trainer.
  • Always in sync: Share your setlists and songs with your band members.

Buy at least two s.mart UNLIMITED licenses by the end of the year and get more for free!

It’s that simple:

  1. Buy at least two s.mart UNLIMITED licenses in November or December 2024
  2. Send the order IDs (e.g. GPA.1234-1234-1234-12345) of your orders to
  3. Add a link to your band’s homepage to your email and we’ll add it you to the list of bands using smartChord
  4. Receive your voucher code(s) for the free s.mart UNLIMITED license(s)

Get it now and sound even better together!

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smartChord V11.13

⭐ Chord inversion overview:

◾ Provides a quick reference to all chord inversions for each chord type

◾ Chord inversions allow you to add tonal variety, create smoother transitions and unlock new textures

📖 Documentation

🐞 Timer didn’t stop

✔ Other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Alpesh Gondaliya and Shaun Campbell for their contribution to this version

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smartChord V11.12.1

✔ GoogleDrive: automatic login if the user has not logged out

🐞 Songbook: Replace chord (enter fingering)

✔ Other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Dylan Pendrigh, Gerardo Rinaldi, Scott Belcher and John Syke for their contribution to this version

Continue ReadingsmartChord V11.12.1

smartChord V11.12

⭐⭐⭐ GoogleDrive ⭐⭐⭐

◾ Access is significantly faster, only takes place via a restricted scope (‘drive.file’) and takes place according to current specifications. This results in:

▫ Restricted and granular access to files and folders

▫ Improved data protection and security

▫ User-friendliness and compatibility

▫ Reduced risk of access to sensitive data

▫ No need to use a browser for login, also on Chromebook

▫ Also works smoothly on Chromebook

📖 Documentation

✔ A lot of improvements in embedding the cloud

✔ Android 15 compatibility

✔ Option to save the latest backup also in a folder of your choice, allowing you to easily back it up using your preferred method
📖 Documentation

🐞 Chord name: Usage in landscape mode
🐞 Not all checkboxes were clearly visible for every theme

✔ Other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Axel Klag, Matt Busikool, Scott Noroozi, Sergei Nikiforov, Simon Brotherton, Uwe Gieseke and Victoria Dunfee for their contribution to this version

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smartChord V11.11

Chord name for Piano

▫ Option to switch between the piano and a stringed instrument

▫ Get the name for every possible chord

▫ Shows the notes, missing optional notes, and the intervals for a selected chord

▫ Piano uses the color scheme binding for a selected chord

▫ Open ‘Chord detail’ for the selected chord

▫ Open ‘Arpeggio’ for the selected chord

▫ Add a chord type to the favorites

▫ Add a chord to the chord progression

▫ Add a chord to the playground

▫ Create a custom chord if you prefer a different name

▫ Handle to resize the piano

▫ Option to activate the sound of the piano

📖 Documentation

Songbook with extended Song Structure support:

▫ Each section starts with a heading and ends with a blank line or another section

▫ Blank lines between the heading and the first lyrics or chords line are part of the section

📖 Documentation


◾ Change the instrument, tuning or capo

◾ Support for tunings with capo

Songbook song search: song detection for Chordie improved

Synchronize: Better overview through the ability to expand and collapse the categories of items to be synchronized

✔ Other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Alwin Brauns, Darryl Brooks, Eric Damien, Michael Gleß and Tobias Flint-Bozeman for their contribution to this version

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smartChord V11.10


◾ Song Structure support:
▫ Define the sections of your song with simple headings
▫ Allows notation with square brackets: [Verse] [Chorus] …
▫ Allows notation with colon behind the heading: Verse: Chorus: …
▫ Each section starts with a heading and ends with a blank line or another section
▫ Section headings are shown in bold
▫ A section is colored as a block according to your Songbook color scheme
▫ Option to map song section header names to the songbook color scheme
📖 Documentation

◾ Emphasize individual words:
▫ Bold: surround it with double asterisks (*). ▫ Italics: surround it with a tilde and an asterisk (~).
▫ Underline: surround it with an underline and an asterisk (_*).
▫ You can also combine Italics and Underline with Bold
📖 Documentation

◾ New directive {new_page}
▫ It forces a new page to be generated when a song is printed
▫ Songbook editor menu supports this directive
▫ Reference:
📖 Documentation

◾ Songbook editor:
▫ The ChordPro-Multiline-transformation also transforms sections: e.g. {start_of_verse:Verse 1} <-> Verse 1:
▫ Toolbar for quick insertion of the chords and sections of the song and frequently used characters like bracket pairs [] and {}
▫ Toolbar can be disabled in the settings
📖 Documentation

◾ Option in ‘Lyrics’ mode that activates a proportional font to improve readability and enhance aesthetics
📖 Documentation

✔ Metronome: Buttons to increase and decrease the tempo in steps of 5 and 10 BPM

✔ Other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Darryl Brooks, Gian Müller, Ken Cowie, Michael Fischer, Michele De Pascalis, Mike Ellis, Milan Kofron and Paul Aussem for their contribution to this version

Continue ReadingsmartChord V11.10

smartChord V11.9

⭐ Songbook

◾ The songbook editor allows you to combine short chord, lyrics, and TAB lines into longer lines

◾ Internet song search: combines short chord, lyrics, and TAB lines from ultimate-guitar into longer lines

◾ The songbook editor lets you transform chord and lyric lines into either ChordPro or Multiline format

Option for page-by-page scrolling: Either a full page is scrolled, or a portion of the current page remains visible for better orientation

✔ Other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Felipe Scherer, Henk Oostrom, Jon Hoekstra, Michael Fischer and Thomas Just for their contribution to this version

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smartChord V11.8

⭐ Set List:
◾ Possibility to maintain these properties also for PDFs and images:
▫ Album
▫ Arranger
▫ Composer
▫ Copyright
▫ Dance
▫ Duration
▫ Genre
▫ Key
▫ Lyricist
▫ Tags
▫ Tempo
▫ Time signature
▫ Tuning
▫ Year
◾ Possibility to edit these songs’ properties directly in the Set List
◾ Option to customize, which information is visible for songs, PDFs and images
◾ Option to disable the swipe gesture to switch between the entries
◾ Possibility to replace an entry
◾ Shows the duration of the break

⭐ Songbook data maintenance
◾ Automatic maintenance:
▫ Add Key: automatically defines the key of your songs, provided the key isn’t defined already
▫ Repair Key: automatically replaces the key if the Key Identifier determines a different key

Editor: Pinch gesture to change the font size

Fretboard Trainer: Shows the correct answer after a timeout

✔ Other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Dirk Brundelius, Mike Ellis, Peter Smith , Philibob Gossimer and Vittorio Bernardini for their contribution to this version

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smartChord V11.7

Songbook data maintenance

◾ Comfortable way to edit multiple songs at once:
▫ Album
▫ Arranger
▫ Composer
▫ Copyright
▫ Dance
▫ Genre
▫ Key
▫ Lyricist
▫ Tags
▫ Tempo
▫ Time signature
▫ Year
▫ Youtube

Automatic maintenance:
▫ Attach audio: automatically links your songs to an audio file on your device, provided the song doesn’t already have a link and the names are the same
▫ Attach video: automatically links your songs to an video file on your device, provided the song doesn’t already have a link and the names are the same
▫ Repair audio: automatically replaces links in your songs to non-existing audio files, if there is a another audio file, which can be automatically attached
▫ Repair video: automatically replaces links in your songs to non-existing video files, if there is a another video file, which can be automatically attached

🕮 Documentation Songbook data maintenance

🕮 New documentation: Settings

🐞 Songbook ‘Intelligent line break‘: Workaround for Android changes. On some devices, the length of the text line does not fit exactly

❀ Special thanks to Lars Janzik, Matto Monte, Paul Schoonderwoerd and Thomas Just for their contribution to this version

Continue ReadingsmartChord V11.7

smartChord V11.6

⭐ Set List

◾ Scrolling PDF and images:
▫ Auto-scroll works for PDF and images, for which a duration has been specified
▫ Option to activate auto-scroll for PDF and images
▫ ‘Start’ button to start the auto-scroller if the option is not active

◾ Improved image viewer:
▫ Images are zoomable and movable
▫ Scrolling by fingers, Bluetooth or MIDI devices
▫ Double tap to fit into screen

◾❗ Behaviour change: The toolbar of the Songbook remains displayed if it is pinned and no full screen mode is active

✔ New documentation:
Chord progression overview
How to use chord progressions

🐞 Set List PDF viewer scrolling pages for some PDFs

✔ Other improvements and fixes

❀ Special thanks to Frits Boogaarts, Gerrit Horeis, Manuel Almonacid, Marcos Perico Lospalotes, Michelle Croissant and Steve Clerckx for their contribution to this version

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